I think this idea that there is massive city support overseas is not accurate in my experience. I recently came back from 2 months working in vietnam where the locals are all obsessive prem watchers, and did not see a single city shirt amongst a sea of rags, dippers, and cheslski shirts. I spoke to a large number of people in work and social situations and would always raise football as an icebreaker. Not a single city fan. Didn't even see any knockoff shirts in the markets.
Where i now live in south australia, everyone immediately assumes that as I am from mcr that I am a rag, and few have heard of city at all. Another recent experience was that I forgot my god daughters birthday last week and wanted to buy her a city shirt. I normally buy city gear on line but I ventured out into the main sports store in adelaide. Miles of the other top 4, but no city shirts. I visited 4 different shops and drew a blank at each.
We have a long way to go before we even make a dent on the potential overseas support. I think there is some increase in o/s support from the countries where we have signed players but I dont see much evidence of us being on the cusp of world domination