Norwich VS city post match thread

It's the not the fault of the players. They have lost belief and can't muster the enthusiasm. If Pellegrini came out with some strategy that gave the team a chance you'd see a resurgence in the players. At the moment they must feel like they're banging their heads against a brick wall.
We failed to beat the team with the second worst defence in the division just as as we failed away from home against the team with the worst defence.
It was shite, and the happy clappy clowns can all fuck off. That was abysmal. Oh, and it was also piss poor in case I haven't made myself clear.
It's the same old same old,play well for a season when a new manager comes in then become complacent,we don't want to end up like the fucking rags with entitlement but we do deserve better it's pathetic..
We were far too slow in the final third. The amount of times Navas, Sagna and Silva passed between themselves rather than put in an early ball...
Problem is half the time there was nobody to cross to and even when there was 1 or 2 there were 6 or 7 Norwich players there to stop the ball getting to them.
That may be the case but we were no better after the changes.

Expecting Sterling and Nacho to wave magic wands about when they come on is laughable.

They should have started , instead this clown in charge knocks any confidence that they may have, he's treated Sterling and Nacho abysmally in my opinion, Starting Sterling at Anfield was a joke with the pressure on him, not starting him against Villa and Norwich today is a joke, ditto Nacho.
Starting Bony is fucking laughable.

He's a fucking clown.

Weird feeling watching City recently- never felt like this before but I couldn't give a fuck what happens this season, having to endure another 10 games of his predictable dog shit football just doesn't do it, I for one won't be cheering this charlatan at his final home game-fucking poor average manager out of his depth in this league.

Good fucking riddance.
It's the same old same old,play well for a season when a new manager comes in then become complacent,we don't want to end up like the fucking rags with entitlement but we do deserve better it's pathetic..
It baffles me that NO ONE HAS TAKEN ACTIONS!? Why arent we sacking him already? risk top 4 for a Quarter Final loss to Bayern or Barca? well thats just idiotic thinking...
We didn't win 6-1 at Norwich in a lunchtime game four seasons ago then? Must be my memory playing tricks.
Was that weekend ruined?

Yeah mate, four years ago! My point is not to be taken literally. I'm thinking out loud. Can't remember the last time we won one.

Obviously a 6-1 city win would not ruin my weekend. Picking holes for the sake of it.
Expecting Sterling and Nacho to wave magic wands about when they come on is laughable.

They should have started , instead this clown in charge knocks any confidence that they may have, he's treated Sterling and Nacho abysmally in my opinion, Starting Sterling at Anfield was a joke with the pressure on him, not starting him against Villa and Norwich today is a joke, ditto Nacho.
Starting Bony is fucking laughable.

He's a fucking clown.

Weird feeling watching City recently- never felt like this before but I couldn't give a fuck what happens this season, having to endure another 10 games of his predictable dog shit football just doesn't do it, I for one won't be cheering this charlatan at his final home game-fucking poor average manager out of his depth in this league.

Good fucking riddance.

I won't be either. I will be waving him off. Good fucking riddance indeed.

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