Our top ten players since ww2? A tough debate.

The players that have brought me most joy:

1. Kinkladze - a joy to watch.
2. Benarbia - made us so good to watch and part of one of the best seasons I'd seen at the time. God only knows how many assists he'd get in this team.
3. Yaya - a truly big game player and in his pomp he was absolutely untouchable.
4. Aguero - not just 93:20, he was the best striker in the league for a good few years.
5. Walker - just something likeable about this guy and I loved his reaction to being dropped for the CL final. I like watching him for some reason.
6. Fernandinho - absolute warrior. Loved the way he just used to stare people down. He feared no one. Fucking loved how he broke play up and even more the way other fans disliked him.
7. Bernardo - love the guy, will forever be a legend for not just the coffee cup but the way he just walked off afterwards. Also, probably the best song for a City player right now.
8. KdB - I can watch some of his assists as many times as I can watch match winning goals.
9. Andy Morrison - warrior. Loved the bloke.
10. David White - for a while he was very good to watch and exciting.
Top 3 for me is

1) Silva
2) aguero
3) KDB

Very little between silva and aguero.

Anyone pushing aguero out of the top 3 just go remind yourself of some of his goals on YouTube
It’s easy to forget until you watch them back
WW2... WW fucking 2? This time it's personal?

Second World War, please - anyway - back to the show:

Spanish Dave
Ali B
Not a chance some of them mainly ruben as same position are ahead of vinny
these things are always the same with such differing opinions depending on the age you started watching football. Hard to disagree with many peoples choices but surprised that Paul Lake doesn't feature more. Maybe im looking through blue tinted glasses but always remember him being way ahead than anyone around him on the pitch.
He was flawless he would have been England captain for years. He floated on the pitch. I was there at the Villa game when he collapsed. Night game. Liverpool had put an £8.00000 bid for him there were no transfer windows then. Swales would have sold him in a shot but because he got injured he left him to rot. What they did with Lake beggers belief his treatment by the club was disgraceful.

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