Our 'Be Part Of It' Painting TRASHED!

Bellingham said:
Maybe if these rag scum want to start defacing our artwork we should start defacing their shitty club.

Been going on for years mate.

There was an enormous "MCFC Munich 58" on a wall outside Old TRafford for years.
Didsbury Dave said:
Bellingham said:
Maybe if these rag scum want to start defacing our artwork we should start defacing their shitty club.

Been going on for years mate.

There was an enormous "MCFC Munich 58" on a wall outside Old TRafford for years.

I can think of several occasions when OT has been defaced in the dead of night...wink wink!
1_barry_conlon said:
Bellingham said:
You're welcome. Now get back to your childish rag watch as we need people like you to make BM a safer place for the rest of us.

Note to everyone else. DO NOT use the word 'massive' in your posts as numpties like this will immediately out you as a filthy rag. Well done that man. It's a fair cop. You MASSIVE dickhead.

Oh dear, you really are outing yourself here arent' you?

Is it warm under that GIGGSY duvet?

Well and truly outed. Well done sir. And it's all thanks to your sterling vigilance and my schoolboy error of using the word 'massive' in a post.

With that I may as well come clean. My real name is Adam Teese, I am from Hazel Grove, I am semi-retarded and like collecting shiny coins, bottles and cigarette lighters. I go to the swamp with me mum and am a legend on facebook.

And excellent guess re the duvet by the way although not quite right. it is in fact an Obertan limited edition!
Bellingham said:
1_barry_conlon said:
Oh dear, you really are outing yourself here arent' you?

Is it warm under that GIGGSY duvet?

Well and truly outed. Well done sir. And it's all thanks to your sterling vigilance and my schoolboy error of using the word 'massive' in a post.

With that I may as well come clean. My real name is Adam Teese, I am from Hazel Grove, I am semi-retarded and like collecting shiny coins, bottles and cigarette lighters. I go to the swamp with me mum and am a legend on facebook.

And excellent guess re the duvet by the way although not quite right. it is in fact an Obertan limited edition!

Nah, you can't be Teese mate - he's from Heaton Chapel.

-- Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:48 pm --

I'm not particularly arsed that it's been defaced - I'm sure the club were expecting this to happen. I wonder if they used water based paint again like they did with the Tevez poster?

Like I say, I'm not arsed - it's a bit petty but that's the kind of stuff you expect from rival fans. And let's face it, if the boot was on the other foot everyone would be creaming their pants about it.

What does make me laugh, however, are the amount of reds that spend what seems like all their spare time insisting they don't give a shit about us.
mcfcliam said:

Can hear the converstaion now - 'had meeself some pussy last night boys. All over me cock she were. Banged it senseless then threw it out when I'd done'
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I actually think it looks great, provides a clear analogy and gulf between the two clubs.

One spends and invests in loss leaders....

The other is reduced to buying discount dulux at a garden centre.

I say let's keep it.

Oh, by the way, is the Matt Busby statue paint resistant...just asking...

was thinking the same mate, after all im sure he went pretty blue in the end, rather than an odd bronze colour.

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