Not remembering how you got home/drunken stories

Drinking absynth in prague, me and my mate woke up on the floor in the hostel with cuts, bruises and a black eye. We pieced together the evening and presumed we must of got into a fight with people on the way home. When our mates got out of bed we found out we had been fighting each other and were thrown out of the room for being cunts! To this day we remember nothing
I have done many, many silly regrettable (and sometimes disgusting!) things after/during a night out.

The only one I'm sharing for now is when I and my workmates had our Christmas Do in Town (Royales I think it was?), I decided to get the minibus back to Stockport (where I worked), and walk home to Wythenshawe - via the hard shoulder of the M60 - Cue a police stop, and lift back to Sharston (as they wouldn't take me home) and a bollocking.
Was in a pub with my mates, pretty drunk obviously. Went for a piss, blacked out and woke up at a house party somewhere with a bowl on my lap. All my money had gone and I knew not a single person there.
the night before my first bluemoon meet I woke up without my phone, keys, wallet etc. found my keys still in the front door, my wallet in the bush outside and my phone face down on the path outside.

I was in a right state, anyway I got up, showered, didn't eat a single thing, went to manchester to meet TCIB and got smashed again. Feed the goat ended up having to get me water.

On the way home, smashed, I met my current mrs whilst on the train. Fuck knows what I said to her but it worked.
Kun Aguero said:
Woke up in bed with another man and a obese girl, apparently we decided to "chat the fatty up" in our drunken state.
I'm worried about you.
I have three.

The first I went to visit friends at Durham uni, last thing I remember was taking pictures of two random girls exploring each others tonsils and then arguing with a bloke from Zimbabwe about his racism. I woke up in the wrong building at my friend's halls of residence, lying in front of the door of a random flat. No keys, wallet or phone. Walked back to the car and the interior, along with said wallet, keys and phone were covered in my own vomit. Turns out we'd got back to the halls whereby i'd demanded to sleep in the car, promptly thrown up in it and all over myself and tired unsuccessfukky to find my way back to his flat. It was my mum's car but thankfully a convertible so we drove back with the roof down to get rid of the smell and got it valeted before she found out.

Another time I was staying at a friends in Leeds after a night out. True to form i'd demanded to stay till it closed so he went home. I tried to walk back to his by taking a shortcut through Hyde park. Walked totally the wrong way and ended up climbing through people's back gardens until I found the road I was meant to be on, then in my hammered state walked the wrong way down it and ended up back in Leeds city centre in daylight. I got on a bus and looped around until my mate answered his phone so I could get in.

At a carnage night at uni, no idea what happened during the night but woke up in some bushes in a park at 8 the next morning, covered in mud and a lot of blood. My carnage tshirt had been turned into a croptop so I had to walk back to halls looking like a right bell. Apparently i'd gotten in a fight with some bloke who wouldnt leave the girls alone and the blood from his nose was all over my shirt, then legged it, no clue what happened between then and waking up in the Bush.

I've done my fair share of pissing in people's houses, but the best was a bloke once pissed and shat on a friend's Xbox at some point in the night.
Not exactly on script from the OP title, but along those lines.

Went out for last orders last night @ 10:30. 3 pints of Guinness later I get back home at just befor 12:30. Put the key in the door but missus had put latch on so I couldn't actually open the door. Anyway I decided to ring the home phone but after 40 minutes of trying no-one woke up to let me in. So none of the 4 people in the house, my wife and 3 daughters, heard the phone nor me knocking on the door.

About 1:15 I gave up and ended up sleeping in the car. Woke up at 4am, cold and needing a piss so tried the phone again and this time she heard it and let me in.

Not happy and feel like crap this morning.
Woke up in my own bed.......but the room was filled with flashing orange lights like a scene from a Sci fi movie Kept blinking on and off, on and off

eventually found out that I'd come home from Rowntrees (Spring gardens if any one remembers it) on the bus carrying some warning lights that they place around roadworks and slung them under the bed.

walked into the front room to find a large letter G that i had obtained from the local petrol station (god knows how). I knew this as it proudly displayed that it was an 'ARAGE' for months afterwards.

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