OS: David Platt joins City [Merged]

Damocles said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
He was a manager. He's never even worked as a pure coach under a manager. He has no pedigree at all as a club coach. No one's employed him as a club coach for 9 years. He's won nothing and has seriously pissed off senior players at the one English club he's managed.

He WAS a manager, but they are two entirely separate positions that require completely different skills.

He has worked as a coach with the England U16, U17, U18, U19 and U21 sides when Wilkinson was manager. There is quotes from him listing him as a coach at Liverpool.

It's hard to find the information, as he has ran his own company for years and done his freelance thing.

thats a different guy mate

Platt is now the head of AFKUK a coaching education company
Prestwich_Blue said:
Kris_Musampa said:
My knowledge on Platt is limited, i was under the impression he was a blue, so hey, what do i know!

That said, you can add this to the list of "controversial" descisions made by the club in the recent past (SGE, MH, RM, Robby, Elano etc are just a few that spring to mind). That said, you gotta trust the management in their descisions.
No you haven't. That's like saying the government is always right and we should never question them.

As for your list, SGE was a proven, successful maanger and we never even thought we could get him. Hughes had a good record at a club with a limited budget and who had done better than City had. Mancini had a inters most successful coach in 30 years record as a manager (although it owed a lot to the bribery scandal), Robinho's signing was a dream come true to City fans and not one questioned it. Elano was an established Brazilian international. None of those were controversial in any way.

If we're talking about controversial decisions, we all hated the thought of Bellamy but look how he turned out yet RSC, another controversial signing, has been a flop. But Bellamy had a good, consistent record as a player so if we'd judged him on that we should have welcomed him. RSC had a patchy record so, on the basis of that, we were right to be sceptical.
great, as soon as something goes wrong this season, some people on here are just going to blame Platt, and then Mancini for appointing
Why do people say "You've got to trust the management"? Are you all lemmings are something?

In all my time supporting City i've seen innumerable shit managerial decisions and appointments.

And that includes over recent years.
rastus said:
havent read the whole thread, but why the negativity to his appointment.

Cos when he's been a pundit on our games he didn't say we were dead good, also when asked if we'd make it into the top 4 he didn't say yes which really upset some people as all pundits have to love City.

Think they're starting a petition to replace him with Stuart Hall
Ticket For Schalke said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Exactly. We knew we were getting someone who got the job because hewas someone's mate not because of his achievements. The fans weren't fooled and we're not fooled about Pratt's appointment either.

You think the club is trying to fool the fans?
Yes. Clubs try to fool their fans all the time by putting a positive spin on things. They're trying to tell us we're getting an excellent coach in the same way Lee told us we were getting a world-class manager.

We weren't then and knew it and most of us know it now.
Didsbury Dave said:
shadygiz said:
dodged the question i see

I would have had both Ferguson and Neville at City in a heartbeat at the height of their abilities.

All that matters is ability not some perceived fan insecurity.
we took tevez and they loved him. nicking baconface would push em to suicide and i would love it.
Ticket For Schalke said:
Forzacitizens said:
great, as soon as something goes wrong this season, some people on here are just going to blame Platt, and then Mancini for appointing

Which i dont mind, but untill it does, pipe down.

ok, but we should pull in the right direction, and support the team, is that ok with you?
shadygiz said:
Damocles said:
He WAS a manager, but they are two entirely separate positions that require completely different skills.

He has worked as a coach with the England U16, U17, U18, U19 and U21 sides when Wilkinson was manager. There is quotes from him listing him as a coach at Liverpool.

It's hard to find the information, as he has ran his own company for years and done his freelance thing.

thats a different guy mate

Oops sorry pal, couldn't find anything to back that up but thought "well, they aren't going to lie are they?". Didn't think that there may be two of them.

I don't get all of this stuff about Platt. Where was the outpouring of anger, and demands to see the record of Kevin Hitchcock, or Battara?

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