One Small Gripe About The New Stand

Haha... The point remains valid as "our" can also incorporate this planet's education system.
Some countries would rather spend $£$£$£$£ more on weapons than books.

Just saying, the young kids doing these jobs seem to lack motivation, understanding and my conclusion is it may be due to shit education and low pay.
Also, going off the way distant family members who have these kinds of jobs think - they lack motivation as they've been spoilt all their lives and don't understand the concept of hard work.
Throw a few Polish kids in there - it might do the job.

Lazy stereotype time...........they'd be pissed by half time themselves...boooommmm tttsssssshhhhhhhhhh!

Having these taps is all fine and dandy, the other issue is the person who's serving you is shit at maths, can't work out the total cost of say 5 pints, and they'll have a colleague next to them who handles the cash/till.

We distractically need a cashless system introducing were you can load cash onto your seasoncard via your debit card online.
So you'd login to add credit, and bingo you can use your seasoncard for purchases at the etihad.
It's not the payment or dispensing system I dont think. The stadium could have sold twice the volume of beer if they had their act together. We queued in City Sqaute, gave up, went inside the stadium at least 60 minutes before kick off , only 5 in the queue and took 20 minutes to be served. By then the queues (east stand) were blocking the whole concourse. Just need some training and some sense of urgency, one staff member spent 5 minutes opening a sachet of milk and sugar for folk buying coffees! Just chuck it at them and let them do it themselves ! It they were paid by the pint then I think we would see a serious improvement !!
It's not the payment or dispensing system I dont think. The stadium could have sold twice the volume of beer if they had their act together. We queued in City Sqaute, gave up, went inside the stadium at least 60 minutes before kick off , only 5 in the queue and took 20 minutes to be served. By then the queues (east stand) were blocking the whole concourse. Just need some training and some sense of urgency, one staff member spent 5 minutes opening a sachet of milk and sugar for folk buying coffees! Just chuck it at them and let them do it themselves ! It they were paid by the pint then I think we would see a serious improvement !!
Quite agree with this
How about a voucher system where you pay for your beer before the match and hand it over for your pint at half time? I had an overpriced bottle with my pie during the break from the food kiosk. I fully agree about doing something with that vast area now. It could be great.
East Stand Level 1 was a shambles on Sunday. Gave up after queuing and not moving for length of H/T. Bad outside also. Apologies if this has been brought up before but why have we never had the system where umpteen pints are prepared ready at H/T like at Wembley? Is it the case that "them upstairs" don't want us to partake too much?

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