Official site videos

CityTV is the only thing I use the website for. The rest of it is uninformative or easily found on anything else. The videos are acting up for me too (sometimes work but not the same quality as previously, are jerky like those BBC News live webcam interviews, or don't work full stop) so at the moment I'm not using the website for anything at all.
CityReg said:
People from the site do read this forum. One of the video guys just tweeted about video playback problems quoting this thread.

Got a link? I can't see it.
unplayable at the moment - started a few weeks ago during preseason - extended highlights are unwatchable...jumps and it almost misses 5 frames a second. horrible.

come city web team you've done a stellar job up till now. lets sort this out!
I've had this too. For a while I couldn't watch any videos on full screen either. Clicking the button didn't do anything. That issue is sorted now but I've tried opening the videos in another tab and still get the same jerky video. The option to go full screen when I open in another tab doesn't work either.
Watched the extended highlights of Everton getting off to a winning start this season on EFCtv. Forget who they were playing, but the quality was right. Smooth movement just as we had last season. Watched the Five Comebacks on the MCFC OS just now and it's crap, jerking, sound stopping and beginning again. Woeful!
Re: Official site video's

Wolfy said:
It's absolutely fine on my desktop PC, but my lesser specced laptop (Still, a 2 HT-core i7) struggles with it. I think it's the player itself rather than connection speeds. It's just not very optimised by the looks of things.. Or it's Flash itself. Tried having flash only run on the speedier nvidia card, but it's exactly the same so I'm leaning towards the player.

It could be a recent graphics driver update though. Not tried rolling back yet.


I have just been on the OS to check if there are any improvements. The latest, (QPR Highlights was still choppy so I stopped it by closing the window. Now my pc has crashed and it's gone into CHKDSK mode.


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