Over 50's Health Tips

Mate I’ve never had a follow up since surgery in October last year, yiu are basically just left to it.

Fucking hell,thats awful,feel for you buddy.

Ring your GP this morning,demand an emergency appointment and lay it on (not that it sounds like you need to) about your lifestyle etc.

As ive said though.....you need the support/guidance/advice.....so pay the 40/hr and get it asap.
Some really good advice on here.

I'm approaching the big 5-0 and I've always been reasonably fit, but I've changed my fitness routine a bit as I can't play football anymore.

I do yoga and Pilates which really help stretch you out.imagune someone oiling every joint in your body, that's what it's like. Can't recommend it enough and it's also nice to meet a lot of like minded people and we have a nice atmosphere!

I also started karate with my son and absolutely love it. It's a bit like fast yoga and very good exercise for strength and cardio. I pour with sweat when I do it. There's no weirdos doing it, it's lots of people who want to be healthy and fit!

One thing yoga has taught me is to go easy on myself. I know I can't put my leg around my head like other people can but it doesn't matter. It's really opened my mind to just accepting and not stressing about things. I think yoga is one of the most important exercises you can do. It looks easy but it's not and mastering it is nigh on impossible.

Don't underestimate the importance of mixing with other people either. Just as you should stay physically fit, you need to do things which keep the mind active too. Any exercise which involves other people - meeting, talking etc will also benefit you enormously.

Try to eat as much veg as you can too. I honestly think the secret to life is to eat as many plants, herbs and spices as possible in a meal.
After my back op I’m really struggling with getting core strength back, whenever I do the light stretches etc it seems to get worse not better! I’m wondering with walking with the dog whether a weighted back pack would help. Currently I have to wear a compression vest most of the day For support, it has helped immensely in pulling my core in but I’m hesitant to do even do stretching these days in case I aggravate my lower back.

Bucket of water ( you choose the comfortable volume/presuming youve no hand weights) hold it out infront of ya as if youre binning a dirty nappy...have a comfortable walkaround with it...your core will fire.

'Rucking' vests are made that allow the user to slide oblong weights in both back and front...not sure on pricing ive me own contraptions but you'll target lots of muscle groups and dependent on the weight & geography you spec you'll break sweat and lunge up your stairs. It will also teach you how poorly we all walk when unrestricted and stressed out of our bollox.
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Mate I’ve never had a follow up since surgery in October last year, yiu are basically just left to it.
That’s just plain wrong mate, but I know it happens, if they tell you there’s nothing they can do then insist you receive that ‘confirmation’ in writing, you’d be surprised at how many options suddenly become available.
I’ve bought a tin of chick peas and a tin of lentils. I’ll be going full on vegan at this rate! They’ve always seemed incredibly bland to me and hence why I’ve never had them before. I’ll be seeing how I can spice them up ha

Another thing, I thought nuts were incredibly fattening??
Don’t think of fat content in food as ‘fattening’. The only thing in food that’s ‘fattening’ is if you consume a larger amount of calories than your body can use up. When you have excess carbohydrates, fat or protein after you have metabolised all you need for your energy demands, you will convert it to fat and store it around your organs and in your adipose layer of skin.

Therefore, you could have a diet that has absolutely zero fat content (would be hard to do, but this is just a hypothetical) and become fat if you have more carbohydrates/protein than you need for energy demands.

Fats in nuts are essential fatty acids. High essential fat content but better for us than refined carbohydrates and a better source of energy as it released more slowly and steadily.

Nuts (and seeds) are hugely beneficial.
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Broccoli sprout for cancer...gotta be sprout...freeze it and it becomes even more cancer smasher.

Bulb of beetroot everyday or until your tiolet is a lovely shade of aubergine.

Juice drinks should taste sour if theyre proper.

Take a swig of water when your walking and dont swallow...now youre on nose only...carry on............
I am 59 and I recently lost over a stone in weight by doing 3 things:
1. I walk for an hour every day
2. I do half an hour of yoga every morning focussing on stretching and breathing.
3. I breath through my nose. This includes taping my mouth up at night.

I would say that the introduction of 3 has been the game changer. I get zero digestion problems (always carried some Rennie around before and was always a pint away from heartburn and indigestion) and my blood pressure has returned to normal (it was 150+ over 90+ and they were going to increase my medication - I now take nothing and this morning it was 127/76)

What's the relationship between nose breathing / mouth taping and blood pressure.?
What's the relationship between nose breathing / mouth taping and blood pressure.?

Engages the diaphragm fully which on its travels tickles our internal organs which tell our parasympathetic nervous system everything is fonzy.

Bizarrely enough i used to own a dog that would show its teeth to anyone i wanted turfing ...when i breathed through my mouth..stop it dead like a cartoon by going nose.

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