Oslo Bombing.

gangerolv said:
im norwegian and i can understand why this tragedy happend. it was just a matter of time that somebody from oslo couldnt take it anymore. the rasicsm in norway comes from muslims, praticularry in oslo. they own that city. and you have to live there to see how bad things are. norwegians are very proud of their country, but not oslo, cause oslo has proven to fail in their way of immigration. the politicians have brought this to themselfs, and are to blame for much what happend.

there comes a point of every man when enough is enough. im not shocked at all, it was bound to happen.
I imagine a lot of Thais feel the same way about how Pattaya has been overrun with ignorant arseholes from the West.
gangerolv said:
im norwegian and i can understand why this tragedy happend. it was just a matter of time that somebody from oslo couldnt take it anymore. the rasicsm in norway comes from muslims, praticularry in oslo. they own that city. and you have to live there to see how bad things are. norwegians are very proud of their country, but not oslo, cause oslo has proven to fail in their way of immigration. the politicians have brought this to themselfs, and are to blame for much what happend.

there comes a point of every man when enough is enough. im not shocked at all, it was bound to happen.

Is that you Anders Behring Breivik?
Yes it was an awful tragedy, a horrendous crime. But nothing we say comes close to the reality of what's happened.
This man, there is obviously something disturbingly wrong with him, nobody in their right mind would have done what he has done, and I think that's the point he wasn't in his right mind.

That said, we all have choices.

Saying it's very sad news, and prayers and thoughts are with everyone involved, victims, families, friends..and not forgetting the emergency services who were responded to both scenes. I imagine that what they saw they'll never forget.

I'm not a particularly religious person. But I always like this..


One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking
along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky flashed scenes
from his life.
For each scene, he noticed two sets
of footprints in the sand,
one belonging to him,
and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life
flashed before him,
he looked back
at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times
along the path of his life
there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened
at the very lowest
and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and
he questioned the Lord about it,
“Lord, you said that once
I decided to follow you,
you’d walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed
that during the most
troublesome times in my life,
there is only
one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why
when I needed you most,
you would leave me.”
The Lord replied,
“My son. My precious child,
I love you and
I would never leave you.
During your times
of trial and suffering,
when you see only
one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you.”
As a Norwegian City-supporter living in Oslo I would like to thank those of you who have expressed your sympathy and support in these dark hours.

People like "Gangerolv" can be found creeping around in the sewers of all Western societies. Please do not believe for a second that his sickening views are shared by Norwegians in general.
Dubai Blue said:
gangerolv said:
im norwegian and i can understand why this tragedy happend. it was just a matter of time that somebody from oslo couldnt take it anymore. the rasicsm in norway comes from muslims, praticularry in oslo. they own that city. and you have to live there to see how bad things are. norwegians are very proud of their country, but not oslo, cause oslo has proven to fail in their way of immigration. the politicians have brought this to themselfs, and are to blame for much what happend.

there comes a point of every man when enough is enough. im not shocked at all, it was bound to happen.
I imagine a lot of Thais feel the same way about how Pattaya has been overrun with ignorant arseholes from the West.

Not really, if it wasn't for the 'ignorant arseholes from the west' Pattaya would still be a sleepy fishing village.

*edit in* Rather than a large city that makes a great deal of cash for the Thai economy and puts a great deal of cash into Thai pockets.

Whilst true it does attract a lot of 'gutter tourists' the vast number that go there are well behaved and spend a decent amount of money.

I think it is you, perhaps that has shown ignorance here Dubai, nothing personal fella.

I feel for all those Norwegians that have lost relatives and/or friends in this, I have never met a Norwegian I didn't like or get on well with, lovely people.
gangerolv said:
im norwegian and i can understand why this tragedy happend. it was just a matter of time that somebody from oslo couldnt take it anymore. the rasicsm in norway comes from muslims, praticularry in oslo. they own that city. and you have to live there to see how bad things are. norwegians are very proud of their country, but not oslo, cause oslo has proven to fail in their way of immigration. the politicians have brought this to themselfs, and are to blame for much what happend.

there comes a point of every man when enough is enough. im not shocked at all, it was bound to happen.

FFS please delete your account..
henning said:
As a Norwegian City-supporter living in Oslo I would like to thank those of you who have expressed your sympathy and support in these dark hours.

People like "Gangerolv" can be found creeping around in the sewers of all Western societies. Please do not believe for a second that his sickening views are shared by Norwegians in general.

My sympathies a horrible time for any country when events like this occur,any extremist view is bad and it will make you stronger as a nation in spite of people like Gangerlov.
henning said:
As a Norwegian City-supporter living in Oslo I would like to thank those of you who have expressed your sympathy and support in these dark hours.

People like "Gangerolv" can be found creeping around in the sewers of all Western societies. Please do not believe for a second that his sickening views are shared by Norwegians in general.

Glad to hear it Blue, I was shocked by Gangerolv's comments.

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