Over 50's Health Tips

Utterly depressed that I saw this thread and thought that I'd better read it.

But also pretty happy that actually I'm already ahead of the game here, don't smoke, don't drink, healthy weight, very rarely eat processed food (although I did inhale a wagon wheel earlier), walk a lot and swim most weeks. I really do need to start weight / strength training though as it's highly recommended for men and women.
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Utterly depressed that it saw this thread and thought that I'd better read it.

But also pretty happy that actually I'm already ahead of the game here, don't smoke, don't drink, healthy weight, very rarely eat processed food (although I did inhale a wagon wheel earlier), walk a lot and swim most weeks. I really do need to start weight / strength training though as it's highly recommended for men and women.
And don’t overthink it all.
A big swim followed by a few cold San Miguels then a big fuck off chippy tea never did anyone anything but good.
Enjoy your exercise
Enjoy your wagon wheels
Enjoy yourself
And don’t overthink it all.
A big swim followed by a few cold San Miguels then a big fuck off chippy tea never did anyone anything but good.
Enjoy your exercise
Enjoy your wagon wheels
Enjoy yourself
Ha ha, reading that back I do sound a bit too virtuous!
The wagon wheel was lovely, as was the pizza yesterday... I don't drink because once I've had one I just can't stop and I'm a complete liability when I'm drunk, I gave up the cigs 7 years ago because I was getting smoking wrinkles and it was making me look old. I don't eat processed stuff because everyone I live with has allergies and I walk a lot because I enjoy it (and because I'd rather burn more calories so I can eat more non processed, but not necessarily low fat food!) ;-)
And don’t overthink it all.
A big swim followed by a few cold San Miguels then a big fuck off chippy tea never did anyone anything but good.
Enjoy your exercise
Enjoy your wagon wheels
Enjoy yourself

One of my favourite outdoor swimming pools is in Covent Garden in London. It's also next to one of my favourite craft beer pubs.
My normal routine is to swim 90 or so lengths then head next door for a few pints.
It's all about balance!
I'm 46 .
Been really making an effort getting to the gym minium 3 times a week.
Est health diet.
Over night oats and no fat yogurt for breakfast.
Salad and chicken or fish for.dinner.

Healthy tea plenty of veg.
No chocolate no crisps .
No crap.
And I've put half a stone on in a month.
Gone from.15 and a half to almost 16
You say that like it’s a bad thing? Eating more healthy food and putting on weight can be a good thing.

Are you in better shape? Do your clothes fit better? Do areas like your chin (double?) and love handles appear smaller but your shoulders broader?

Are you firmer and less wobbly from having less body fat and more muscle?

Sometimes you can put on weight just by starting to drink the right amount of water and not be in a dehydrated state. Plus with being dehydrated your muscles struggle to synthesise protein, so when you drink more water you can add more protein and mass into your muscles more efficiently (which could have been the reason you were underweight before).
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One of my favourite outdoor swimming pools is in Covent Garden in London. It's also next to one of my favourite craft beer pubs.
My normal routine is to swim 90 or so lengths then head next door for a few pints.
It's all about balance!
I went to Covent Garden today. Swerved the pool and just went to the pub!

Went to another near Victoria Station which was a Samuel Smiths pub. £7.50 a pint! It was nice but my god.
Maybe use beans, lentils or chickpeas in your cooking instead of adding rice and pasta to accompany a meal. Use sweet potato or carrots/swede/turnips instead of potatoes.

Potatoes do have good nutrients in them though even though they aren’t classed as one of your five a day.
I’ve bought a tin of chick peas and a tin of lentils. I’ll be going full on vegan at this rate! They’ve always seemed incredibly bland to me and hence why I’ve never had them before. I’ll be seeing how I can spice them up ha

Another thing, I thought nuts were incredibly fattening??

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