North Stand Expansion

I'm certainly cynical because of what I see the club doing in terms of tickets. It's clear they're selling to tout sites by the number of random "fans" who are at away games and groups of tickets that emerge on certain sites despite being shown as "sold out" on City's website.

However, this project is about increasing our revenues. There's no doubt about that.

But I also remember the club issuing a lot of cheap season tickets in SSL3 when it was launched. The club can definitely do both with this project. The hotel, the new shop, the museum, the epic sky bar/sky walk/suites will all bring in vastly more revenue than we currently get. And I'm hopeful that will help offset ticket prices to make this home end work successfully.

However, the buck stops at the fans. We're quick to make excuses.

The issue with the current atmosphere is because of having separate groups of people and the fact they can't hear each other. The Cup games prove it. SSL1 come out feeling like they've outsung the opposition. The rest of the ground has only heard the away fans. So get all the singers in one stand, under a roof and it will be so much better than it currently is.

But a lot of people have already expressed that they don't want to move in any case. They'd rather stay where they are.

So the club can't really do much. They can sell a load of cheap tickets and make it attractive as a home end. But I'm not sure that's going to get people to move from next to the away fans where they have the banter and think they're doing a good job of making noise.

It only needs 3,000 at the back of the NSL2 under the roof to make things 10x better. We'd be good in every game then. It would be like an away following cheerleading the rest of the ground. Exactly what we need.
Well said @supercity88 and @HelloCity really good comments and you are so spot on with what you are saying. As a club, we are doing amazing but @HelloCity with right his spider sense.

We need to ask the club why we can't speak to them directly @Alex - City Matters does an amazing job but instead of having a go on here we should be able to speak to the club, there is not even an email to speak to them
So the club can't really do much. They can sell a load of cheap tickets and make it attractive as a home end. But I'm not sure that's going to get people to move from next to the away fans where they have the banter and think they're doing a good job of making noise.

It only needs 3,000 at the back of the NSL2 under the roof to make things 10x better. We'd be good in every game then. It would be like an away following cheerleading the rest of the ground. Exactly what we need.
Loads of people moved out of the kippax corner and SS1 into ss3 because of the price. It just need to be affordable and have safe standing and that would make a big difference in my opinion.

Most people in ss1 aren’t there because of the away fans, it’s only the two blocks either side.
I’ve seen this a few times and can’t get my head around it.

The fact there are some, let’s say untypical city fans at away games suggests tickets are being bought through channels other than from the Club directly.

But the suggestion is that the club is actively facilitating these sales and I just don’t see the motivation.

Is there enough money involved in selling a handful of tickets on to agencies to justify a business the size of City dedicating any level of internal resources to it?

I think there’s definitely an argument for the club to be doing more to stop it happening, but I’m struggling to make the jump to the club actively driving it / benefiting financially from it.
City make no money selling away tickets to your average Joe, selling 300 tickets at £330 makes them £90,000.
You are so spot on here!

@Didsbury Dave came up with a brilliant suggestion of setting up a group of people on here about the North Stand and demanding a meeting with Danny Wilson and these nameless execs who destroying what could have been.....

If this does not work, then we contact the journalist to start to get them to ask questions because all we getting at the moment is soundbites

@HelloCity I totally agree with what you said above
I'm speechless, which is just as well, as I'd be facing a ban if I'd actually articulated what's going through my head right now.
I’ve seen this a few times and can’t get my head around it.

The fact there are some, let’s say untypical city fans at away games suggests tickets are being bought through channels other than from the Club directly.

But the suggestion is that the club is actively facilitating these sales and I just don’t see the motivation.

Is there enough money involved in selling a handful of tickets on to agencies to justify a business the size of City dedicating any level of internal resources to it?

I think there’s definitely an argument for the club to be doing more to stop it happening, but I’m struggling to make the jump to the club actively driving it / benefiting financially from it.
It's absolute nonsense to suggest the Club are selling to ticket tout sites.
Its definitely happening, you see it at any away game, its ridiculous at some of the bigger away. We just don't know to what level and what City are making from it.
As per previous comment, it’s clear tickets are being bought off agency sites, but it’s a bigger leap to suggest City are actively facilitating it.

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