Our Club is changing

Frank H said:
MadchesterCity said:
Frank H said:
All these negative comments about Chinese and asians!

I am British but of Chinese parentage. Sadly, I get the feeling that there are a quite a section of Man.City fans who would be annoyed by my very presence in the Etihad.

I am not a City fan. However I started attending football matches, as a general supporter of football, as long ago as 1964 (I am a pensioner now), and have done so ever since, although not so frequently in recent years, for non-football reasons. I remember clearly seeing the great City team of Summerbee, Bell etc.playing - Neil Young scored a great goal at WBA, IIRC - and I was very pleased that that team won the championship (then properly called the First Division) in 1968.

Surely there is nothing wrong, if there are spare seats, for some who are not fans of either team, but merely sympathisers, of even general supporters of football, to attend matches? Or should all spectators have to be hate-filled fanatics supporting either team?

I am not accusing Man.City fans in particular of what I see as a rather nasty sort of hidden racist xenophobia, as sadly I find these disparaging comments about Chinese and asians on football forums associated with other clubs as well.

To those who have posted these negative comments on Chinese etc. in these forums, I would just like to say that while you may not like the look of us, we do have to share this world together, and it might be just that little bit more pleasant if we sometimes tried a bit better to deal with our prejuduces - even if those prejudices might sometimes be justified.

excellent post, but what upsets people is when people don't celebrate when we score, there was a chap at the Chelsea away game season before last that had managed to get a ticket in the away end but never celebrated as we slipped in the 4th.

I can see why this upsets people
Is it only "Chinese" who don't celebrate when Man.City score? Do no "Chinese" ever celebrate when Man.City score?

There seems to be an assumption amongst some that the only genuine football fans are working class, and even that the only good ones are "white" working class. And that anyone else who takes any interest in any club must be a "glory hunter" - either a camcorder obsessed "Chinese", or a prawn-sandwich eating middle-class "prick".

I've admitted that I'm not a rabid Man.City fan, but I have long had a "soft spot" for Man.City. The reasons for that are the very opposite of "glory-hunting".

Apart from AFC Wimbledon, I haven't any reason for strong allegiance to any other club. However I have generally supported some teams for one or both of two reasons. I tend to support the "underdog", and I would rather support a team playing attractive skilful football, than one playing in a negative thuggish way.

The great Man.City team of the mid- and late-60s filled both conditions. They played attractive skilful football, and, compared to Man.U., Liverpool, Arsenal, Spurs and Everton (a big club then) they were definitely "underdogs".

Of course, since the arrival of the Sheikhs, Man.City no longer have the mantle of underdogs - so there is no longer any reason for sympathy for them on that score. But in compensation, I can see being formed a team which will probably be one of the most skilful and attractive teams to ever grace the English leagues. It will be great if this team fulfils its potential, and if such players as Silva, Aguero etc. get the acclaim their skills deserve.

As for camcorders, unless someone, "Chinese" or not, is using one which blocks the views of others, what is the problem? I don't have a camcorder, nor even a camera - but if I, and many people who haven't been at a match want to see bits of it on Youtube etc., we can only do so if someone is recording it.

As I am grateful to so many people who have put up videos on the internet, I was considering getting a video camera so I could repay something of the debt I feel I owe them. However, comments on this thread have reminded me of the hidden hostility of some (many?) at the very sight of an "asian" or "Chinese" with a camera or camcorder, so I am not sure I could ever use one in public without feeling embarrassed.

Besides being castigated as gloryseekers the other term of virtual abuse that is handed out about Chinese or asian looking people is that they are "tourists". It seems that only white Britons should be permitted to be tourists - as so many are in other parts of the world.

I have lived in this country since 1948 - all but the first two years of my life. I have been attending football matches since 1964, although the expense now means I can't attend that frequently recently. I thank the number of City fans who have been posting expressing sympathy after my post in this thread. I am quite prepared to be assured that they represent a decent majority of the Man.City fans.

However, I am a little annoyed at the frequency with which the presence of "Chinese" people at football matches is criticised on various football forums - especially as I am sure that most of the people so posting have lived in this country for a much shorter time than I have - and I suspect that I actually know a great deal more about the history and culture of this country - and of its football teams - than most of them do.

Fair play to you mate and it was by no means a knock at you, I am Scottish and my wife is Filipina, she has just started watching football this year so would be classed as a new fan.

But jumps up and down and gets so excited about the team, players, especially Aguerro ;)

I am obsessed with City so supporting City was a decision made by me on her behalf but she has really taken to it.

The point I was making was the more the merrier but get behind the team and enjoy the game! CTWD
machiavellian said:
I'd suggest anyone who supported us through the thin and thinner is wholly entitled to feel some resentment towards someone who jumps on the bandwagon and proclaims their love for City now that we're deemed fashionable.

I know I do, and I'd also suggest that anyone publicly welcoming such people is doing so through gritted teeth, in the reluctant acceptance that it's simply part and parcel of the modern game.

I refuse to take anyone seriously who claims that that resentment isn't applicable to them. At least I'm sincere.
Those same fans you are defending prob think you only strated supporting city around the time you joined Blue Moon. Well I was supporting City when we were at our lowest with Frank Clarke and I welcome any new blue whatever his or her nationalty!
BluePurgatory said:
Well I was supporting City when we were at our lowest with Frank Clarke and I welcome any new blue whatever his or her nationalty!
Like one or two others on here I date back to the days of George Poyser, just before Mercer & Allison, when we were getting crowds of 8,000. Everyone who came along since then is a glory-hunter in my eyes!
worth also mentioning sorted out a French lad (PSG fan) with a ticket and he has adopted City as his UK team, Nasri and Clichy in the team but he gets Aguerro on his shirt at the City store!!

The future is bright, the future is blue
mcfcliam said:
As LoveCity said, there's still a very Mancunian feel about the club and when we do finally lose that feel, then it's time to fuck off.

It pains me to say it but I'd rather watch it in the pub than watch it surrounded by a bunch of pricks who don't belong at a football match...kind of like some of the freaks that turn up to the swamp every week.

I remember going to Maine Road as a kid and being surrounded by working class people with a real passion for the club and that's what we want, proper supporters filling the ground every week instead of dicks who choose City as a lifestyle choice.

It's just not a 'City thing' to have a ground full of tourists with cameras and people just there for the day out with no passion whatsoever for MCFC.

I await the 'the more the merrier', 'embrace it' and 'we need them to move forward' bullshit cliches but I stand by my opinion on this and always will.

City, City ra ra ra.

Sorry Liam but if you do "fuck off" then I am sure there will be a new blue waiting to take your seat!<br /><br />-- Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:24 pm --<br /><br />
Berkovic_blue said:
not got any problem with chinese family being here, just the fact that they only support us when were winning I think it's false and frankly sad. Id hate to end up like chelsea or the rags , they used to have class support at home, but now its mainly just prawn eating, photo taking glory hunters who at the first sign of bad form, are no where to be seen :)

How do you know how long they've been going?

I can remember seeing a few Chinese people in the crowd at Maine Rd on more than one occassion. One of the things I like about City is the diverse mix of supporters you often see. Anyone who wants to buy a ticket should be welcome imo
Correct and the Napoli game proved this, near to where I was sat there was three fans who were muslims. One male and two females who were wearing the trendy muslim head dress. When city scored they went mental and they stayed till the end.
I think a lot of this resentment can boil down to a certain type of fan - many of whom will post on here who define themself by supporting city. Some clearly can't adopt a 'live and let live' attitude to those around them and can perceive day-trippers as an affront to their own following.

If you are a 'i've never missed an away game for 4 years type' then you're naturally going to be a little peeved by some tourist going along to a match and having a great time without putting any of the 'work' in....but you're being a bit of a dick if you make a meal of it.

Personally, although I'm a ST holder I wouldn't class myself as a die-hard fan by any means. I occasionally make other plans for the weekend and pass on my tickets and generally avoid early stages of FA/League Cup as I simply feel I get my personal fill of football already. For similar reasons I don't travel away for matches as I wouldn't like to have every weekend of my life dominated by football and the hassle of travelling. I recognise some on here would and have looked down on this type of attitude but I'd hope they'd accept my choice as I would that of a 'worse' fan below me.

Does it make me a casual supporter...the answer is simply I don't care how I rank compared to the guy sat next to me and I have got an awful lot out of supporting City the way I have for the 24years of my life. I certainly have no problem in a tourist fan enjoying the match in a different way to me. When i went to NY to watch the Knicks I'm certainly glad there wasn't some dickhead glaring at me for trying to enjoy another sport at a very high level. I have seen the odd City fan doing this to tourists in the ground and I find it small minded and not on...unless their chanting Rooney or doing something really silly, let them enjoy themselves.
On our way back from the game yesterday my lad and me were totally gobsmacked upon calling in at our usual service stop - (when not on train) at Gretna on the M74. What we saw brought a genuine smile of disbelief to both our faces. A coach full of young 'City fans' complete with brand new scarves fresh out of the wrapper - from the Club shop no doubt. Got talking to a couple of the lads and it transpires they had seemingly been recruited for the day by their teacher at Callander High School (near Stirling for those who don't know). Some of them were even ex-class mates of my son as he used to go to school there. Most of these boys were making there first visit to COMS and had obviuosly had a day out to remember.
I honestly never thought I would see the day and my son knows of only one City fan in his school in Dunblane plus the usual mix of rags, scousers, Chelsea etc.
I for one feel absolutely delighted how things are changing and feel this occurence to be a litmus test of where we are at whilst at the same time empathising with those who are not so sure these newbies have suffered enough to be classified as real fans. I think such sentiments are entirely natural but something we must overcome. Anybody totally against such new support which sucess will surely bring, should try going to a few more aways - this works extremely well for us.
N.B. This is the first time in over 10 years of life in Scotland I have seen anything like this so far north - must step up my own recruitment drive!
People change, situations change, shit changes... Get used to it.

It's up to the club, and us as fans to make sure everyone is welcome in to the club. You can tell the club is trying to educate the new type of fan of our history and it's up to us fans to try and make the Etihad stadium not turn in to a church and get the newbies involved.

So there is maybe 2,000 or so new fans at the stadium, but there are hopefully millions more generating income for the club via purchasing merchandise etc around the world. Do the maths...

The club needs them, as much as they need their season ticket holders if they are to become a world football club and world brand.
People who dont like it need to get over it. If you want that cushy home feeling again then you pump billions in the club, you buy players only from Manchester and you run everything. The reality is now our club is global.

The owner is Arab, the manager Italian we have African, South American, European and English players in the squad so the fan base represents that. Fair play to those that went to games when it was a pub team with lads they went to school with, it is no longer the case. I have seen our shirts in South Africa in Brazil in America. People who cant even speak English know Joe Hart, Tevez, David Silva. Get over insulting people who pay good money to come see games those Chinese probably got tickets for free because they are doing business with the club worth millions, affairs the average fan choses to ignore. We are global now, deal with it or like I said run your own club and do with it what you wish.

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