One bad result and.....

perspective i think the word is.
at the moment were top of the league n played all of them bar arsenal away i dont think ime alone to think we can beat em all at our place.
I dont giv a shite i cant see the scum gettin 12pts out of arse,chelsea,us n spuds all away. i think theyd be lucky to get 5.
lordloverocket said:
perspective i think the word is.
at the moment were top of the league n played all of them bar arsenal away i dont think ime alone to think we can beat em all at our place.
I dont giv a shite i cant see the scum gettin 12pts out of arse,chelsea,us n spuds all away. i think theyd be lucky to get 5.

Ric said:
Didsbury Dave said:
DD said: daren't observe that anyone was below par, that anyone might have made a bad decision or that, heaven forbid, a player looked tired and may require a game's rest or you will be abused for being 'not a proper supporter', a reactionist, a pessimist or a downright lunatic.

Ten results and you might be able to say that a player 'had an off day but at least I would have taken that when stood at York in 1999.' :)

Seriously it's getting pathetic. No-one is allowed to say anything constructive anymore. No-one is allowed to question the merit of the slightest thing such as a substitution without being subjected to a barrel load of abuse.

Strangely, such comments go by unnoticed when we have won. Everyone's happy and they just put it down to part of the debating process, yet air the same opinion when we haven't won and you are accused of being hysterical.
Haha. DD nails the cancer which killed blue moon.

Whilst DD is pretty much right in a lot of what he says, talk about the "cancer which killed blue moon" is absurdly sensationalist. Poor show.

Agree - Pathetic thing to post
DD said: daren't observe that anyone was below par, that anyone might have made a bad decision or that, heaven forbid, a player looked tired and may require a game's rest or you will be abused for being 'not a proper supporter', a reactionist, a pessimist or a downright lunatic.

Ten results and you might be able to say that a player 'had an off day but at least I would have taken that when stood at York in 1999.' :)

Seriously it's getting pathetic. No-one is allowed to say anything constructive anymore. No-one is allowed to question the merit of the slightest thing such as a substitution without being subjected to a barrel load of abuse.

Strangely, such comments go by unnoticed when we have won. Everyone's happy and they just put it down to part of the debating process, yet air the same opinion when we haven't won and you are accused of being hysterical.

Spot on.
Skashion said:
Ric said:
Whilst DD is pretty much right in a lot of what he says, talk about the "cancer which killed blue moon" is absurdly sensationalist. Poor show.
Is he? News to me. When's Mourinho getting here to replace this manager that will never win a trophy and will certainly never win the league?

I will hold my hands up to that one, even went into print to apologise, but I was right about Nigel De Jong! ;)

It's still a better strike rate than Nostradamus! :)
ManCitizens. said:
Ye but according to some Silva is now shit

This is the kind of nonsensical response to which I refer.

There is absolutely no-one on here who thinks David Silva is shit, yet because someone says he has had a bad couple of games, there are people like you who plunge straight in and accuse of people of saying he is shit when they have said nothing of the sort.

Life would be a lot easier if people see things as they are written not for what their mind wants to see has been written,
4HeatonsBlue said:
Ric said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Haha. DD nails the cancer which killed blue moon.

Whilst DD is pretty much right in a lot of what he says, talk about the "cancer which killed blue moon" is absurdly sensationalist. Poor show.

Agree - Pathetic thing to post
It was 2 in the morning and I was on double figures on the beer front. I'm allowed a little artistic licence.

Ok then, it's the persistent hemmeroids which make bluemoon a naggingly irritating place at times ;-)

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