older fans returning now we've won a cup

Re: older fans returning.

ManCitizens. said:
I think youve got the wrong idea pal. Im 21 now so i was also in school during our worst years with Rags winning everything. Lets face it though, if my Dad didn't take me to City when i was younger i probably wouldn't have chosen City from what i had seen on the tele etc. I suppose i could have easily deserted us when we first went down during my lifetime but i was already hooked, thanks to my Dad.

You have to understand anybody that follows a club passionately more likely than not started doing so because theyre parents/ grandparents got them into it etc (at least in my case, others may be different). Think you should be more grateful as somebody showed you the light regarding City, and i presume that somebody is within the age group your now attacking.

In 20/30 years what would you think if your future son told you that you only supported City because they became good?

This i'm only 20 and the reason I fell in love with this club is cause my parents took me to games when I was younger and I am so thankful to them for that. I love this club just as much now as I did when we were languishing in the lower divisions.
Re: older fans returning.

I hate all this talk about our fans and how many, and how good they are. All I know is the big swathe of empty seats in the main stand on Wednesday evening does not really support all the talk of glory hunters! Could not help but be disappointed as think talk is cheap, proof is in the sell outs and was not a great reflection on us as a group! The football we have seen this season is surely what we have all been waiting for!
Re: older fans returning.

I am pre 1976,does that irritate you?Somebody has wound you up the wrong way,obviously.I think you are just fretting because you weren't at Wembley in '76.Joking btw.
Re: older fans returning.

haha, im not that seriuosly bothered, i said 'personally' as an opinion. I didnt say it was fact and if no one was allowed to have an opinion then we'd all be told on what team we support, thus making the argument for or against what i said no more reasonable than what you felt annoyed you about saying who or why our supporters like our club.

I shall reiterate. It is an opinion. that doesnt mean it's fact nor does it have to be. feel free to think what i said is wrong but im not in the wrong for saying what i believe am i? work, kids, mortgages, holidays. The main topic was that it annoys me when you see people saying how they have supported us since day one yet were nowhere near us since 76 up until the takeover. I love new fans! glory hunters, whatever, their the future to any new team. i just wish people would read what i originally said, and maybe the word's 'most dedicated' was a bit too strong. I would change that to the fans who have had it the hardest within our support for the past 35 years. I shall edit it now as i can see why a few may be annoyed.
Re: older fans returning.

I don't usualy post on here in fact this is only my second post but i have to say YOU SOUND LIKE A RIGHT PRICK.
Re: older fans returning.

Vicar said:
I don't usualy post on here in fact this is only my second post but i have to say YOU SOUND LIKE A RIGHT PRICK.

i take it you didn't read what i have just put, and please, as to not sound like A RIGHT PRICK yourself, explain why you think i am? i have just noticed what i said was wrong and edited as to not annoy people, does that make a person a prick? And the very fact that there are older ones calling a younger fan counteracts their argument that' all fans are the same' as they obviously think their better than the younger one who voices his opinion. Trying to make themselves feel better because someone has said something they dont like, they then themselves turn and use the ''im a bigger fan than you'' argument. haha.
Re: older fans returning.

Ive followed city since 75/76 supported them through thin and thinner,i still go the odd game and maybe i will get to go more often when my boy is older.Id be surprised if an older fan that didnt go to many games in his teens/twentys all of a sudden becomes a regular.
Fans inthe past certainly didnt ever envisage the team we have now,but its thanks to there dedication that the owners decided to choose us.
it must be great for the young fans of today but i wouldnt change anything from our history.
Re: older fans

Ducado said:
crizack said:
Ducado said:
You have to remember that we had a huge Manchester fan base, that drifted away during the lean years, and are drifting back now.

We are not some kind of exclusive club, where only the select few can support you know, we need and no doubt welcome every supporter, be they a new one or a returning blue

That's what I mean, I'm sorry if I offend anyone but when I see a any city fan early 30's or younger, I think of all the shit they must of had. Especially those like myself who in 99, when the rags won the treble and with all the shit we got in mid high school and as a socio pressure anyway, we didn't do what cowards do and go supporting the better team. I think any city fan who was a teenager in 99 should be noticed and others to understand just how dedicated the younger generation are. More blue than the ones who supported us in the allison/mercer years? I don't know, but I do know one thing. Supporting city is a good thing.

Your talking bollocks!

Totally agree, the arrogance of youth, as George Bernard Shaw said: " Youth is wasted on the young"<br /><br />-- Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:27 pm --<br /><br />
crizack said:
reddishblue said:
Some of these young supporters may well have reasons not to able to go to every match in the future week in week out. You never know they might grow up one day and have families and not be able to for whatever reason - such as not being able to afford it/working away etc.

The main point was just how the new flux off supporters forgets that we have a big flux also of those who abandoned us in the bad years and coincidentally support us again when we win a cup.

Have you been drinking?
At your age strong ale should be avoided, take more water with it young man!

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