Paqueta Charged By The FA.

He might not have made any money out of it. He’s not betted personally.

If guilty, he’s spot fixed and given information to people in his home town for them to win money.

It’s far more serious than what Toney and Tonoli did. It’s illegal and could send him to prison as well as a lengthy football ban.
Exactly this. It’s also important to remember that organised crime is big business where he is from and there is potential for him and his family to be pressured in to undertaking this scheme.

I doubt it had anything to do with him personally financially benefitting.
BREAKING: Unnamed Bluemoon member suspected of spot fixing numerous thread bans on world famous forum
I deny all charges and am seeking legal council regarding appropriate counter litigation to clear my name.
this really isn't for the PL to sort out in their usual slapdash way. This is a police matter and if they decide there's evidence then they charge him and it goes to a proper court only then can the PL charge him (only paperwork needed really as the court has done the work for you). This is a man's life that's about to be ruined, he's needs a proper trial.
If that’s what this is, then it’s taking waaaaaay too long to sort this out. It’s inept. Like our 115 charges either shit or get off the pot. Bring on the evidence or !!
this really isn't for the PL to sort out in their usual slapdash way. This is a police matter and if they decide there's evidence then they charge him and it goes to a proper court only then can the PL charge him (only paperwork needed really as the court has done the work for you). This is a man's life that's about to be ruined, he's needs a proper trial.
You are forgetting that football authorities are cunts.
Poverty is rife in Brazil as is crime. He could have been trying to help poor mates out or perhaps some criminal group put pressure on him or his family.
Maybe but the guy has destroyed his career and with it could end up back on the streets like his mates.
I wonder when £150k a week or whatever he’s likely on becomes not enough?
When he sees players like Rashford on £350,000.00 a week.

The problem with footballers (as well as the majority of the human race) is that there isn't enough money on the planet that will fill that void.

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