Official - City end interest in Eto'o [merged]

Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

kinky's underpants said:
A friend of mine works at Charles de Gaulle airport and has just told me that Eto'o and his family are due to land there on Air France flight AF67 at 16:38.
Not being over optomistic that he will sign but at least now he is back on the right side of the world for us to get this business sorted one way or the other and very soon.

I've not read of any airport shennanigans on here for quite a while so I find this post quite refreshing. If anyone else has tales of footballers in airports then I'm sure this is the place to reveal all.
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

Kinky by name said:
kinky's underpants said:
Only relaying what have been told, and the guy that told me has no axe to grind with any club in the EPL (he is French). All I do know s the flight mentioned was from LAX and with him having been reported as being in NY with some of his family then the connection does seem viable.

3000 miles apart... give or take

2443 to be exact!!! but still a little more doable than the 5805 to Younde

smart arse
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

neil jung said:
Can any Spanish speakers translate this Eto'o story properly, especially this last section. Online translations don't give a proper sense of whether it's speculation or something stronger:
Será nuevo jugador del United

Lo titulamos en su momento, Barça o United. Así debe ser, es la decisión más importante de su vida deportiva. Debe seguir en la élite, jugar la Champions y meter goles. Demostrar su ira en cada partido y luchar por ser el mejor. Así lo escribí y así lo pienso, debe olvidarse de que el Barça no reciba ni un euro, sentirse querido por una afición que le echará de menos. Es historia viva del barcelonismo, como Ronaldinho por más que la noche le confundiera, como Laporta y Rosell, como Ingla y Soriano, como Rijkaard y Guardiola.

Ir a City es empezar de cero, llenarse de millones pero caer de la élite. Acaba de golear en la final de Roma, 44 goles, 7 asistencias a sus espaldas en 60 partidos. No tira faltas, es horrible en los penaltis. Cristiano Ronaldo, 26 goles, 10 asistencias en 58 partidos con goles de penalti y falta. Una diferencia abismal en goles en juego entre uno y otro. Ese es el cómputo de ambos en todos sus partidos de la temporada 08/09, selección incluida. Uno vale 96 millones de euros, el otro saldrá por la puerta de atrás. Juegan en la misma posición, de ‘9’, así ha sido durante la pasada temporada. Eto’o debe tomar una decisión, la deportiva; en la humana todo su entorno sabe que tarde o temprano se va a quedar sin nada, lo que tiene lo da. Samu, no te equivoques.

Samu ha entendido que debe irse. Le ha dado luz verde al Barça. Espera noticias del club. No irá al City, ha entendido el párrafo anterior, ese era mi mensaje. El martes - miércoles de la semana pasada estaba en París, hoy está en Camerún. El futuro de los niños de su fundación que juegan en el Barça iba ligado con su futuro. Todos querían irse con él, le adoran. No pueden jugar en Inglaterra, el Barça es el mejor lugar para ellos. Samu entiende que el Barça se ha volcado con ellos y con su fundación. Por detalles como este, Samu olvidará que acaba contrato la próxima temporada, dejará que Laporta negocie un traspaso que dejará en las arcas del club 30-35 millones. El jugador pretende ganar lo mismo que en el Barça. Siempre ha pagado el 43% a la Hacienda española, no habrá problemas en adaptar su sueldo neto en Inglaterra. Vuelve la dupla Cole - York, serán Eto’o – Berbatov con Roonie en banda haciendo la diagonal y Owen en la recámara. Será del United. En Can Barça llorarán su marcha, los habrá mejores pero no tan importantes...
Here it is, in the future just type in spanish (or any other language) english translation on google.

Will be new player of the United

It holders in its moment, Barça or United. Thus should be, is the most important decision of its sports life. It should continue in the elite, to play the Champions and to put goals. Showing its ira in each party and to fight for being the best. Thus I wrote it and thus I think it, should be forgot that the Barça receive not neither a euro, to be felt wanted by a fondness that will miss him. It is alive history of the barcelonismo, like Ronaldinho no matter how more the night him to confuse, as Laporta and Rosell, as Ingla and Soriano, as Rijkaard and piggy bank.

Going to City is to start from scratch, to be filled of millions but to fall of the elite. It has just beaten in the end of Rome, 44 goals, 7 assistances to its backs in 60 parties. Does not it throw lacks, is horrible in the penalties. Christian Ronaldo, 26 goals, 10 assistances in 58 parties with goals of penalty and lack. A vast difference in goals in play between one and another. That it is the computation of both in all its parties of the season 08/09, selection included. One is worth 96 million euro, the other will leave for the back door. They play in the same position, of '9', thus has been during it passed season. Eto' or a decision should make, the sports one; in the human all its environment knows that sooner or later is going to remain without nothing, what has gives it. Samu, you do not mistake.

Samu has understood that should be gone. It has given green light to the Barça. Expects news of the club. It will not go to the City, has understood the previous paragraph, that was my message. Tuesday - Wednesday of last week was in Paris, today is in Cameroon. The future of the children of its foundation that play in the Barça went tied with its future. All they wanted to be gone with him, they worship him. They cannot play in England, the Barça is the best place for them. Samu understands that the Barça has been overturned with them and with its foundation. By details as this, Samu will forget that finishes contract the next season, will leave that Laporta negotiate a transfer that will leave in the chests of the club 30-35 million. The player intends to win the same thing that in the Barça. Always it has paid the 43% to the Spanish Estate, he there will not be problems in adapting his net salary in England. He returns the double one he Strain - York, they will be Eto' or – Berbatov with Roonie in band doing the diagonal and Owen in the bedroom. Will be of the United. In Can Barça will cry its march, there will be them better but not so important...
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

keemcfc said:
Here it is, in the future just type in spanish (or any other language) english translation on google.

Will be new player of the United

It holders in its moment, Barça or United. Thus should be, is the most important decision of its sports life. It should continue in the elite, to play the Champions and to put goals. Showing its ira in each party and to fight for being the best. Thus I wrote it and thus I think it, should be forgot that the Barça receive not neither a euro, to be felt wanted by a fondness that will miss him. It is alive history of the barcelonismo, like Ronaldinho no matter how more the night him to confuse, as Laporta and Rosell, as Ingla and Soriano, as Rijkaard and piggy bank.

Going to City is to start from scratch, to be filled of millions but to fall of the elite. It has just beaten in the end of Rome, 44 goals, 7 assistances to its backs in 60 parties. Does not it throw lacks, is horrible in the penalties. Christian Ronaldo, 26 goals, 10 assistances in 58 parties with goals of penalty and lack. A vast difference in goals in play between one and another. That it is the computation of both in all its parties of the season 08/09, selection included. One is worth 96 million euro, the other will leave for the back door. They play in the same position, of '9', thus has been during it passed season. Eto' or a decision should make, the sports one; in the human all its environment knows that sooner or later is going to remain without nothing, what has gives it. Samu, you do not mistake.

Samu has understood that should be gone. It has given green light to the Barça. Expects news of the club. It will not go to the City, has understood the previous paragraph, that was my message. Tuesday - Wednesday of last week was in Paris, today is in Cameroon. The future of the children of its foundation that play in the Barça went tied with its future. All they wanted to be gone with him, they worship him. They cannot play in England, the Barça is the best place for them. Samu understands that the Barça has been overturned with them and with its foundation. By details as this, Samu will forget that finishes contract the next season, will leave that Laporta negotiate a transfer that will leave in the chests of the club 30-35 million. The player intends to win the same thing that in the Barça. Always it has paid the 43% to the Spanish Estate, he there will not be problems in adapting his net salary in England. He returns the double one he Strain - York, they will be Eto' or – Berbatov with Roonie in band doing the diagonal and Owen in the bedroom. Will be of the United. In Can Barça will cry its march, there will be them better but not so important...
I did translate it but it's hard to tell from an online translator whether the author is a respected voice predicting that Eto'o is going to United or is just some random blogger speculating.
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

Looks like they are just rehashing the English reports about United being affter him, but its just not their style... For me it'll still be us or Barca...
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

just heard from my ITK source at the swamp that United are having talks with Thierry Henry about a potential move.

I doubt barca would want to lose both players so i personally think city need to tie this eto'o deal up sooner rather than later.

Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

El Mundo Deportivo (<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>) says Villa has spoken with the Valencia president and has stated that he wants to join Barcelona. This would seemingly sugest that Eto'o is on his way. Same paper says Barca also want Ribery or Fabregas, if Fabregas was signed then Iniesta would move to the left wing so hopefully that would put an end to the Robinho rumours.
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

Mark Samarloam said:
just heard from my ITK source at the swamp that United are having talks with Thierry Henry about a potential move.

I doubt barca would want to lose both players so i personally think city need to tie this eto'o deal up sooner rather than later.


Did somebody push you off your chair as you signed off?
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

I just cannot see him signing for us......

despite what his agent says....champs league football is important to him.

I wouldnt be suprised to see him take less wages to go somewhere like chelski or utd as they can offer him champs league and they are established at the very top (and it will be still a lot more than he is on at barca)

Eto'o doesnt come across as the type of person who would want to be part of a project...he wants the glamour and adulation now..not in a few years time when we might get there.

If another team do go for him...he will go there....and i think someone will go for milan (who are reportedly after fabiano), utd, chelski would all want him and there is no reason why they wont go for him....Imn ot falling for this line that neither chelski or utd wont pay his wages

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