P****d off with the so called ''Match day experience''

Did you really send this to the Club?! lol
Fanny Fart said:
Some of the stuff that goes on at City Square is quite frankly embarrassing.

I recently sent an email to City about that gurning idiot 'Danzone Fanny'

''Dear Manchester City,

I am writing to express my annoyance of the club’s employment of ‘fanzone danny’

Not only is it extremely embarrassing to have someone so lacking in entertainment value representing such a wonderful club, it is also starting to ruin my match day experience. The final straw being Wednesday night when I was waiting in the fanzone area for my friend, having to listen to him berate and insult a Bayern Munich fan on stage who was attempting to put on a music set.

I speak for a lot of Manchester City fans when I say that we do not want to see ‘fanzone danny’ used in any capacity at the football club as regards entertainment or media duties. We also do not want him to represent the fans view, which is how he is currently being portrayed.

I am also a big believer of if you bring a problem to the table then you should also have a solution. Moving forward, should ‘fanzone danny’ be removed from this role, I pledge to dedicate my time outside of my day job to coming up with alternative forms of entertainment, which I’m sure will appeal more to the majority of the fans.


BTW I thought last nights atmosphere was the worse I've seen in a few years...

so the away fans currently are in 114/115/214/215, why not just switch home/away in south stand... i.e,117 and 118 go to 115 and 114, (116 stay where they are, have away fans in 117 and 118? thats the only way i can see it being an easy fix, then you have the majority of singing fans together, and if anyone from 113/112/111 wanted to move round im sure they could accomodate season tickets there...

that way the only tickets that are ewffected dont change their view at all, just get amirror seat in opposite stand, SIMPLES.
Thorpiemcfc said:

so the away fans currently are in 114/115/214/215, why not just switch home/away in south stand... i.e,117 and 118 go to 115 and 114, (116 stay where they are, have away fans in 117 and 118? thats the only way i can see it being an easy fix, then you have the majority of singing fans together, and if anyone from 113/112/111 wanted to move round im sure they could accomodate season tickets there...

that way the only tickets that are ewffected dont change their view at all, just get amirror seat in opposite stand, SIMPLES.

makes too much sense. probably wont happen
p.s- considering how much noise the bayern fans made up on the 3rd tier, would it not be worth considering putting the singing section up there, the sound travelled really well, i know we wouldn't be too close to away fans, but the ground would hear it much more, thus making it a better atmosphere all round and encouraging others to join in...
blue order said:
The seating thing is easy to solve even if away fans cannot be put on tier 3....

Swap the current away block to the other side of the goal where the City South standers sit now. Give SS season ticket holders the seat that corresponds symmetrically with their existing one.

This allows a continuous sweep of City fans from behind the goal round the corner and into East Stand.

Other advantages include : Away fans less visible on TV and you dont get the empty seats/gaps associated with poor away followings. Also, it shouldn't be too difficult to adapt external security/entry and exit outside for away fans.
This is the way forward without causing much change to south standers, would be like joining forces with the kippax which without doubt would create a better atmosphere.
Its probably been suggested before??[/quot
Bluemanc1968 said:
I would class us as hard core...
he was finishing his beer off at half time and was a few mins after the start of second half...
in the end he just fucked off out of the ground and went to the pub!

Why did he do that? Just go to your own seat, less hassle than fucking off to the pub.

I don't think most of your complaints are of the 'matchday experience'. Town>Pub>Game>Pub>Town is a common routine, one which City can't ever really affect.

Our row is always overcrowed in 111, as much as i got my ST there for atmosphere reasons, i do quite like to watch the game too, and having 3 to a seat is a right ball ache. So i can understand why they want people in their own seats.
blue order said:
The seating thing is easy to solve even if away fans cannot be put on tier 3....

Swap the current away block to the other side of the goal where the City South standers sit now. Give SS season ticket holders the seat that corresponds symmetrically with their existing one.

This allows a continuous sweep of City fans from behind the goal round the corner and into East Stand.

Other advantages include : Away fans less visible on TV and you dont get the empty seats/gaps associated with poor away followings. Also, it shouldn't be too difficult to adapt external security/entry and exit outside for away fans.

Its probably been suggested before??

Missed this post first time round, but had the same idea as you, that would cause the least disturbance, and generate a much better/louder atmosphere.

I wouldnt mind going up to the 3rd tier either as said previously, singing down into the ground would get all of tiers 1&2 going at least, whilst currently only really the 1st tier really gets going.
GStar said:
Bluemanc1968 said:
I would class us as hard core...
he was finishing his beer off at half time and was a few mins after the start of second half...
in the end he just fucked off out of the ground and went to the pub!

Why did he do that? Just go to your own seat, less hassle than fucking off to the pub.

I don't think most of your complaints are of the 'matchday experience'. Town>Pub>Game>Pub>Town is a common routine, one which City can't ever really affect.

Our row is always overcrowed in 111, as much as i got my ST there for atmosphere reasons, i do quite like to watch the game too, and having 3 to a seat is a right ball ache. So i can understand why they want people in their own seats.

His seat was at the front of 308, and as I said there were loads of empty seats around, this steward was being a twat with him end of, this is OP is my view and that of a group of mates that have been going City for years and years! who all feel the same way that paying good money to experience a day out at the match aprt from the actual football is piss poor! this is a reflection of the season not just the last few games by the way!

my mate went because if he had not gone! the steward would of lost a few teeth and he would probably of got nicked & Banned, this is not the first incident of such things I have witnessed at the match's, the whole match day experience at City at the moment aprt from the football itself is awfull

and thats it in a nut shell! and like I said I can see alot of fans throwing there season tickets in, and judging by the attendance on Wed the last thing City as a club would want and yes they would probably be replaced with GH for home games in the short term, fuck me but the GH did not even bother to turn up fotr a semi final against Liverpool!!!!!

hard core fans of any club are difficult to replace and when the shit hits the fan and if the wheels come off at City and hard core fans have fucked it off! then what?? not much fun for any fan wether you go all the time or go now and again sitting in a stadium with rows of empty seats!

Fans are paying allot of money travelling, season tickets etc for an match day experience they no longer enjoy through shit atmospheres being watched at every turn by OB or stewards being shunned by fellow fans for standing up and singing waiting an eternity for an expensive shit beer the list goes

on all in all that even though your hearts are telling you to keep going but your head says enough is enough!! I think its a just a matter of time!! unless things imrove

WE call the local RAGS for not going to games I hate to say it but this may of what happened to the RAGs and hence the local Manc blokes sit in pub and watch the games with nothing more than the price of a decent pint!
This thread is actually embarrasing.... Do people really go to the game for the pre-match entertainment?? I hated the half-time bollocks but have learnt to live with it as I go purely for the football and to watch City not watch pre-game/half-time entertainment so why should I woman about it??

Fanzone Danny and Natalie Pike must be reading this thinking what a bunch of twats!!
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
This thread is actually embarrasing.... Do people really go to the game for the pre-match entertainment?? I hated the half-time bollocks but have learnt to live with it as I go purely for the football and to watch City not watch pre-game/half-time entertainment so why should I woman about it??

Fanzone Danny and Natalie Pike must be reading this thinking what a bunch of twats!!

What the fuck you on about? this thread is not on about pre-match entertainment!

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