Our Club is changing

hidera2 said:
I feel kinda upset reading this thread. it seems locality is much more appreciated here and overseas fans belong to "the others" but not "us". why are some so sure new fans are all glory hunters? One thread here talks about older fans coming back because of the cup so are they also glory hunters?

Never mind the dinosaurs..They are stuck in a working class myth where you can walk to your local job in some factory and only support a team you have grown up with.
Lucky13 said:
Just a guess but i'd imagine our Owner and Etihad would be happy with our high profile and expanding fan base.
Of course they will, doubt they'll be too bothered about the ramblings of a few small minded idiots who are scared of being taunted by rags.
the Premier League is the world's most watched sporting league,being broadcast to over 600 million people in over 200 countries worldwide

more than 750,000 visitors to Britain attended a match last year according to figures from national tourism agency VisitBritain, underlining the global appeal of English football

City are one of the top sides in this international attraction

How could it be any different?

Bring it on. We will remain at the heart of it all.
The most important thing is that the club does not discard its Mancunian soul and aura like the rags did for their commercial growth. There is still a very "Mancunian" feel on matchdays at the club and if that was to ever disappear in favour of us becoming a Disneyfied tourist spot, it'd kill something in our club IMO.
LoveCity said:
The most important thing is that the club does not discard its Mancunian soul and aura like the rags did for their commercial growth. There is still a very "Mancunian" feel on matchdays at the club and if that was to ever disappear in favour of us becoming a Disneyfied tourist spot, it'd kill something in our club IMO.

One of the reasons Sheikh Mansour invested in MCFC is due to our 'core' fan base. Just like a good manager will build around an influential player, our fan base will develop around our historical Mancunian soul and local support.

The rags sold their souls to the devil (literally) and lost their roots in the process - I can't see that happening with us. We'll always stay true to our history and maintain our Manc sense of humour and our ability to laugh at ourselves and our club when necessary.
Give it a few years, it'll start to annoy the fuck out of you when you've fought tough and nail for a ticket to a crucial away game and there's some knobhead in front of you filming the entire game with his camcorder.
I haven't got a problem with us attracting new fans through the turnstiles as long as they support the club. buy scarvesetc, learn songs and stay with us should we ever fall from grace, so to speak. However, we are not Man-ure so please leave your flash photography at home! ;)
If we didnt have "new" fans appearing it would mean we were failing on the pitch, it comes with the territory, would rather watch fantastic players and put up with the glory hunters, having had countless years of dross on the pitch.. Although wouldnt swap some of the fantastic times off the pitch for anything.
I think this idea that there is massive city support overseas is not accurate in my experience. I recently came back from 2 months working in vietnam where the locals are all obsessive prem watchers, and did not see a single city shirt amongst a sea of rags, dippers, and cheslski shirts. I spoke to a large number of people in work and social situations and would always raise football as an icebreaker. Not a single city fan. Didn't even see any knockoff shirts in the markets.

Where i now live in south australia, everyone immediately assumes that as I am from mcr that I am a rag, and few have heard of city at all. Another recent experience was that I forgot my god daughters birthday last week and wanted to buy her a city shirt. I normally buy city gear on line but I ventured out into the main sports store in adelaide. Miles of the other top 4, but no city shirts. I visited 4 different shops and drew a blank at each.

We have a long way to go before we even make a dent on the potential overseas support. I think there is some increase in o/s support from the countries where we have signed players but I dont see much evidence of us being on the cusp of world domination

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