Official "Changes To Seasoncards" Thread

Shaelumstash said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
it just isn't, look at the bloody points.
Think about it!!! Say you had to buy credits to buy something from my shop, and say a pound was 10 credits. I only sell Mars bars and they cost 10 credits each. If the week after I said it's now a pound for 20 credits and a Mars bar is now 20 credits, are you really getting double the credits for your pound?!

£1 for a mars bar , you robbing bastard
Shaelumstash said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Shaelumstash said:
Think about it!!! Say you had to buy credits to buy something from my shop, and say a pound was 10 credits. I only sell Mars bars and they cost 10 credits each. If the week after I said it's now a pound for 20 credits and a Mars bar is now 20 credits, are you really getting double the credits for your pound?!

Rubbish and incorrect analogy.

gold is same level of points for league games as last year, Platinum is double that level of points for £50 extra.
Yes, but if every fucker who actually goes to away's get's the Platinum (which nearly all of them will) then you are not getting double are you because everyone else is getting the same!! 10 credits or 20 credits, it's still a Mars bar!

no, you are getting double but everybody else is getting double.

if there's a 2 for 1 in Tesco and you buy it then you are buying 2, not 1. If everyone around you buys that offer they also get 2, not 1.

Just because everybody did the same thing doesn't mean you didn't get more than you would have done without the offer.
foley87 said:
those whinging about the platinum and paying the extra 50quid are in my eyes those that dont go to away games and think they are entitled to cup final tickets cause theyve had a season ticket for a few years.

half the season is played away from coms aswell dont they know
Utter bullshit of a post oh huge fan. I go to numerous aways and went to every cup game played in this country last year. What I object to is being railroaded into paying an extra £50 so that I don't get overtaken by someone who's got half the points I have got because Cook has decided to dish out points like confetti, 600 points for joining cup schemes when I have had to go to 30 aways to recieve that many or 100 for getting a fuckin programme!!! just because they have decided to bribe people with loyalty points so they can get an extra 50 sheets out of them and disguise the near £100 extra I have to pay next year.
Haven't read all the posts so this may already be there.
If more than half the season card holders pay the extra £50 for some bonus points, this will be the benchmark for next seasons price rise.
That said I am going to pay it, not to get ahead of people in the points list but to keep up.
I'm just going for a value seasoncard again same as this year. Not too bothered about away games as much as I used to and the ones that I want to go to that I can't get a ticket to I will just get a ticket in the home end wherever possible and keep my mouth shut.
Anyone know whether they're is k waiting list for new season ticket holders? Mate of mine wants one.
I went to a couple of aways last season, took my lad who has a season ticket. I remember getting tickets for Newcastle away and he didn't qualify in his own right for tickets off loyalty points when I got the tickets but they processed it as the 3 adults going all qualified. Again with the fa cup final some leniency was shown by the club holding back a certain number of tickets whereby if the adult qualified they could also get a junior ticket regardless of points.

Will this still happen next season or will the junior have to qualify in their own right?

The thing is I suspect most Will go for platinum membership which means a junior on platinum membership wont really gain in the pecking order yet if you can get a junior a ticket with a qualifying adult is there much point on getting a junior a platinum membership?

£50 is quite a price jump on a junior ticket.<br /><br />-- Thu May 19, 2011 9:34 pm --<br /><br />
Richard said:
Anyone know whether they're is k waiting list for new season ticket holders? Mate of mine wants one.

Hey mate think they sold out last season there will be a list which your mate will have to add their name to so after renewals have taken place packs will ne sent out to those on the waiting list.

I don't know how many are on that list though.
spidermanc said:
I went to a couple of aways last season, took my lad who has a season ticket. I remember getting tickets for Newcastle away and he didn't qualify in his own right for tickets off loyalty points when I got the tickets but they processed it as the 3 adults going all qualified. Again with the fa cup final some leniency was shown by the club holding back a certain number of tickets whereby if the adult qualified they could also get a junior ticket regardless of points.

Will this still happen next season or will the junior have to qualify in their own right?

The thing is I suspect most Will go for platinum membership which means a junior on platinum membership wont really gain in the pecking order yet if you can get a junior a ticket with a qualifying adult is there much point on getting a junior a platinum membership?

£50 is quite a price jump on a junior ticket.

Very good question, so far unanswered by the club. I have the same dilemma with my two kids. Definitely going platinum myself, undecided what to do for them.
Might sound like a stupid question but how do i get onto the waiting list?

Not had a seasonticket since 2007 and have never had to buy it myself

Any info would be much appreciated!

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