Opposition view: Liverpool

Dirty Harry said:
The only reason Liverpool fans aren't renowned for being bigger gobshites than rags is because there was no internet in the days they were very successful, if you went on holiday in North Wales in the 70's and 80's you'll know they couldn't wait to tell you about how good they were blah blah blah and were every bit as 'gobshitey' as the current day rags.

As far as the article goes, it's fair enough mostly, obviously a younger (than myself that is) fan who doesn't see our history and standing in the game beyond 30 years ago.

Doncha know footy was only invented in '92 when $ky dreamt it up.
Prestwich_Blue said:
They were fuck all until the mid-60's. We won the FA Cup 60 years before they did and a European trophy 2 years before them. To put it the other way round, how long is it before you're not a "big club" anymore? A season in the Championship would bring the deluded idiots down to earth with a big bump.

This bit also made me laugh:
Liverpool are struggling to adapt to Rodgers’s style of play.

Liverpool are struggling to play football full stop. I'll be seriously annoyed if we don't beat that shower of shite on Sunday.

I remember your blog, PB after visiting Anfield last season and you were quite complimentary towards them then. What's changed?
An awful lot of complacency here. We've won one title. Liverpool have won 5 European Cups.

This Liverpool may not be the same team, but if we go to Anfield with the same midfield that played against Soton they will eat us for breakfast. If De Jong is sold then Mancini will be fired by Christmas and Liverpool will be laughing at us.

We are vulnerable at the moment and it's all self-inflicted
So what makes a 'big club'? Twenty years ago it was simple - big crowds ment more money and thus a big club, so Us, the Rags, Everton, Liverpool, Villa, Newcastle, Arsenal, Spurs, Sunderland and one or two others were all big clubs. Nowadays with TV money from the PL and even more so the CL that link has been broken and no club, however big it's crowds can compete financially with the CL clubs unless they have a phenomenally wealthy owner. It's perfectly arguable that there are only three 'big clubs' left in England (Arsenal seemingly hobbled by their own board). Big club these days seems to mean whatever the speaker wants it to and is thus meaningless.
Marvin said:
An awful lot of complacency here. We've won one title. Liverpool have won 5 European Cups.

This Liverpool may not be the same team, but if we go to Anfield with the same midfield that played against Soton they will eat us for breakfast. If De Jong is sold then Mancini will be fired by Christmas and Liverpool will be laughing at us.

We are vulnerable at the moment and it's all self-inflicted
I dont no what planet you are on but dejong is not great player and mancini will get a replacement if he is sold
Marvin said:
An awful lot of complacency here. We've won one title. Liverpool have won 5 European Cups.

This Liverpool may not be the same team, but if we go to Anfield with the same midfield that played against Soton they will eat us for breakfast. If De Jong is sold then Mancini will be fired by Christmas and Liverpool will be laughing at us.

We are vulnerable at the moment and it's all self-inflicted

Your posts get more lugubrious by the day.
I have always disliked Liverpool,mainly because they always used to trounce us both home and away and their fans took great delight in rubbing it in.They also have the same arrogant 'We are a big club' and nobody else is based on an admittedly very succesful past winning trophies.

Their good points is they are loyal and have some wit but that was overplayed as if they were some sort of angels.Anyone who visited Anfield in the seventies and eighties knows how terrifying such visits could be for an away fan[and can still be on occasion!]

The game where i really took a loathing for them was the 2-2 draw when we were relegated under Alan Ball.When the final result came in and it was confirmed we had indeed been relegated they cheered to the rafters,when some compassion would have been appreciated.

Like the rags a few years struggling and trophy less would do them and their arrogant deluded fans the world of good.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Marvin said:
An awful lot of complacency here. We've won one title. Liverpool have won 5 European Cups.

This Liverpool may not be the same team, but if we go to Anfield with the same midfield that played against Soton they will eat us for breakfast. If De Jong is sold then Mancini will be fired by Christmas and Liverpool will be laughing at us.

We are vulnerable at the moment and it's all self-inflicted

Your posts get more lugubrious by the day.
I think bemused sums it up better. I was sad when we sold Francis but I knew we were skint . But we've just won the title for the first time in 44 years. I don't understand what's happening. We should be on the threshold of a City era especially when you see what's happening at Utd and Chelsea, but no we seem intent on throwing it all away
Carstairs said:
Liverpool have a difficult game at the weekend................football.

I'll fetch my coat.

stolen, thanks<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:32 pm --<br /><br />
Dirty Harry said:
The only reason Liverpool fans aren't renowned for being bigger gobshites than rags is because there was no internet in the days they were very successful, if you went on holiday in North Wales in the 70's and 80's you'll know they couldn't wait to tell you about how good they were blah blah blah and were every bit as 'gobshitey' as the current day rags.

As far as the article goes, it's fair enough mostly, obviously a younger (than myself that is) fan who doesn't see our history and standing in the game beyond 30 years ago.

I worked in Liverpool during the 70's..(.yes it was me.) All the time I worked there I never saw any real arrogance like we see from these Rags TW*TS, you could always find a sensible conversation in the pubs talking about football
1_barry_conlon said:
He didn't mention Shanks/boot room/Istree/Istanbul/Justice (delete as applicable) once in that blog. Are you sure he's a scouser?

shanks ! is this the same shankly who felt so let down by the directors of LFC that he ended up training with everton. they never mention that in their istree lar.
istree - funny how they airbrush heysel but garner sympathy for hillsborough.
oh and the infamous anfield roar and great european nights that the media adore so much.
and if you dare speak out negatively on RAWK about them they close the thread on you.
and the stupid ROFL icon that they use on the forum and refer to each other as redmen.
and not forgetting frantic gra and his ginger gerry adams look ;-)

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