out and out goalscorer

Adebayor and Tevez are proven goal scorers in this league , dzeko would be nice but he wouldn't come in the middle of the season , or should I say he wouldn't be allowed to come . We need to play two strikers up front with silva playing off them in my opinion or AJ I'd like to see him play in that free role sometimes as I think he would excell there . Adebayor and Tevez should be playing upfront with each other , I don't understand why he keeps ignoring ade he is a quality striker who will cause problems , he will stay in and around the box and get us goals . But I don't think mancini will do this I still think he'll carry on with tevez upfront by himself which is a mistake tbh . He is too much of a drifter in my opinion if you play upfront by yourself you stay in and around the area and let the attacking midfielders do that job for you . But bobby obviously has a plan so lets see it unfold
GStar said:
bluewigmcfc said:
3 dm was the problem against blackburn 1 max

Its a bit like when we were going to sign Bresciano under Sven and this entire board seemed to think he was a DM.

De Jong is the only DM we play regularly. Vieria started and finished (inside the 6 yard box) our goal scoring move yesterday, Yaya is breaking from midfield, taking shots and putting Tevez through, Barry the same.

We set up deep, we don't play with 3 DM's.

I think most people now just figure that CM = DM.
Kevin Keegan reckoned you could never have enough forwards in your squad .... you never found them in short supply when he was around ... no siree , not on your nelly ...... not that half of em' were actually any good!
I just hate to see Carlos coming so deep to try and make something happen, leaving no one to take up a position in the box.

Tevez playing off an Ade or Dzeko type would be my favoured way to go, but what the fuck do I know?

charliebigspuds said:
simon23 said:
ade is good enough to take us where we want to go.....as obviiously is tevez.....

balo looks to have what it takes....is out for at least 6 weeks

play tevez and ade together and we will start to scare the opposition

I agree he is good enough BUT he only seems to play when HE wants to, he has to be given a run in the side though just to allow him to prove it

dont believe the media hype about ade....he wants to play and plays well in most matches he gets a chance to...he has a languid style but there is no doubting his commitment. Its not all about being a Dickov and running around like a headless chicken....ade is a goal scorer and played in the right way he is a great assett to any team....

I dont want ade chasing after people all over the pitch..i want him upfront getting into goalscoring positions which he does very well.

We also need to stop knocking long bals up to him...this is nott he way to play ade and not the way to get teh best out of him.
GStar said:
bluewigmcfc said:
3 dm was the problem against blackburn 1 max

Its a bit like when we were going to sign Bresciano under Sven and this entire board seemed to think he was a DM.

De Jong is the only DM we play regularly. Vieria started and finished (inside the 6 yard box) our goal scoring move yesterday, Yaya is breaking from midfield, taking shots and putting Tevez through, Barry the same.

We set up deep, we don't play with 3 DM's.

Exactly, i wish people would get this 3 defensive midfielder crap out their head. It's 3 central midfielders, one playing slightly deeper (but still making the occasional move forward), allowing the 2 in front to break forward with a bit more freedom and influence the attacking play.

GStar said:
bluewigmcfc said:
3 dm was the problem against blackburn 1 max

Its a bit like when we were going to sign Bresciano under Sven and this entire board seemed to think he was a DM.

De Jong is the only DM we play regularly. Vieria started and finished (inside the 6 yard box) our goal scoring move yesterday, Yaya is breaking from midfield, taking shots and putting Tevez through, Barry the same.

We set up deep, we don't play with 3 DM's.

we do set up deep..absolutely spot on

however..you can not class yaya or barry or viera as particularly creative players either...barry is at his best as a more of a breaking up the play and laying the ball off simply to other players (just like he does for england).....yaya is a box to box player but isnt overly creative...but he is the driving force we need

viera in his hay day was a creative and driving forward miidfielder....but not now...so playing him and de and yaya slows the midfield down and we lose creativity....leaving AJ, Tevez and whoever else is int the front 3 to do most of it themselves..usually against 6-7 defenders/midfielders from other teams

It happens on a regualr basis that when our front 3 break...there is absolutely noone in support....at times last season tevez was the only player in the attacking half of the pitch...

having a midfield made up of yaya, viera, dejong and barry will leady to a real lack of creativity....the only creative midfiedler we have that can play ina central role is silva..this was shown in the 5mins he got against blackburn.....this was why it was also a mistake to sell irelad (particularly as he didnt want to leabve)...it will tke time for silva to settle and until it does we have noone of a creative ilk that can play centrally....
simon23 said:
ade is good enough to take us where we want to go.....as obviiously is tevez.....

balo looks to have what it takes....is out for at least 6 weeks

play tevez and ade together and we will start to scare the opposition

This - I cannot for the life think why Ade is not starting with Tevez (except for Saturday). We have our wingers beating players but no one in the box to pass to.
Tev/Ade is the obvious starting combo till Balo can be properly tested I agree. Assuming that Adebayor is injured (??) and Balotelli deffo is, plus Bellamy and Caicedo are loaned out then we are left with:

Jô - who is simply not good enough
RSC - too crocked to be relied on but better than Jo. Is he injured again???

and Nimely.....

Assuming that the only viable options to play with Tev are currently Jo and Nimely then I'd give the youngster a go. He is presumably in the squad on merit so give him a start. Can't be worse than Jo and might be a good foil for Carlos?
Perhaps try him out at West Brom?

PS I can't believe we have spent all this money and still can't find a decent complement of strikers to see us through injuries and rotation! Just like old times.

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