Obama - The Big Issue........

We probably see it from different sides Buzzer but I agree with a lot of what you write. The average person is going to lose everything if you dont start planning now for a complete collapse of the currency, ie start putting cash into something that holds its value like gold/silver or pretty much any other commodity you can name...and food supplies. The US is deliberately destroying the currency which will take the Euro and the Pound down with it and they will repay thier debt to the Chinese with the equivalent of toilet paper. The USD will lose its reserve status with the IMF and we'll move towards a basket of currencies mostly weighted by the Chinese RMB and possibly gold/silver as becoming the worlds currency..and yes we are likely to end up the Chinese B**tches so take a look at thier living standard and if you dont like it do what you have to do now to avoid it or get used to it.
Sun Jihai's ghost said:
We probably see it from different sides Buzzer but I agree with a lot of what you write. The average person is going to lose everything if you dont start planning now for a complete collapse of the currency, ie start putting cash into something that holds its value like gold/silver or pretty much any other commodity you can name...and food supplies. The US is deliberately destroying the currency which will take the Euro and the Pound down with it and they will repay thier debt to the Chinese with the equivalent of toilet paper. The USD will lose its reserve status with the IMF and we'll move towards a basket of currencies mostly weighted by the Chinese RMB and possibly gold/silver as becoming the worlds currency..and yes we are likely to end up the Chinese B**tches so take a look at thier living standard and if you dont like it do what you have to do now to avoid it or get used to it.

Good points mate but have'nt the Govt./fedreserve/AGENDA
already plundered the Gold reserve in America, basicaly the peoples Gold?
There is a good chance the US government will move to confiscate it. There is a pretty sizeable proportion of the US population (stackers) who have zero faith in fiat currency, ordinary people who see that the government is working for the financial elite and NWO, these people have probably already made deals with China for
buzzer1 said:
Sun Jihai's ghost said:
We probably see it from different sides Buzzer but I agree with a lot of what you write. The average person is going to lose everything if you dont start planning now for a complete collapse of the currency, ie start putting cash into something that holds its value like gold/silver or pretty much any other commodity you can name...and food supplies. The US is deliberately destroying the currency which will take the Euro and the Pound down with it and they will repay thier debt to the Chinese with the equivalent of toilet paper. The USD will lose its reserve status with the IMF and we'll move towards a basket of currencies mostly weighted by the Chinese RMB and possibly gold/silver as becoming the worlds currency..and yes we are likely to end up the Chinese B**tches so take a look at thier living standard and if you dont like it do what you have to do now to avoid it or get used to it.

Good points mate but have'nt the Govt./fedreserve/AGENDA
already plundered the Gold reserve in America, basicaly the peoples Gold?

NO they dont hold much anymore. they trade in paper gold (ie the stuff that doesnt exist), the financial elites have been surpressing real money (ie: gold, silver) for years by shorting the f_ck out of it so the average person gets shafted and shaken back into fiat currencies. Its possible (do a google search on silver confiscation) that the government will move to bring in confiscation laws to make it illegal for the average citizen to own gold and silver as a store of wealth when the dollar falls off a cliff. There are a lot of people in the US that mistrust the government and have zero faith in fiat currencies and would rather own anything but fiat currency, despite the ignorant remarks by the likes of Tuertsboots these people are ordinary folk who are preparing themselves for what I guess you would call a NWO.

I agree with you on that the Rothschilds and financial elites will have already have made thier deals, the US administration will screw the average american and those in power will have already have already done a deal with China for power sharing arrangements.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
No i wrote that wrong he hasnt taken the right steps to address it and America has now started to think copying Britain may be a good idea for them to cut there debt. Obamas idea to cut the debt was to spend and increase production and therefore GDP but it has failed massivly and they are way more in the shit than before. Im no expert in this, its just what i read. No 1 is blaming Obama for the debt it would be like blaming Cameron for our debt but they are blaming him for not getting to grips with it, which is funnily enough the exact opposite argument as we have in this country

Where do you get this nonsense? Oh well, at least you warned us all that you have no idea what you are talking about and are simply regurgitating BS from somewhere else!<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:29 pm --<br /><br />
Sun Jihai's ghost said:
We probably see it from different sides Buzzer but I agree with a lot of what you write. The average person is going to lose everything if you dont start planning now for a complete collapse of the currency, ie start putting cash into something that holds its value like gold/silver or pretty much any other commodity you can name...and food supplies. The US is deliberately destroying the currency which will take the Euro and the Pound down with it and they will repay thier debt to the Chinese with the equivalent of toilet paper. The USD will lose its reserve status with the IMF and we'll move towards a basket of currencies mostly weighted by the Chinese RMB and possibly gold/silver as becoming the worlds currency..and yes we are likely to end up the Chinese B**tches so take a look at thier living standard and if you dont like it do what you have to do now to avoid it or get used to it.

Don't hold your breath, mate!
Sun Jihai's ghost said:
There is a good chance the US government will move to confiscate it. There is a pretty sizeable proportion of the US population (stackers) who have zero faith in fiat currency, ordinary people who see that the government is working for the financial elite and NWO, these people have probably already made deals with China for
buzzer1 said:
Good points mate but have'nt the Govt./fedreserve/AGENDA
already plundered the Gold reserve in America, basicaly the peoples Gold?

NO they dont hold much anymore. they trade in paper gold (ie the stuff that doesnt exist), the financial elites have been surpressing real money (ie: gold, silver) for years by shorting the f_ck out of it so the average person gets shafted and shaken back into fiat currencies. Its possible (do a google search on silver confiscation) that the government will move to bring in confiscation laws to make it illegal for the average citizen to own gold and silver as a store of wealth when the dollar falls off a cliff. There are a lot of people in the US that mistrust the government and have zero faith in fiat currencies and would rather own anything but fiat currency, despite the ignorant remarks by the likes of Tuertsboots these people are ordinary folk who are preparing themselves for what I guess you would call a NWO.

I agree with you on that the Rothschilds and financial elites will have already have made thier deals, the US administration will screw the average american and those in power will have already have already done a deal with China for power sharing arrangements.

Scary shit brother eh. People need to wake the fuk up and see a massive manipulation taking place right now, instead of squabling over Liberal/Tory and Labour with a hint of the usual and anual BNP debate,see what is really going on and it does not matter who is in Power, they are just placement puppets just as in the Media,it is all to keep us minnions busy and actualy think that we are free. The Media too have things sewn up from top to bottom and just luck how easy it is with them banging a load of rags/sky 4 in diffrent placements, from Radio 5 to talkshite onto Match of the effin day, thats how easy it is to control events and if you like brainwash a nation. Unbelievable Geoff.
Haha some of you on here are beyond a joke! Kids who think they're smart because they've got a politics degree and their left wing teachers and lecturers have been spoonfeeding them utter ideological garbage since secondary school and brainwashed them.

Every time Bigga posts I picture this guy:


Skashion sounds like he's copied and pasted every post from his dissertation.

And then mat tops it off with: "it's coz Obama is black"

You could not make this shit up. I'm going to bed now, night.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Haha some of you on here are beyond a joke! Kids who think they're smart because they've got a politics degree and their left wing teachers and lecturers have been spoonfeeding them utter ideological garbage since secondary school and brainwashed them.

Every time Bigga posts I picture this guy:


Skashion sounds like he's copied and pasted every post from his dissertation.

And then mat tops it off with: "it's coz Obama is black"

You could not make this shit up. I'm going to bed now, night.
Clubber said:

Didn't see this posted.

Trump seems such a modest, nice fella. Think he would get on well with Alan Sugar...........

.............As the pair are both jumped up little twats who would sell their grannies arse for a box of Tampons.
Trump is a bombastic clown. The left have had its share of bombastic clowns (whom the media gave respect and actually took seriously) now the right has a carnival barker.

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