Online PC Gaming

Mostly play league of legends atm. Got a beta key for firefall recently which is well worth a look at if you're looking for a mix of fps and mmo.

Played everything from 1.6 to wow though at some point. Anyone else waiting for or even heard of Planetside 2?.
I am Deputy Leader of a gaming guild called Unity.

We founded in 2005 in Star Wars Galaxies and played that game until it closed on 15th December 2011. In that time we became the servers premier guild on Farstar Server with our city the most active city around and we were a guild other guilds recommended for newer and returning players. We were also known for our player events we hosted.

We then moved across to Tor (Star Wars The Old Republic) mmorpg in December 2011 and had early access to it in order to set up the guild there. Alot of members from SWG moved across together there and on the Red Eclipse Server (PvE Europe Server) we created Unity as a guild on the Republic Side and Dark Unity on the Imperial Side.
We are very active in Tor but the game itself, whilst great for a storyline isn't a patch on SWG due to lack of guild and social features. But its only 6 months old so has plenty of time for updates.
I am currently level 48 (max 50) there so probably will hit level 50 this weekend and start to do dailes and hard mode flashpoints. Running a few datacron events this weekend also for lower level members.

The Guild, and myself, are also in Lord of The Rings Online on the Gilrain server and are quite active there also with weekly raids taking place.

We also have own server for minecraft, own teamspeak, youtube and facebook sites/channels so still going strong after 7 years.

Link to our website <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
hertsblue said:
I am Deputy Leader of a gaming guild called Unity.

We founded in 2005 in Star Wars Galaxies and played that game until it closed on 15th December 2011. In that time we became the servers premier guild on Farstar Server with our city the most active city around and we were a guild other guilds recommended for newer and returning players. We were also known for our player events we hosted.

We then moved across to Tor (Star Wars The Old Republic) mmorpg in December 2011 and had early access to it in order to set up the guild there. Alot of members from SWG moved across together there and on the Red Eclipse Server (PvE Europe Server) we created Unity as a guild on the Republic Side and Dark Unity on the Imperial Side.
We are very active in Tor but the game itself, whilst great for a storyline isn't a patch on SWG due to lack of guild and social features. But its only 6 months old so has plenty of time for updates.
I am currently level 48 (max 50) there so probably will hit level 50 this weekend and start to do dailes and hard mode flashpoints. Running a few datacron events this weekend also for lower level members.

The Guild, and myself, are also in Lord of The Rings Online on the Gilrain server and are quite active there also with weekly raids taking place.

We also have own server for minecraft, own teamspeak, youtube and facebook sites/channels so still going strong after 7 years.

Link to our website <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

haha i was on Farstar, guild leader of The White Wolves, we are on Hidden Bek now. Premier Rebel guild back on swg. SWTOR isnt as social till you hit 50 and start knocking out the operations etc. That when it really starts.
I have my own Warhammer 40K gaming community dedicated to Online PC gaming.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Currently waiting for Planetside 2 & Guild Wars 2 to come out, we've also done some stuff on Minecraft:


Captain Oats said:
hertsblue said:
I am Deputy Leader of a gaming guild called Unity.

We founded in 2005 in Star Wars Galaxies and played that game until it closed on 15th December 2011. In that time we became the servers premier guild on Farstar Server with our city the most active city around and we were a guild other guilds recommended for newer and returning players. We were also known for our player events we hosted.

We then moved across to Tor (Star Wars The Old Republic) mmorpg in December 2011 and had early access to it in order to set up the guild there. Alot of members from SWG moved across together there and on the Red Eclipse Server (PvE Europe Server) we created Unity as a guild on the Republic Side and Dark Unity on the Imperial Side.
We are very active in Tor but the game itself, whilst great for a storyline isn't a patch on SWG due to lack of guild and social features. But its only 6 months old so has plenty of time for updates.
I am currently level 48 (max 50) there so probably will hit level 50 this weekend and start to do dailes and hard mode flashpoints. Running a few datacron events this weekend also for lower level members.

The Guild, and myself, are also in Lord of The Rings Online on the Gilrain server and are quite active there also with weekly raids taking place.

We also have own server for minecraft, own teamspeak, youtube and facebook sites/channels so still going strong after 7 years.

Link to our website <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

haha i was on Farstar, guild leader of The White Wolves, we are on Hidden Bek now. Premier Rebel guild back on swg. SWTOR isnt as social till you hit 50 and start knocking out the operations etc. That when it really starts.

I was Ziso in SWG, Mayor of Prometheus on Lok and Unity guild. Lucky i also got name Ziso in Tor.

Done loads of flashpoints etc in Tor (nearly social IV) mostly down to helping out other members do them, but Tor feels like a MMO pushed as a MMORPG. Dont get me wrong, its quite good fun, storylines are great as is the speaking Npcs but it could easily be a console game.
the crafting is simplistic (though same as nearly every other mmorpg out there, we were just spoilt with SWG), Space combat is fun but linier, not free like in SWG and i really miss the social stuff like housing/cities (or event ships), lack of ingame social aspects ie no racetracks, fishing, storyteller items etc we had in SWG.

So far ive run cantina events, datacron runs, hide and seek events ingame and use our t/speak server for a star wars movies quiz night but miss the indepth stuff we used to be able to do in SWG.

Will hit level 50 by weekend, then the grind starts for gear so i can run ops and stuff as the turnover of level 50 players is quite high in Tor, mostly down to lack of end game content so our raid leaders and others keep quitting the game, we replace, then they leave, others take over then they leave lol.

Will try and avoid an Esseles Run this weekend though as done it so many times im starting to count Esseles not sheep when asleep :)-
hmm you seem to be having a different experience to us. we have a lot of level 50s and we do 16 man ops or flashpoints most nights. i only levelled last friday actually and i have to be honest my intrest was waining by that point. since levelling 50 i feel like theres too much to do! the game just opens up. i'd say its the opposite of lack of content.

as for space it is linear but swg didnt even have that on release. for a game so early on in its life i think its great. can only get better.

I defo spoke to Ziso on farstar, my name on that was peecee. im sure we spoke about city actually lol. Im called Nijinsky now on hidden bek, legacy name Aguero :P
In SWG, we were a mixed faction guild, so in Tor we decided to make the guild on 2 sides, Imp and Rep so members have a choice of faction. The Dark (Imperial) side is doing well with regular ops etc but for some reason, perhaps just bad luck, the rep side has a high turnover of 50's. Part of this was down to the main raid leaver moving abroad so is absent but once im 50 and work out whats what, im sure ill grab the bull by the horns and get the ops up and running, appoint a few new officers/riad leaders in the next few weeks and then manage it all.

Agree with what you say though as i posted on tor forums the other day on a thread there about a lack of Tor social stuff, that SWG didnt have it to start off with so to give it time.

Found a nice guide online called "okay im now 50, whats next" so printed that off and im sure ill be knee deep in dailies and ops by end of the weekend

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