Oleg Shatov

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So to respond to another user you quote my comment & respond to me? Seems a sensible way of doing things.

You said those highlights were the "best highlights" of Shatov, not some mediocre crap from 3 matches - thus my video was a comparison to that; best highlights of Shatov to best highlights of De Bruyne, not my fault if Shatov can only manage a highlight reel from a couple of matches.

As others with knowledge of Russian football have posted he's been pretty average (at best) in previous years, 12 or so games of good form is not even close to comparable to many seasons of playing at a very high level. It's like claiming Vardy is as good as Ronaldo/Messi as he's been banging in as many goals as them this season.

But anyway, I'll leave you to your delusions as you don't really have any reasonable arguments, you jump off topic, ignore points & repeat the same arguments that many others have shown to be nonsense anyway.
Others with "knowledge of Russian football"? Lmao, I don't think anyone here has actually ever watched Shatov play irl, to formulate such opinon. As I said, Russian League isn't exactly mainstream so you don't have many Youtubers posting clips of players like Shatov.

The video I linked involved Shatov scoring a goal, assisting 3 goals and creating a dozen chances. If that's mediocre, then that's whatever.
Others with "knowledge of Russian football"? Lmao, I don't think anyone here has actually ever watched Shatov play irl, to formulate such opinon. As I said, Russian League isn't exactly mainstream so you don't have many Youtubers posting clips of players like Shatov.

The video I linked involved Shatov scoring a goal, assisting 3 goals and creating a dozen chances. If that's mediocre, then that's whatever.
Can't argue with your first sentence.

If most people on this Board were honest, there are probably very few posters who watch other leagues. The vast majority will get their opinion of a player from YouTube, video games, Twatter, fucking stats and obviously from the opinions of people they trust. Unfortunately for you, it appears no one values your opinion - only time will tell if you're right.

Here's another gif......

Can't argue with your first sentence.

If most people on this Board were honest, there are probably very few posters who watch other leagues. The vast majority will get their opinion of a player from YouTube, video games, Twatter, fucking stats and obviously from the opinions of people they trust. Unfortunately for you, it appears no one values your opinion - only time will tell if you're right.

Here's another gif......


I tend not to listen to WUMs on the tinterweb, its why I rarely listen to you for example. The only merit your last post has is the gif, which I like.
I can't believe I've only just found this thread.

Shit, Shite and Shatov all went out for tea.
Shit shite with all his might, right in Shatovs tea.

Thank you and goodnight.
Others with "knowledge of Russian football"? Lmao, I don't think anyone here has actually ever watched Shatov play irl, to formulate such opinon. As I said, Russian League isn't exactly mainstream so you don't have many Youtubers posting clips of players like Shatov.

The video I linked involved Shatov scoring a goal, assisting 3 goals and creating a dozen chances. If that's mediocre, then that's whatever.
And I posted a video of a player who's supposedly on an even level with him performing far better and you got upset that it covered more matches.

Feel free to compare the stats of the 2 players in question over the last few seasons to see who's been the better player (in fact don't waste your time, it's not Shatov).

Unfortunately for you, it appears no one values your opinion - only time will tell if you're right.

Nothing unfortunate about it, his opinion has nothing to back it up other than 3/4 CL games this season & 12 (?) league games - these games supposedly prove he's a better player than Sterling & as good as De Bruyne. Even when faced with overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

If there was a reasonable point of view put forward (e.g. "look how he's improved this season; could be worth keeping an eye on") rather than clearly overselling someone to an obsessive level then maybe people might take him seriously. It's to the point where it's hard to tell either way whether he actually does rate Shatov that much or he's just a large WUM & likes the attention from it. (In fact it's almost certainly the latter but I still enjoy having a debate on silly topics)
Can't argue with your first sentence.

If most people on this Board were honest, there are probably very few posters who watch other leagues. The vast majority will get their opinion of a player from YouTube, video games, Twatter, fucking stats and obviously from the opinions of people they trust. Unfortunately for you, it appears no one values your opinion - only time will tell if you're right.

Here's another gif......

And I posted a video of a player who's supposedly on an even level with him performing far better and you got upset that it covered more matches.

Feel free to compare the stats of the 2 players in question over the last few seasons to see who's been the better player (in fact don't waste your time, it's not Shatov).

Nothing unfortunate about it, his opinion has nothing to back it up other than 3/4 CL games this season & 12 (?) league games - these games supposedly prove he's a better player than Sterling & as good as De Bruyne. Even when faced with overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

If there was a reasonable point of view put forward (e.g. "look how he's improved this season; could be worth keeping an eye on") rather than clearly overselling someone to an obsessive level then maybe people might take him seriously. It's to the point where it's hard to tell either way whether he actually does rate Shatov that much or he's just a large WUM & likes the attention from it. (In fact it's almost certainly the latter but I still enjoy having a debate on silly topics)

If you actually read my history of posting about Shatov, you would find that I have always said such things about Shatov, that you are wanting me to say. In fact, I always said Shatov is the type of player that is "worth keeping an eye on" because he will be the next thing in football. I have experience in what I am talking about, you don't. I have tracked Hazard, Mata, kDB all before they turned mainstream. Yes, of course he has improved. His stats this season speaks volumes about his improvement, I don't necessarily need to say this.

I absolutely do agree about KDB being a better player than Shatov last season and season before, that's no shit. But you would find my argumentation about Shatov is all based on this season. This season, Shatov is just as good as KDB. And all fairness, it's the present that counts the most. You can't use past seasons to compare players. That's like preferring Rooney over Kane because Rooney has a better past, where as Kane hasn't been impressive pre 14/15.

I have never, I repeat, I have never said Shatov has always been a great player. His season this year, could be comparable to KDB last season at Wolfsburg actually, where it's the season transforming the player's potential into a finished product. In fact, before KDB's breakthrough Wolfsburg season, he was never seen as a "great" player. He had always showed great future potential at Genk, Bremen but he never had a finish product (such as goals), which is what Shatov was before this season. I would argue what Coutinho is currently. A player with huge potential but still can't find the finishing touch, but I know he has the killer instinct to score a lot of goals in a season. He's only managed 5 goals, 5 assists last season. Yet, anyone who watches him, knows he is much much more capable. He still hasn't matured as a talent.

Anyways, let's allow time decide. KDB highest goal tally is 10 in a season. Shatov is likely to break it if he carries this form. In all honesty, lets be fair, it's international break and not much to discuss about footy. I'd debate about Shatov lol.
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