Norwich VS city post match thread

Again, bony wasnt great but he did what was asked. He got fuck all service today. Not a single cross in to him. Pllers should have hooked silva, painful to watch.
Jeez where do I start

Pellers needs shooting for not playing Kelchi. He has more skill in his little toe than Bony. What does Bony do exactly. Why is he in the team?

What has happened to Raheem? He is certainly not the player we signed from Liverpool. He may track back but Pellers has "coached" his attacking trait out of him in favour of passing sideways or backwards.
The full backs offer nothing at all.
The midfield the same
Aguero tries to score a worldly every time when a simple pass to a colleague in space will do.

I think more than 2 or 3 players are needed when Pep arrives.

Now where's my blood pressure pills.
well off and nothing is going to change until next season its down to the board for keeping pellegrini in the job knowing he is a dead man walking
he is going to leave us out of the top 4 that's is the plan and the way things are going united could finnish higher than us and they are a joke. how can you play like today vs a very poor Norwich side and they looked the better team we just did not want it there was nothing up front no movement no plans no running off the ball NOTHING

but the only thing is we are safe from the drop hahahhaha I can take it this is Manchester city fighting for the title and won the league cup and still in the champions league wake me up
No he didn't, at all. He did a lot of perfectly acceptable layoffs from fucking shite passes & lost the ball no more often than anyone else.

It's absolutely clear, that there is no plan whatsoever. Bony is a player who should be laying the ball off, playing one twos, central on the edge of & inside the box. If nobody has any instruction to pass, cross or basically do fucking anything whatsoever with him, WHY THE FUCK is he on the pitch ? WHY ?

We know how Bony plays, he's ripped us to fucking shreds doing it. So we signed him surely, to enable us to do something different, not be a shit version of Silva ?

What were the instructions given to him or Navas or the fullbacks or any **** on the fucking pitch that would make it a good thing having Bony up front? Was ANYONE at any time, looking to fire crosses at him ? WHY FUCKING NOT ? What else is he for ? Why are they trying to cross low, to fucking nobody ?

Did Pellegrini just pick him to make a **** out of him ?

We have about 10 players who would all be better than Bony, in the role Pellegrini is asking him to play. He has no purpose in this setup.

Pellegrini is a fucking terrible manager who is getting away with murder.
Thats all that needed to be said
Shit quite frankly, cant wait to see the back of this poor system they play. There were clear opportunities for fernando to run on from a pass in midfield at defence and he just stopped dead to pass sideways. Players should have the freedom to play with initiative when the chance comes, not stop dead as tho it's out of their "zone" as such. Grrrrrrr
I'd like to bring up an interesting point here, if Pellegrini has given up like many allude to then he isn't the upstanding professional gentleman we all thought he was. He signed a 3 year contract to begin with, he initially set his stall out for those 3 years and even with this sharp decline, the board will keep faith with him. The one year contract extension was PR, Manuel was always gonna be here for 3 years and he surely knew that.

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