Paranormal Experiences

Ouch. Maybe you should have taken your own advice, "Fuck sake, perhaps i should haavve stayed awaay permanently: /"?

And how the fuck can I tell you etc? Er, because it's the truth. Sorry about that old fella. You're right I know nowt about the unknown, because there is no "unknown" so fuck all to know "nowt" about. Are you receiving me?
I have just liked your ignorance, it's fuckin' bliss: )

Your 'truth' is definitely not my truth so dont try and be a smarmy know all ****. You know fuck all about what i have witnessed with my own eyes. Im not into writing shite on a thread to be ridiculed like some have been on this forum on many various threads, football and non football, particularly these type threads and politics. There's an element on this forum who like to gang up and maliciously mock and its bang out of order and a form of bullying, cyber bullying.

You or anyone else will certainly never embarrass me and I'm not embarrassed to discuss things ive written on a serious subject.

Some posters are sitting on their fence thinking im not as stupid as you look chippy tits, now get fucked.
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The true "reality" mate is that everything you perceive is in your brain. That's all there is to it really. So when BlueMoonRisin gets all offended like, it's because he genuinely believes he's seen things, and actually he really has. In that his brain tells him he has. His reality is what his brain tells him. Doesn't mean these thing actually really exist though, just like dreams don't actually exist. He may get it one day.
Your brain may as well be full of sky-blue sawdust.
Ouch. Maybe you should have taken your own advice, "Fuck sake, perhaps i should haavve stayed awaay permanently: /"?

And how the fuck can I tell you etc? Er, because it's the truth. Sorry about that old fella. You're right I know nowt about the unknown, because there is no "unknown" so fuck all to know "nowt" about. Are you receiving me?
How do you know if there’s an unknown?
I mean.... it’s unknown, ye know?
Because the priest wants the devil out of his arse for buggering choirboys, perhaps ?
Point being, the afterlife very much is part of religious belief and is linked closely to the paranormal.

As I said, when people are at their wits end with something they can’t explain, they call a priest.
i.e. they find religion, although probably unwittingly.
its said visions of people you see may be chemicals in the brain,i dont think there is anything in the form of ghosts although i said i had seen someone in my page 5 post,i certainly did see a man and i can clearly see his clothing and face now as if it was this morning and not nearly 40 years ago,maybe its parts of the brain we simply cant explain either chemical or electric pulses but i did see that man for some 5 seconds or more, put him in a identification parade id pick him out 100%,very strange indeed and as for chucking pots well im stumped
Ok Marco fair enough but animals ARE in tune with the paranormal, (ghosts), cats and dogs definitely are.

I saw a ghost in my mate's house many years ago and his dog was going absolutely mental barking and scratching the door because it sensed what i saw. I was asleep downstairs inthe front room and his dog was in the hall, i was between18-25, not sure as i was mate's with my friend almost 10 years till he moved away.

I told him i saw a ghost when i saw him in the morning. He asked me to elaborate further so i djd. He felt relieved his brain wasn't deceiving him because he had seen the same ghost several times but didn't want to say anything to me for fear of ridicule. A few months later we saw the same ghost together. It came from across the street into the wall, the dog again whimpering and nervously barking.

I don't care if others try and mock my beliefs, but I'm certainly not having any clever **** talking to me as though I'm fuckin' stupid.
Tell me this, why is it always a priest that’s called for an exorcism then?
I remember being the subject of an exorcism by the local parish priest many moons ago. What the weak, insipid, powerless fool thought that he would achieve I have no idea. But whatever it was, he failed.
Point being, the afterlife very much is part of religious belief and is linked closely to the paranormal.

As I said, when people are at their wits end with something they can’t explain, they call a priest.
i.e. they find religion, although probably unwittingly.
Point being i ain't religious full stop. Doesn't mean i dont have faith though. And you mentioning a priest is not the subject matter. Not read BM or contriuted for a while so I haven't read back on this thread or others, been too busy and needed a break .

Religion causes hate division and ultimately war. And for those reasons plus hypocrisy and child abuse within the church i will never conform to man-made religion in order to control and frighten mankind into believing. Faith however is not the same and no one will ever convince me what I've experienced throughout my life is utter bullshit.

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