
No money for hoods and buttons mate, times were hard in them days
Christ!....You were that impoverished you couldn't think could have swapped crown bottle caps for buttons (assuming your father was alcoholic) and an old duffle bag for a hood,(usually found under hedges stuffed full of porn featuring sailors)
Dogs being everywhere, people just used to let them out. And they were all mongrels and would fight and form big wandering packs at some points in the year.
Dog shite everywhere, nothing funnier that watching someone do the dance to wipe the dog turd off their shoes, especially if they had a deep tread but when it happened to you, you wanted to identify the culprit and get the bastard castrated.
Youth Clubs
Toc h they were called round my way. No idea why.
Where we were taught to smoke and swear by the bigger boys.
And looking back, how to avoid getting changed for boxing in front of the slightly Pervy bloke who ran it.

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