Offical Election thread

Sorry your'e contradicting yourself a bit there. You say take a look at Greece. Well these wholesale riots are due to drum roll Savage Cuts.

I don't and never had denied that cuts will be made whoever is in charge but there are cuts and there are Savage Cuts. The former is what Labour and the LibDems have proposed, the latter is all that can be considered by a party claiming to reduce the defecit quicker while not increasing taxes. There simply is NO OTHER WAY.

All parties have commited to cutting waste, their simply is not enough waste to recoup what is required. The fiscal studies group (independant of all parties) even said so.

Don't think there is any contradiction. I'm not talking about riots in Greece I'm talking about the fact they spent themselves into oblivion and are far worse than us so lets learn that lesson before we end up rioting because of savage cuts due to more labour borrowing.

By the way I'm not trying to be an expert just the way I see it.

So regardless of the jobs tax. which again business leaders have actually said will be counter productive. Brown would have to borrow to keep spending at current rates. and that will take us to the same stage as Greece
bluemoonmatt said:
de niro said:
who the fuck cares about anyone else, i dont, if they want the same as me they have work for it, get off their fucking fat lazy cadging arse and work for a change.

Fuck me, are all the mods here fucking tories ;) I'll have to go out before I get banned.

Nice chatting to you all.

I think he's just on the WUM mate.
bluemoonmatt said:
de niro said:
who the fuck cares about anyone else, i dont, if they want the same as me they have work for it, get off their fucking fat lazy cadging arse and work for a change.

Fuck me, are all the mods here fucking tories ;) I'll have to go out before I get banned.

Nice chatting to you all.
no no, ric is a proper commie:)
PJMCC1UK said:
sorry but thats tosh. It is never going to be like that. If hospitals face cuts it's in wasting money. And even Labour will have to do it. the scare mongering is not going to work. Labour failed face it. times are changing for the good if the Tories are given the reigns.
Based on what? Where who what why? Don't make ridiculous statements without backing them up? Go on what would Tories have done differently? Why will they be better? There is nothing to suggest they will.

The Tory attitude, is " i'm ok, that's all that matters, i dont give a fuck about anyone else."
BlueSam said:

i liked you in your previous films and posts on this forum, but in this thread I don't agree with you at all and your posts are just selfish and childish.

lol nice try sam.
nothing childish about having to work 7 days a week, every week for 2 years to climb though the recession, telling 3 staff they no longer have jobs, having my wife bail me out every time funds so low i could'nt get by.
i did though pay all my bills, every penny went elsewhere.
then the labour party not content with how they have bancrupt the country bring more and more stealth taxes out. they are thieves and liars, worse of all the scum that is gordon brown hasn't got the dignity to hold his hands up and accept that the people will take no more.
Daviesmcfc said:
PJMCC1UK said:
sorry but thats tosh. It is never going to be like that. If hospitals face cuts it's in wasting money. And even Labour will have to do it. the scare mongering is not going to work. Labour failed face it. times are changing for the good if the Tories are given the reigns.
Based on what? Where who what why? Don't make ridiculous statements without backing them up? Go on what would Tories have done differently? Why will they be better? There is nothing to suggest they will.

The Tory attitude, is " i'm ok, that's all that matters, i dont give a fuck about anyone else."

AKA 'Survival of the fittest'.
Daviesmcfc said:
PJMCC1UK said:
sorry but thats tosh. It is never going to be like that. If hospitals face cuts it's in wasting money. And even Labour will have to do it. the scare mongering is not going to work. Labour failed face it. times are changing for the good if the Tories are given the reigns.
Based on what? Where who what why? Don't make ridiculous statements without backing them up? Go on what would Tories have done differently? Why will they be better? There is nothing to suggest they will.

The Tory attitude, is " i'm ok, that's all that matters, i dont give a fuck about anyone else."

Think I've outlined that bit mate i.e. implementing cuts in waste now rather than borrowing more and taxing more which doesn't encourage business to grow which leads us into a worse state of affairs.

I take it you'd vote in a donkey as long as it wore a red rosette? just a joke. ;)

I've heard all this stuff off labour supporters though. Even the night before polling. Even though they disagree on a lot of labour things they still vote for them because they dislike tories. It puts me off labour more and more.
PJMCC1UK said:
Daviesmcfc said:
Based on what? Where who what why? Don't make ridiculous statements without backing them up? Go on what would Tories have done differently? Why will they be better? There is nothing to suggest they will.

The Tory attitude, is " i'm ok, that's all that matters, i dont give a fuck about anyone else."

Think I've outlined that bit mate i.e. implementing cuts in waste now rather than borrowing more and taxing more which doesn't encourage business to grow which leads us into a worse state of affairs.

I take it you'd vote in a donkey as long as it wore a red rosette? just a joke. ;)

I've heard all this stuff off labour supporters though. Even the night before polling. Even though they disagree on a lot of labour things they still vote for them because they dislike tories. It puts me off labour more and more.
I dislike Labour. They are awful.
But the tories are ten times worse.
How do we know yet? times are different from the last period of Tory rule.

I was a kid then so won't pretend I know how things were but everything I read and see barring the insults points to getting the country out of debt and increasing financial stability. Not this I'm alright jack.

I'll agree they aren't perfect but doubt I'll see the party I want to truly vote for in my life time.
For me Labour are far worse than the Tories. Spend now think later.

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