Over 50's Health Tips

Going slightly off topic, but watching the eating habits of some attendees at City matches sometimes repulses me.
The number of people having chippy lunches and teas outside the ground is ridiculous. On Sunday afternoon kick offs is that some family's Sunday lunch or is it as well as it?
I appreciate some people are short of time, feel like some carbs to absorb their beer, or are giving their kids a treat, but if that is all a large number of people eat all the time, no wonder there is an obesity epidemic & the NHS is in such a state.
If I'm hungry when I arrive at the ground, I head straight to the Pancho's burrito stand. Yes, the wraps contain a fair amount of carbs, but the grilled chicken is healthy, and they get filled to the brim with salad. Definitely get most of your 5 a day with one of them!
I recently completed 75 hard.

75 days, no rest days:
1) daily pic
2) drink a gallon of water every day
3) read at least 10 pages non fiction every day
4) follow a diet-I signed up to myfitnesspal and followed a high protein diet and kept to 2250 cals/day
5) 2 workouts every single day, at least 45 mins, 3 hours apart-one of which must be outside.

For the exercise I did walking and mountain biking outside and rowing and insanity sessions indoors (the easier ones..).
For the 75 days, no cheat meals, no alcohol..

The hardest part was the drinking-constantly needing a pee became a bind but I adapted, usually getting up at 6 to get 2 litres down early. And no alcohol was difficult during the treble run.

I was pretty slim before but still lost 11 pounds-in essence you are constantly in a calorie deficit. My body fat is now below 15% at 55.

My mate also did it-mainly walking, and he was obese. he lost almost 2 stone over the 75 days.

Its hard but predominately a mental challenge-wouldn't recommend for somebody working long hours.

For anyone starting a fitness/weight loss journey google TDEE, work yours out then knock 10% off your daily calorie requirement and go from there. I'd recommend any low impact exercise; walking, swimming, cycling, rowing.
I'm 46 .
Been really making an effort getting to the gym minium 3 times a week.
Est health diet.
Over night oats and no fat yogurt for breakfast.
Salad and chicken or fish for.dinner.

Healthy tea plenty of veg.
No chocolate no crisps .
No crap.
And I've put half a stone on in a month.
Gone from.15 and a half to almost 16
I'm 46 .
Been really making an effort getting to the gym minium 3 times a week.
Est health diet.
Over night oats and no fat yogurt for breakfast.
Salad and chicken or fish for.dinner.

Healthy tea plenty of veg.
No chocolate no crisps .
No crap.
And I've put half a stone on in a month.
Gone from.15 and a half to almost 16
You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Try myfitnesspal for a couple of months, track your cals.
gave up smoking in oct ,started going to the works gym , one of the lads at work shows me what to do, also started running,im doing the couch to 5k ,diet it 100 times better than it was, i said in the running thread ,if i can do it then anyone can, 7 weeks ago i would be out of breath running up the stairs, today i ran for 25 minutes solid , 7 fucking weeks, get over that mental hurdle and give it a go, i feel so much better , not as tired , but when its time for bed i nod off straight away, also lost 16lb in that 7 weeks.
gave up smoking in oct ,started going to the works gym , one of the lads at work shows me what to do, also started running,im doing the couch to 5k ,diet it 100 times better than it was, i said in the running thread ,if i can do it then anyone can, 7 weeks ago i would be out of breath running up the stairs, today i ran for 25 minutes solid , 7 fucking weeks, get over that mental hurdle and give it a go, i feel so much better , not as tired , but when its time for bed i nod off straight away, also lost 16lb in that 7 weeks.
the last bit v true- i'm usually knackered from exercise when i get to bed and fall asleep in seconds nowadays.

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