Official - City end interest in Eto'o [merged]

Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

His agent could be just reading out a statement from Eto'o explaining to the fans why he is going and to thank them for his time at the club. Thats happened on numerous occasions in the past.

Or he could announce his intention to stay ;)
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

I will drop my pants outside Primark if Eto'o has signed by Friday. If you think he won't sign, what's your forfeit?
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

if you see my post a few pages back if ETO says he wants to leave, no loyalty payment from Barca, its 100% nailed on he like most big stars have a clause.

if he says i want to stay etc then he will get both loyalty payment and a signing on fee form us.

the guy is massivley financially motivated, not to line his own pockets but for some charity he runs in africa. the more money he can make then better for this.

plus inter have thrown a spanner in the works!
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

ReVoRolla said:
its very odd .... why would a player hold a press conference at all if he was staying or going.
Well, Robinho did something like this last summer several times though.

I definitely believe it's off now, unless Man City announced something today. If that is a done deal, I dont think they'll allow a player's agent to speak before they confirm it.
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

Well, City are in a pretty precarious position now...if it turns out that he's going to stay at Barca we are going to look very bad. The perception will be that we failed, and Cook in particular, is going to be in for some abuse both from the press and the fans...

We would be wise to pre-empt this "press conference" tomorrow with our own statement. Better to get your retaliation in first and all that...
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

Ilovemaineroad said:
Hi Everyone,

Been reading the quotes on this site over the last few days and just registered and wanted to say Hi and get involved!

I am a season ticket holder at COMS and love all the talk of Eto, Tevez etc!.

For what its worth I have a positive outlook on Eto'o and think like most he will be on board by end of the week latest. I am basing that on the fact that I also believe we cant afford another "Kaka" episode!......surely not again!


I loved maine road too, welcome blue

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