Other fans perception of us nowadays.

roylefamily said:
Bluecifer said:
Scousers are offensive in the fact that they steal oxygen from real people. I remember someone from chelsea posting <can't remember which site> a good luck message and a line that went, "When you go the games and suddenly see loads of new faces, your not going mad, don't worry, it happened to us." I think out of all the jealous types the funniest are the likes Everscum and Birmingscam....like they were somehow more worthy than us and therefore deserved a sugar daddy. Brum got a cut-price one and everscum wouldn't be bought by Aldi!

It's an attitude like that .. that makes fans hate every city fan ... Just look at the facts before you start shouting your mouth off ... in 3/4 years of having pots of money city have won nothing .. it was a massive achievement for city to finish 5th las year but Everton did that in the 2 previous seasons despite having no money .. Everton hammered city home and away last season and after having a disaster of a start they nearly caught you all up ... I have no problem in teams celebrating success ... but city have not had any .... shout your mouth off when you deserve it ... City are the classic case .. NO CLASS , NO DIGNITY ,
I know not all your fansare as ignorant as you .. some of them are decent dignified guys .. but they get tarred with the same dirty brush as you .... Rock > crawl back under it

roylefamily said:
Bluecifer said:
Scousers are offensive in the fact that they steal oxygen from real people. I remember someone from chelsea posting <can't remember which site> a good luck message and a line that went, "When you go the games and suddenly see loads of new faces, your not going mad, don't worry, it happened to us." I think out of all the jealous types the funniest are the likes Everscum and Birmingscam....like they were somehow more worthy than us and therefore deserved a sugar daddy. Brum got a cut-price one and everscum wouldn't be bought by Aldi!

It's an attitude like that .. that makes fans hate every city fan ... Just look at the facts before you start shouting your mouth off ... in 3/4 years of having pots of money city have won nothing .. it was a massive achievement for city to finish 5th las year but Everton did that in the 2 previous seasons despite having no money .. Everton hammered city home and away last season and after having a disaster of a start they nearly caught you all up ... I have no problem in teams celebrating success ... but city have not had any .... shout your mouth off when you deserve it ... City are the classic case .. NO CLASS , NO DIGNITY ,
I know not all your fansare as ignorant as you .. some of them are decent dignified guys .. but they get tarred with the same dirty brush as you .... Rock > crawl back under it

3/4 years?? We've had one full season with 'the money' and we finished just outside the Top 4.

Don't re-write history to suit your agenda. Also "Everton are white!"...that ring any bells? Don't lecture us on class and dignity.
roylefamily said:
Bluecifer said:
Scousers are offensive in the fact that they steal oxygen from real people. I remember someone from chelsea posting <can't remember which site> a good luck message and a line that went, "When you go the games and suddenly see loads of new faces, your not going mad, don't worry, it happened to us." I think out of all the jealous types the funniest are the likes Everscum and Birmingscam....like they were somehow more worthy than us and therefore deserved a sugar daddy. Brum got a cut-price one and everscum wouldn't be bought by Aldi!

It's an attitude like that .. that makes fans hate every city fan ... Just look at the facts before you start shouting your mouth off ... in 3/4 years of having pots of money city have won nothing .. it was a massive achievement for city to finish 5th las year but Everton did that in the 2 previous seasons despite having no money .. Everton hammered city home and away last season and after having a disaster of a start they nearly caught you all up ... I have no problem in teams celebrating success ... but city have not had any .... shout your mouth off when you deserve it ... City are the classic case .. NO CLASS , NO DIGNITY ,
I know not all your fansare as ignorant as you .. some of them are decent dignified guys .. but they get tarred with the same dirty brush as you .... Rock > crawl back under it

roylefamily said:
Bluecifer said:
Scousers are offensive in the fact that they steal oxygen from real people. I remember someone from chelsea posting <can't remember which site> a good luck message and a line that went, "When you go the games and suddenly see loads of new faces, your not going mad, don't worry, it happened to us." I think out of all the jealous types the funniest are the likes Everscum and Birmingscam....like they were somehow more worthy than us and therefore deserved a sugar daddy. Brum got a cut-price one and everscum wouldn't be bought by Aldi!

It's an attitude like that .. that makes fans hate every city fan ... Just look at the facts before you start shouting your mouth off ... in 3/4 years of having pots of money city have won nothing .. it was a massive achievement for city to finish 5th las year but Everton did that in the 2 previous seasons despite having no money .. Everton hammered city home and away last season and after having a disaster of a start they nearly caught you all up ... I have no problem in teams celebrating success ... but city have not had any .... shout your mouth off when you deserve it ... City are the classic case .. NO CLASS , NO DIGNITY ,
I know not all your fansare as ignorant as you .. some of them are decent dignified guys .. but they get tarred with the same dirty brush as you .... Rock > crawl back under it
We`ve had money for 2 years, dont let the facts get in the way though eh.
noose said:
If a team is linked and are seen to temp the best players away from clubs that said club will be hated by the fan of that club, Man city have been linked with loads of players from loads of clubs and temping those players with massive wages, so the hate should not be surprising.

If the boot was on the other foot, would you hate it?

Ha ha...like players moving to ther clubs for better prospects has suddenly been invented by us?

The boot has been on both of our feet for so long I can't even remember mate!

I've only just got over Paul Stewart being sold to spuds ffs!

We knew our place,don't worry about that.
That horrible feeling of your one shining light being couretd by clubs you knew you had absolutely no chance of competing with....going to Macc for a friendly on a boliling hot day watching SWP go back down the tunnel,and the rumours starting that he'd alreday been sold to Chelsea...knowing full well that your only glimmer of attacking hope had just left...watching Ian Bishop hit the crossbar,then seeing him subbed and watching him wave goodbye as he left for West Ham...Kinkladze..the best City player for a generation...sold to keep the club afloat as we plummeted into division 2...Paul Walsh,dumped for Gerry Creaney,the worst excuse for a footballer I've ever seen...Garry Flitcroft,academy graduate and heart of our midfield,sold to Dalgliesh's Blackburn for buttons out of the blue by Franny Lee...and let's not forget that when we did actually manage to get a decent player-Anelka for instance...we then had to listen to them telling us all about how they were doing us a favour playing for us and how they deserved to be playing "Champions league football......"....

So mate...we've written the book on hard luck stories and having to accept that we couldn't change.
If any set of fans should be haters of other clubs-it's us.

Fuk em all...we deserve our time.
roylefamily said:
Bluecifer said:
Scousers are offensive in the fact that they steal oxygen from real people. I remember someone from chelsea posting <can't remember which site> a good luck message and a line that went, "When you go the games and suddenly see loads of new faces, your not going mad, don't worry, it happened to us." I think out of all the jealous types the funniest are the likes Everscum and Birmingscam....like they were somehow more worthy than us and therefore deserved a sugar daddy. Brum got a cut-price one and everscum wouldn't be bought by Aldi!

It's an attitude like that .. that makes fans hate every city fan ... Just look at the facts before you start shouting your mouth off ... in 3/4 years of having pots of money city have won nothing .. it was a massive achievement for city to finish 5th las year but Everton did that in the 2 previous seasons despite having no money .. Everton hammered city home and away last season and after having a disaster of a start they nearly caught you all up ... I have no problem in teams celebrating success ... but city have not had any .... shout your mouth off when you deserve it ... City are the classic case .. NO CLASS , NO DIGNITY ,
I know not all your fansare as ignorant as you .. some of them are decent dignified guys .. but they get tarred with the same dirty brush as you .... Rock > crawl back under it
Firstly how about you go and crawl back under your own site, secondly I wasn't refering to scousers as football supporters but merely as the absolute waste of fucking cytoplasm that you are, this was mainly directed at the red scouse but if you wish to include yourself in this then feel free! No class, no dignity? How fucking dare you, Golem Moyles strung out the Lescott deal merely to eek out as much money he could for a player that was a tad more ambitious. Just because you aren't even the biggest team on the fucking street...don't come on to our website and start spouting shite!
Talking bollocks bud because i bet that most of the clubs outside the Premier league are wanting City to do well :) Set of fans who have stuck by there club through thin and thin and deserve everything that is to come there way over the next decade

Still whats better your jealous that your club is run by a lovey who hasn't got a pot to pee in.
roylefamily said:
Bluecifer said:
Scousers are offensive in the fact that they steal oxygen from real people. I remember someone from chelsea posting <can't remember which site> a good luck message and a line that went, "When you go the games and suddenly see loads of new faces, your not going mad, don't worry, it happened to us." I think out of all the jealous types the funniest are the likes Everscum and Birmingscam....like they were somehow more worthy than us and therefore deserved a sugar daddy. Brum got a cut-price one and everscum wouldn't be bought by Aldi!

It's an attitude like that .. that makes fans hate every city fan ... Just look at the facts before you start shouting your mouth off ... in 3/4 years of having pots of money city have won nothing .. it was a massive achievement for city to finish 5th las year but Everton did that in the 2 previous seasons despite having no money .. Everton hammered city home and away last season and after having a disaster of a start they nearly caught you all up ... I have no problem in teams celebrating success ... but city have not had any .... shout your mouth off when you deserve it ... City are the classic case .. NO CLASS , NO DIGNITY ,
I know not all your fansare as ignorant as you .. some of them are decent dignified guys .. but they get tarred with the same dirty brush as you .... Rock > crawl back under it

Come on mate.Lescott is a City player now....move on,eh?
Sorry...got confused with last season for a minute...;-)

Look-chat all you want about us but really this obsession you lot have with our apparent lack of "CLASS" and "DIGNITY" only seems to have happened since our takeover.

and here's one for your hypocritical,holier-than-thou sanctimoneous mob of gobshites to answer...Where was all the "CLASS" and "DIGNITY" when you were trying to sign an under contract Joleon Lescott from Wolves?

Or does "CLASS" and "DIGNITY" only apply one way,when other clubs are trying to attract your players?
roylefamily said:
Bluecifer said:
Scousers are offensive in the fact that they steal oxygen from real people. I remember someone from chelsea posting <can't remember which site> a good luck message and a line that went, "When you go the games and suddenly see loads of new faces, your not going mad, don't worry, it happened to us." I think out of all the jealous types the funniest are the likes Everscum and Birmingscam....like they were somehow more worthy than us and therefore deserved a sugar daddy. Brum got a cut-price one and everscum wouldn't be bought by Aldi!

It's an attitude like that .. that makes fans hate every city fan ... Just look at the facts before you start shouting your mouth off ... in 3/4 years of having pots of money city have won nothing .. it was a massive achievement for city to finish 5th las year but Everton did that in the 2 previous seasons despite having no money .. Everton hammered city home and away last season and after having a disaster of a start they nearly caught you all up ... I have no problem in teams celebrating success ... but city have not had any .... shout your mouth off when you deserve it ... City are the classic case .. NO CLASS , NO DIGNITY ,
I know not all your fansare as ignorant as you .. some of them are decent dignified guys .. but they get tarred with the same dirty brush as you .... Rock > crawl back under it
`Class and dignity` Hmmmm not having a go at Everton fans as such but was`nt it you lot who played the game at Goodison as if WWIII had been declared, which is fair enough nowt wrong with passion in football but the whole`event` was a little OTT, then at COMS you came with your usual negative tactics and ugly football, once you got the goal anytime city looked like they were getting on top your players started feigning (cheating) injuries, your keeper alone accounted for nearly ten minutes of playing dead (miraculously ok after though) to slow the game and waste time, not to mention kicking our players and off the ball incidents, basically you clogged your way up the table, your dire `football !!!` tactics/fans/manager deserve each other.
As I said waste of fucking cytoplasm the lot of 'em. A better argument for contraception is yet to be found!

You see I have the CLASS and the DIGNITY not to go round scouting other clubs websites for something interesting.
Or is the Everton site a little quiet because you've all been working so hard all week? No? Didn't think so!

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