Online PC Gaming

Evony...surprised no one has mentioned it yet. Its huge. Its all about the money but with a bit of know how you can get through with spending nothing at all. I been playing it for 4 years almost and have restarted many times usually due to quitting due to time constraints. VERY addictive...slow at the start but as you gather momentum it can be a lot of fun.
BlueMoonie said:
Tera, amazing game

I bought that game, the Europe version to be specific.

couldn't even download the game, endless errors and barely made it to 60%

decided to get a refund but they ignored me so opened PayPal claim and won the case, got my refund 2 days ago.

waiting for GW2 now...
Lets see. I'm quite the gamer, formerly console but slowly moving onto PC gaming, which started with Warcraft. I currently play in order of most to least...

World of Warcraft: Given the erroneous comments about roleplayers earlier in the thread, you might be quite surprised to learn that we're not all like that, and the wide majority of us don't go around pretending we're elves. Still, roleplay keeps me coming back to Warcraft, not to mention the friends and community you build within the game. I've just started a guild on Argent Dawn, Hordeside, that's like based on Old Horde (Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Tauren) sorta side of things. Still, I'm blabbling but just throwing it out there. Contact Kahluss.

League of Legends: Free game, addictive as hell and has quite the amount of depth and is pretty much constantly WEEKLY updated. Game is funded through micro transactions for boosts and skins for your champions. It's very competitive and unfortunately this leads to some unsavory types within the community. It's still a right laugh though, and is probably one of the most satisfying experiences in gaming when you win. It's easy to pick up and hard to master.

Star Wars: TOR: Bioware are one of my favourite companies and I loved KoTR and really love the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, but I find that this game is somewhat harder to get into. I don't know whether it's the companions, the questing areas barren of life or because it's not quite like your traditional MMORPG, but I can't quite get into it. Still, the graphical quality and customisation is top notch, as are the conversation choices.

Minecraft: I can't play this without friends, and even then I find it can become a little tedious. It's quite popular and would reccomend it to anyone who is creative.

Diablo III: I actually got this game free, as I signed upto WoW for 12 months, and I gotta say, I am very impressed with this. Play this with your mates, over skype on a hard difficulty and you'll have a fucking good time. Very few games literally let you punch a giant worms head off. Or a Giant Goat Man. Or a big fat horned demon effort. It's bloody good, if not a slight bit short.

Killing Floor: Very good wave survival game, if not bloody difficult, again, play this with your mates and shit yourself as a Fleshpound (Google it) comes up behind you and one bombs you.

Left 4 Dead 2: Valve are one of the best makers of games today, Left 4 Dead with mates on Expert, and you'll be buzzing or ripping your hair out after getting woman slapped by a zombie three times.

Portal 2: Innovative isn't the word. A welcome break from violence, and one of the only genuinely humorous games about. Stars Stephen Merchant and JK Simmons. The Multiplayer side, is a helluva lotta fun and will make you think hard about how to solve the puzzles.

Anyway, I'm a bit of a lurker on here, but if anyone is ever up for a game, throw us a message!
Been playing since the Sega Dreamcast with it's awesome online service.

Currently playing GW1 while waiting for GW2 played the beta weekends game is awesome.

Also waiting for Planetside 2, fantastic MMOFPS if it's half as good as the first.

Been playing video games since pong!
Anyone tried the new counterstrike global offensive?

I'm just downloading it on steam now, 11.99.

I used to play cs a lot up to 1.6 but never really got properly in to source. Can't wait to see how this new cs compares.
wayne71 said:
Anyone tried the new counterstrike global offensive?

I'm just downloading it on steam now, 11.99.

I used to play cs a lot up to 1.6 but never really got properly in to source. Can't wait to see how this new cs compares.

Its still the same game it always was and if i remember correctly its one hit = dead, they are making a game of thrones mmo which will be shit but i will end up buying cos im obsessed with the books/series, also an elder scrolls mmo which should be good
wayne71 said:
Anyone tried the new counterstrike global offensive?

I'm just downloading it on steam now, 11.99.

I used to play cs a lot up to 1.6 but never really got properly in to source. Can't wait to see how this new cs compares.

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