Get onto BBC there's a video with Hughes on that an Hughes clearly states he was talking about bellers. Disgrace.
Where's Ric's comment gone? He's posted a reply to someone that was the top post on this page & its just disappeared! Has he banned himself?
Re: Battenburg: Likes And Doesn't Like Our Players. S/H Chat...

Tricky_Trev said:
I don't know what the overall opinion is on Bluemoon this evening, as i've only just logged on, but i for one am proud of the lads today. Before the game, i would have accepted nothing less than a win. But did you see the officials today??? They are a disgrace. This game is the best evidence yet that there is an agenda against us. The game is corrupt. There are tonnes of people out there that don't want us to achieve anything, and they'll do whatever it takes to ensure they get their way. For us to come back from a goal down 3 times takes a lot of courage and guts. If any of you have not seen the performance by the officials today, i urge you to watch MOTD. We have absolutely everyone and everything against us. To go on a 13 match unbeaten run in these circumstances is nothing short of miraculous. I am starting to lose my love for football now to be honest. The game is bent. Well done on getting a draw today lads. They wanted us to get nothing. They failed.

I'm not usually the paranoid kind but I totally agree with this
the officiating today was either totally inept or pre-planned.
Freestyler said:
It seems like theirs an element of truth in this. i personally would expect the club to report the officials to the F.A ASAP, if its true then its a fuckin disgrace.

They should definately report the officials but Hughes will end up the one having to apologise about his post match comments
- I thought he came across well - his work withthe media is very good

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

FA Watch represents football fans of all English League clubs who are worried that the Football Association (FA) as an organisation are either unable or unwilling to police the laws of the game in a fair, objective and consistent manner.

FA Watch is committed to highlighting specific examples of such perceived bias wh...ere clubs and players do not appear to have been treated by the FA in a fair and objective manner.

This will be solely in relation to incidents of violent conduct and goal celebrations where referees and subsequently the FA's own Regulatory Commission have dealt with incidents inconsistent with what would normally be expected.

FA Watch will monitor games in the Premier League from now on and invite the Football Association to take action in appropriate cases where it seems the authorities may be reluctant to act.

The campaign will hopefully over time collect evidence that will either prove or disprove the notion that the Big 4 clubs are treated in a way different to other Premier League clubs.

In the meantime FA Watch has written to the Secretary to the Regulatory Commission drawing their attention to incidents.

We have invited their comments, which will be published in due course at: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Remember the sites purpose is to represent every club in the league, but FA Watch is most importantly dependent on your support, so hopefully with this in mind as many of you as possible will come over from time to time to see how we're doing.

Just click on the link and register your support for the campaign. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Thank you. From THE FA Watch team.

Offside goal, foul throws, dodgy tackling, shocking sending off "Bellamy doesn't dive", bad mouthing our players - so many wrong decisions and unprofessional conduct - surely the FA must address this! - "Laughable"

But were not laughing - more potential points lost!

The referee decisions today have been a big influence on this!
If Craig Bellamy doesn't want to be a figure of hate for referees he should stop telling them to fuck off at every opportunity he gets. Like Paul Dickov before him, he just can't keep his mouth shut about anything; he bitches and moans about EVERY single decision given against him. Is it really any surprise, therefore, that referees aren't his biggest fan? Perhaps if he showed the officials a bit of respect, he'd get some in return. We might all like Craig Bellamy now, but the vast majority of us thought he was an annoying, whinging little c*nt 12 months ago.

Having said that, the sending off was a disgrace. It was obviously a foul, Bellamy had everything to lose and nothing to gain by diving in that situation, and the referee couldn't possibly have seen it clearly enough to make an absolutely nailed-on 100% decision. So it does make you wonder what other factors influenced him. Yes, it leaves a very bitter taste in the mouth, but Craig Bellamy's only got himself to blame for being a marked man in the eyes of referees; much like Didier Drogba. You reap what you sow.

Finally, if the referee did make those alleged comments in the relative openness of the players' tunnel then he's a complete fucking idiot, but I'm not at all surprised that he holds such an opinion of Craig Bellamy.
Funnily enough, Bellamy laughs and jokes with refs as much as he argues with them.

Jeff Winter in his book, said he was one of his favourite players to ref.
Damocles said:
Funnily enough, Bellamy laughs and jokes with refs as much as he argues with them.

Jeff Winter in his book, said he was one of his favourite players to ref.
You're right, he does. But there's still far too much needless moaning and swearing at the referees. Unfortunately, it's just part of his make up on the pitch and he'll never be able to rein it in now.

There are two ways of looking at the sending off:
1). It was an example of a referee executing a pre-determined vendetta against a player, or
2). It was a woefully inept decision by a woefully inept referee.

Either way, it's not acceptable and Clattenburg needs to be brought to task for it. But my point still stands that I'm not as shocked as others appear to be on here that a referee might not look too kindly on Craig Bellamy for telling him to fuck off at every opportunity he gets. It's human nature.
Dubai Blue said:
Damocles said:
Funnily enough, Bellamy laughs and jokes with refs as much as he argues with them.

Jeff Winter in his book, said he was one of his favourite players to ref.
You're right, he does. But there's still far too much needless moaning and swearing at the referees. Unfortunately, it's just part of his make up on the pitch and he'll never be able to rein it in now.

There are two ways of looking at the sending off:
1). It was an example of a referee executing a pre-determined vendetta against a player, or
2). It was a woefully inept decision by a woefully inept referee.

Either way, it's not acceptable and Clattenburg needs to be brought to task for it. But my point still stands that I'm not as shocked as others appear to be on here that a referee might not look to kindly on Craig Bellamy for telling him to fuck off at every opportunity he gets. It's human nature.
They seem happy to accept it from Rooney every week.

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