Over 50's Health Tips

Sit on the floor..chairs are your enemy..a thousand stretches can be done on the floor once balance is taken out of the equation.

Hips need massive amounts of range of motion, the breathstroke kick down the lido is your friend, so is the eggbeater polo kick when simply treading water. Hips carry your emotions so subsequently they need lives traumas unravelling, dont be suprised if a subtle feeling of well-being follows on from hip opening stretch's, always do a stretch before a strength move. The indian squat whilst doing a bit of txting is a good tie-up to kickstart some mindfullness into getting down to do it.
Most people have a back-pack/ rucksack nowadays...put weight in it, familiarize your stabilizer muscles..then put more weight in it for strength..then when walking drop into the indian squat or a few lunges dependent on how you wobble. If your wobble free walk backwards & up/ down hills with said weight.

Chin bars are cheap...( forget pull-ups)...hang off it for time, everyday. Sissy hangs with your tip-toes touching the floor are fine..build it up..set your smart phone alarm to remind you everyday its hang time...have your arms close together, a bit more than the width of your head and allow your shoulders to drop.

Have a family member/loved one massage your shoulders..the massage is simply the distraction..the accepting of the massage is the point stress is reduced.

Cheap footballs ( halfsize ones even better) are cheap...let a bit air out and lye face down with it on your lower stomach and massage yourself via gentle swaying about.

Chairs are the enemy.
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I’ve bought a tin of chick peas and a tin of lentils. I’ll be going full on vegan at this rate! They’ve always seemed incredibly bland to me and hence why I’ve never had them before. I’ll be seeing how I can spice them up ha

Another thing, I thought nuts were incredibly fattening??
No food is 'fattening'
Eating too many calories is the only thing that makes you put on fat.
No food is 'fattening'
Eating too many calories is the only thing that makes you put on fat.

I hear what you are saying,but i disagree.

If i choose to eat my 3k Calories in Mcdonalds,i'll look very different to how i do now on the 3k cals i choose far more wisely.

Your arteries will also back up my thinking.

But yes,if you expend more energy than you consume.....of course you will not look fat.
Sit on the floor..chairs are your enemy..a thousand stretches can be done on the floor once balance is taken out of the equation.

Hips need massive amounts of range of motion, the breathstroke kick down the lido is your friend, so is the eggbeater polo kick when simply treading water. Hips carry your emotions so subsequently they need lives traumas unravelling, dont be suprised if a subtle feeling of well-being follows on from hip opening stretch's, always do a stretch before a strength move. The indian squat whilst doing a bit of txting is a good tie-up to kickstart some mindfullness into getting down to do it.
Most people have a back-pack/ rucksack nowadays...put weight in it, familiarize your stabilizer muscles..then put more weight in it for strength..then when walking drop into the indian squat or a few lunges dependent on how you wobble. If your wobble free walk backwards & up/ down hills with said weight.

Chin bars are cheap...( forget pull-ups)...hang off it for time, everyday. Sissy hangs with your tip-toes touching the floor are fine..build it up..set your smart phone alarm to remind you everyday its hang time...have your arms close together, a bit more than the width of your head and allow your shoulders to drop.

Have a family member/loved one massage your shoulders..the massage is simply the distraction..the accepting of the massage is the point stress is reduced.

Cheap footballs ( halfsize ones even better) are cheap...let a bit air out and lye face down with it on your lower stomach and massage yourself via gentle swaying about.

Chairs are the enemy.
Many will say squats and/or deadlifts......but chin ups (various grip) are the king of exercise for me,very much the best bang for buck if you are capable of double figures for a few sets.

However.....if not capable,then the advice above about simply hanging from a bar is superb advice.It will both improve your grip/posture and keep the (very important) rotator cuff healthy.
I’ve bought a tin of chick peas and a tin of lentils. I’ll be going full on vegan at this rate! They’ve always seemed incredibly bland to me and hence why I’ve never had them before. I’ll be seeing how I can spice them up ha

Another thing, I thought nuts were incredibly fattening??
Dont have salted peanuts, the others are good for heart health but dont eat loads
Many will say squats and/or deadlifts......but chin ups (various grip) are the king of exercise for me,very much the best bang for buck if you are capable of double figures for a few sets.
I agree...but i find chins like dips are somehow difficult to teach somebody to do properly and for that reason the exercise isnt sustained even including the folk who are good at em.

Inclined press-ups can be done from 50 to 90..even without leaving the house.

Most people have an internal right angle to their kitchen worktops..placing your hands flat 15inchs from 0 and pressing up will give you locked elbows...your head will come fwd slightly and your stomach will compress...hold the position till the kettle boils and use a brew for further reminders.

Most people also have mirrored wardrobes (pair of socks on assists slideing your feet into position)...lye on the floor face up and place your legs up the wardrobe with your arse butt-up and listen to a podcast...your legs will love ya.
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Dont have salted peanuts, the others are good for heart health but dont eat loads

Organic peanut butter is a goid cheat if you want to prolong your end of fasting, it wont spike blood sugars and a spoonful will satiate you for 4/5 hrs.
Simple pull aparts with a light stretch band at nipple level or just below will help ti realign your abdominal wall...lots of folk who sit a lot suffer with the ab alignment falling apart and this is why you see folk looking like theyve a chisel trying to get out of thier stomach..thier internal organs and related furniture are falling out and correction process is long and can be problematic

Anyone suffering such dont do plank exercises but pour on the pull aparts ( min 100 a day)

Webbed gloves whilst breaststrokeing down the lido is the same exercise...whilst possibly lighter than a band thousands can be done in one session with the very hip related leg kick being a brucie bonus
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