North Stand Development: Have your say

I filled it in. But why has the club not e mailed all supporters in the family stand to ask their views? They are the ones most likely to be affected by the new development.

Until the club have made their final decisions on everything that affects every aspect of the new North stand, there is no point in the club contacting the fans.

The club is probably waiting on the fan questionnaire and the final meeting with the fan representatives before making their final decisions on the North stand. Once those final decisions have been made the club will probably present those final decisions to the fans, and maybe then the club might seek feedback from the fans, or maybe the club won’t?
In my comments at the end I stressed having a very long relocation period for ST holders as seat swapping will get very messy. I also mentioned ditching the hospitality area as this wrecks the atmosphere (see the middle of L2 in the south stand) and also keep the prices reasonable.
Unfortunately the club has never listened to comments about inappropriate hospitality areas or ticket pricing in the past.
I filled it in. But why has the club not e mailed all supporters in the family stand to ask their views? They are the ones most likely to be affected by the new development.
Probably the same reason they didn't email those displaced by the Tunnel Club or those displaced (priced out) when they created Joe's and 93:20. - They don't actually care.
I filled it in. But why has the club not e mailed all supporters in the family stand to ask their views? They are the ones most likely to be affected by the new development.
The club have done a range of things:

- Drop in centre at the stadium where fans could leave feedback
- I think they did some survey to all fans for their views on NS development
- Small scale Q&As with sample groups

We (1894) think the club should consult every season card holder in the NS to get their views (hence question 17 in the survey).

As part of this survey, we can filter the results down to season card holders in the North Stand and present their views vs the wider fanbase.

This is the biggest opportunity we will ever have to improve the atmosphere, so it is right that fans everywhere can have their say, too, though. My personal opinion is that someone's match day experience can be improved over time (if the development affects them). If we miss this opportunity to improve the atmosphere, we won't get a second chance.
In my comments at the end I stressed having a very long relocation period for ST holders as seat swapping will get very messy. I also mentioned ditching the hospitality area as this wrecks the atmosphere (see the middle of L2 in the south stand) and also keep the prices reasonable.
Unfortunately the club has never listened to comments about inappropriate hospitality areas or ticket pricing in the past.
Great points. They are reflected by the majority of fans who've filled in the survey.

I understand your concerns about whether the club will listen, or not. They have invited 1894/OSC/CM to the table though, so that's promising. Let's see what they do.
Probably the same reason they didn't email those displaced by the Tunnel Club or those displaced (priced out) when they created Joe's and 93:20. - They don't actually care.
Is there any more hospitality planned for East level 2 at the North Stand End like Joe's and 93:20, feel we've only 2 seasons left and all level 2 will become hospitality especially after seeing what the prices for Kits Bar are
Is there any more hospitality planned for East level 2 at the North Stand End like Joe's and 93:20, feel we've only 2 seasons left and all level 2 will become hospitality especially after seeing what the prices for Kits Bar are
The club can't (or won't) accept the simple concept that a hospitality gap on any level separates potential singing areas and dampens the atmosphere. The gap containing away fans doesn't dampen the atmosphere as fans on both sides of the away fans are usually indulging in a bit of banter (or bantz if you are a semi-literate fuckwit).
Your fears may be well-founded if the club are convinced the new North Stand will be a hotbed of noise, but I get the feeling that many of City's more enthusiastic fans will prefer to be close to the away fans unless the club price them out. ST and match-day pricing will be crucial if we are to benefit from potential new fans.
Until the club have made their final decisions on everything that affects every aspect of the new North stand, there is no point in the club contacting the fans.

The club is probably waiting on the fan questionnaire and the final meeting with the fan representatives before making their final decisions on the North stand. Once those final decisions have been made the club will probably present those final decisions to the fans, and maybe then the club might seek feedback from the fans, or maybe the club won’t?

At this stage it will be fait acompli. much the same as the ‘consultations’ with regards to the badge change. make the design and work backwards.

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