Our fans today

Reminded me of Anfield a couple of years ago when we lost 3-0 just before the semi-final against United, we were getting battered but just sang non-stop for the whole 2nd half.

Today, the first half was poor mainly because most of us couldn't believe what we were seeing but after the third went in we knew the league was gone so just got on with enjoying the day. Was finding it difficult to keep singing at times because I was smiling and laughing at our ability to laugh at ourselves, it's something that sets us apart from United, and I'm glad that even though we're now considered a top team that we're not becoming like them.
Absolutely outstanding support today. We never win at home was loud and clear for a good 15 mins. As were the Mancini chants.

Players let us down today but most of them have plenty of credit in the bank so its onwards and upwards.

baddddad said:
Bilboblue said:
Bullshit, we didn't boo anybody.

This - nobody got booed.

Actually the Southampton fans were booing, but that was for the ref not giving them the penalty at the end of the first half and they still booed him off at the end. I was right next to the Southampton fans who were booing.

Southampton Stewards must rate amongst the best in the Premiership. They were fantastic, they moved me so that I could sit down at the front, they moved three families with children so that they could sit down and see the match, they moved two guys who were struggling to stand, one with an ankle injury and the other a back injury. They were determined that none of us would miss any of the game. And they were all really friendly as well. Fair play to them.
Bilboblue said:
Franny Lee's Barrel Chest said:
Squadmissile said:
I haven't seen a thread on it but if it exists, mods please merge but our fans were absolutely fantastic today.

After the collective feeling of "well the seasons over" after Barrys cock up everyone got off their arses and sang "we never win at home" continuously for probably 20 minutes straight. It was absolutely ace and I can't remember any of the last 30 minutes of the game due to singing my throat sore for ages. Albeit it probably wasn't much to watch but that's besides the point, if we had scored another though i reckon the fans would have gone ballistic.

Once again, fucking fantastic blues, a well welcome return to the defeatism mixed with pride from yesteryear, completely out singing the Southampton fans.

Certain players getting booed from what I was told by someone there. That's not fantastic at all. Unless it's Nasri they're booeing, in which case it is.

Bullshit, we didn't boo anybody.

just fk off with your hearsay defeatism.

no booing here just we never win at home and we never win away been sung by all / Keep the faith blues we need to get behind the players
Only booing I heard was directed towards the players when they didn't have the guts to come and acknowledge 2800 fans who were in the process of a 20 hour round trip! They didn't deserve us today.
That's why we have the best support in the land. No voice left this morning at all.
It reminded me a bit of the 8 - 1 at Boro under Sven.
When it's all against us we stand against it together. Well done blues, well done.
kenzie115 said:
Reminded me of Anfield a couple of years ago when we lost 3-0 just before the semi-final against United, we were getting battered but just sang non-stop for the whole 2nd half.

Today, the first half was poor mainly because most of us couldn't believe what we were seeing but after the third went in we knew the league was gone so just got on with enjoying the day. Was finding it difficult to keep singing at times because I was smiling and laughing at our ability to laugh at ourselves, it's something that sets us apart from United, and I'm glad that even though we're now considered a top team that we're not becoming like them.
Yes we'll get more kudos doing that than with the arrogant Championez chant.

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