Official Bluemoon Fantasy League

salfordblues said:
Blue Smarties said:
exileindevon said:
i posted this on the andy carroll thread.

ive been waiting for this.i swooped as soon as it was confirmed.a very shrewed move on my behalf methinks.tevez torres and carroll up front.what can possibly go wrong.
I have Tevez, Torres and RVP. I think I might get rid of Torres for Podolski, not too sure though?

Seems pretty expensive, the rest of your team must be weakened by the cost of your forward line.
Not considerably, imo.

Blue Smarties said:
salfordblues said:
Blue Smarties said:
I have Tevez, Torres and RVP. I think I might get rid of Torres for Podolski, not too sure though?

Seems pretty expensive, the rest of your team must be weakened by the cost of your forward line.
Not considerably, imo.


That is one scary attack...
Blue Smarties said:
salfordblues said:
Blue Smarties said:
I have Tevez, Torres and RVP. I think I might get rid of Torres for Podolski, not too sure though?

Seems pretty expensive, the rest of your team must be weakened by the cost of your forward line.
Not considerably, imo.


Very very dangerous front 7, have you wildcarded?

I'm guessing your bench isn't too pretty.
citykev28 said:
Just signed by first ever red dipper in Joe Allen. I feel quite dirty.

Any reason you chose him mate? I've just dropped him and used my wildcard to restructure my team...
He's been giving decent performances for Liverpool but it hasn't translated into points. 6 points in 3 games is not good at all, which is not to say he will get better (points-wise) in the future..
sincity said:
citykev28 said:
Just signed by first ever red dipper in Joe Allen. I feel quite dirty.

Any reason you chose him mate? I've just dropped him and used my wildcard to restructure my team...
He's been giving decent performances for Liverpool but it hasn't translated into points. 6 points in 3 games is not good at all, which is not to say he will get better (points-wise) in the future..

You often get that with some players such as Allen, Suarez, Modric and even Britton. Good players who can have great games but yet it isn't reflected in their fantasy score.
salfordblues said:
Blue Smarties said:
salfordblues said:
Seems pretty expensive, the rest of your team must be weakened by the cost of your forward line.
Not considerably, imo.


Very very dangerous front 7, have you wildcarded?

I'm guessing your bench isn't too pretty.

Am I missing something here? Why is Van Pussy in your team, I thought it had a "No Rags Rule"! Apologies if wrong.
BOMBER7967 said:
salfordblues said:
Blue Smarties said:
Not considerably, imo.


Very very dangerous front 7, have you wildcarded?

I'm guessing your bench isn't too pretty.

Am I missing something here? Why is Van Pussy in your team, I thought it had a "No Rags Rule"! Apologies if wrong.

The "rule" was lifted two years ago I think. The problem with it is that people play several fantasy leagues on FPL often for fair sums of money. They want to win these other leagues aswell, however it can be very difficult to keep up with your competitors if you discount one of the top sides.

There are many who still stick to this rule and fair play to them. Each to his own.

kabuverdimcfc said:
Does anybody already created Bluemoon Fantasy Champions League?

If Ric doesn't mind, I'll create one.
I feel dirty putting rags in my team - so I just dont - not as imperative as having Rooney/Berbatov to get the points in like the hatrick session that was last season as there is plenty of goal scoring forwards

Up to 8th! Its a marathon not a sprint boys!

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