Opposition view: Manchester United

Hung said:
There's a lot of typical pre derby nerves showing in this thread. Utd beat Leverkusen, conceding 2 goals at home along the way and suddenly they're a team to be feared again. It's bollocks. By all accounts they were shite against Palace, They lost against an enthusiastic but distinctly average Liverpool side and they drew against Chelsea who lost at home last night to a Swiss outfit.

I fully expect us to bring the 'A' game to Sunday's match, with Yaya being totally up for it and bossing the midfield, Segio ripping Ferdinands' keck's off, Negredo bullying Vidic and Fernandinho justifying his price tag. I also expect Silva (if fit) to take the piss and Jesus to rip them a new one.

We'll outplay, out sing and out fight the red c**ts.

3-1 to the blue shirted heroes.

Now this is what I tuned into to hear. Not all this doom, gloom and despondency.
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
Hung said:
There's a lot of typical pre derby nerves showing in this thread. Utd beat Leverkusen, conceding 2 goals at home along the way and suddenly they're a team to be feared again. It's bollocks. By all accounts they were shite against Palace, They lost against an enthusiastic but distinctly average Liverpool side and they drew against Chelsea who lost at home last night to a Swiss outfit.

I fully expect us to bring the 'A' game to Sunday's match, with Yaya being totally up for it and bossing the midfield, Segio ripping Ferdinands' keck's off, Negredo bullying Vidic and Fernandinho justifying his price tag. I also expect Silva (if fit) to take the piss and Jesus to rip them a new one.

We'll outplay, out sing and out fight the red c**ts.

3-1 to the blue shirted heroes.

Now this is what I tuned into to hear. Not all this doom, gloom and despondency.

positive post 3-1 is the score to have a dabble on.
Fucking board full of surrender monkeys!
Derby day is upon us FFS. Butterflies in the tummy - Check. Really looking forward to the game - Check. Hopeful we can win against them again - Check!
I don't want to hear any whiney "I fear for us" and "we'll get beat 2-0" bollocks.
Call yourself city fans - go and look at yourself in the mirror, slap yourself twice and repeat a thousand times
"Never felt more like singing the blues..........................."
I know loads of rags and not a single one of them wanted moyes when the gpc announced his retirement.
Not one of them.
2sheikhs said:
I know loads of rags and not a single one of them wanted moyes when the gpc announced his retirement.
Not one of them.
The Rags are certainly world-class at revisionist BS.
Moyes over Klopp?
Fabregas was just a diversion to steer the press away from the Rooney situation?
Januxaj is the new Ozil?
Is Zidane Clevz still at the club? If he is they've binned him without a word.

Bunch of brainless c*nts.
It's difficult to look past the front two of RVP and Rooney. There's practically 60+ goals guaranteed between them, something that I don't think any of the other teams have in the league.
Practically guaranteed 60+ goals? Tevez, Ronaldo and Rooney, didn't get 60 goals between them when playing as a front three. Practically guaranteed? Get that guy on here now I want to bet some money.
Ducado said:
To be fair the guy was on a loser straight away on here just because he is a rag, but they do have that horrible arrogance about them
I'll be fair to anyone who can acknowledge reality. Reality: It is almost impossible for two players to score 60+ league goals in a season. Ronaldo, Tevez and Rooney didn't manage it between the three of them. Cole and Yorke only scored 35 league goals combined when they won the treble. Rag view: Practically guaranteed. What a fucking numpty.

Also, he apparently had a big fear of Tevez even though this is a league game. How many goals did Tevez score versus the rags in league games? 0. Zero. Nada. How can you feel a lot more relaxed about a league game against opponents with a better record in derbies over the past three years when a player who didn't score against you has been removed?
Overall not a ridiculous assessment bearing in mind who it has come from.

Delusions of grandeur for sure though and two things in particular made me laugh.

1. A quite pathetic attempt to pretend that David Moyes is a top choice manager. I still can't stop laughing. And the fact that he put Moyes ahead of Klopp. Deary me. Why could he not have been man enough to answer the question "Were you happy with the appointment of David Moyes" by saying "Of course fucking not, I was mortified along with the other Scum supporter with more than 1 braincell".

2. Having bemoaned the dire state of their midfield for years, suddenly Fellaini has transformed all the incumbent deadwood into superstars. Anderson for fucks sake is now suddenly a great midfield option. Ridiculous.

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