Paranormal Experiences

My missus is always watching stuff like this she believes in all paranormal activity ect. Anyway, A few weeks back she was at work in the evening, I put the bluetooth speaker under the bed and connected it to my phone.
She came home around 11pm and goes straight to bed basically, I was downstairs, I waited until she got settled and start playing paranormal activity creepy sounds via YouTube...
She jumped up out of the bed screaming she must of got down the stairs in less that 2 seconds haha

Sort of a paranormal experience I suppose.
That’s unreal. I’m not sure I could share a house with a poltergeist.

Why? Can’t you chuck shit around as well? Fucker throws a plate at you, you throw 2 back at it (in the general direction) show the **** who is boss in your house.

Never seen a ghost and I don’t believe in them. I’d happily be proven wrong as we’d all like to think the end isn’t the end. But it probably is.
Exactly how I feel when I see poor people wasting their lives, heads down, kneeling on a carpet. Or any other such nonsense beliefs. I mean honestly, FFS. It beggars belief that in the 21st century such inane beliefs which belong firmly in the stone age, still perpetuate.

Far too much tolerance and political correctness. We should call people out for being off their trollies and if we actually managed to get through to them, we could probably prevent 50% of all wars.
"Off their trollies", WTF. Some 'Intelligent' people are fucking stupid and so thick skinned!

If ignorance was bliss you'd be as happy as pig in shit.

I just hope YOU don't ever get OFF your very stable TROLLEY (of absolute level headed serotonin) because it will be like hitting a brick wall at 90 miles per hour if you ever let it go out of cock, pal.

Been there and I'm not wearing that T-shirt anytime soon again.

No need too reply in justifying scientific beliefs or hoping for somebody else to fight you're very simple headed corner, chippy tits; )

Fuck sake, perhaps i should haavve stayed awaay permanently: /
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"Off their trollies", WTF. Some 'Intelligent' people are fucking stupid and so thick skinned!

If ignorance was bliss you'd be as happy as pig in shit.

I just hope YOU don't ever get OFF your very stable TROLLEY (of absolute level headed serotonin) because it will be like hitting a brick wall at 90 miles per hour if you ever let it go out of cock, pal.

Been there and I'm not wearing that T-shirt anytime soon again.

No need too reply in justifying scientific beliefs or hoping for somebody else to fight you're very simple headed corner, chippy tits; )

Fuck sake, perhaps i should haavve stayed awaay permanently: /
Yes, off their trollies. There is no god, you simple deluded fool. Wake up from the 14th century.
Yes, off their trollies. There is no god, you simple deluded fool. Wake up from the 14th century.
You aren't even worthy of debate fella. How the fuck can you try and tell me what I should and shouldn't believe in? Seriously.... You can't so don't even go there when you ain't walked a mile in my shoes let alone anyone elses but your own!

You know nowt about the paranormal/paranormal experiences so dont even bother to try and explain what you simply cannot grasp, however many academic qualifications you have and well-read you may be! You are clearly a bigot on this subject so please don't quote another poster instead of quoting me in a snide below the belt remark, especially when i have been contributing on this forum for years!

Yes I am simple but I'm certainty not ignorant and intolerant to something that cannot be proven or disproven. Any more disparaging comments will be met succinctly with a "get fucked" reply as I cannot be arsed wasting time on condescending tossers hoping someone else will wade in and help them out to help strengthen their own pig ignorant beliefs further. A few have tried it on but i resort to humouring ignorance accordingly.

Thanks for not understanding wtf im on about. You're as much use as a broken shortwave CB ray-di-oh chippy boy, and you have form for knowing nowt about the unknown!

Are you receiving me?... : /

Have a nice evening and dont worry your little cotton socks about what i believe in : )
its said visions of people you see may be chemicals in the brain,i dont think there is anything in the form of ghosts although i said i had seen someone in my page 5 post,i certainly did see a man and i can clearly see his clothing and face now as if it was this morning and not nearly 40 years ago,maybe its parts of the brain we simply cant explain either chemical or electric pulses but i did see that man for some 5 seconds or more, put him in a identification parade id pick him out 100%,very strange indeed and as for chucking pots well im stumped
You aren't even worthy of debate fella. How the fuck can you try and tell me what I should and shouldn't believe in? Seriously.... You can't so don't even go there when you ain't walked a mile in my shoes let alone anyone elses but your own!

You know nowt about the paranormal/paranormal experiences so dont even bother to try and explain what you simply cannot grasp, however many academic qualifications you have and well-read you may be! You are clearly a bigot on this subject so please don't quote another poster instead of quoting me in a snide below the belt remark, especially when i have been contributing on this forum for years!

Yes I am simple but I'm certainty not ignorant and intolerant to something that cannot be proven or disproven. Any more disparaging comments will be met succinctly with a "get fucked" reply as I cannot be arsed wasting time on condescending tossers hoping someone else will wade in and help them out to help strengthen their own pig ignorant beliefs further. A few have tried it on but i resort to humouring ignorance accordingly.

Thanks for not understanding wtf im on about. You're as much use as a broken shortwave CB ray-di-oh chippy boy, and you have form for knowing nowt about the unknown!

Are you receiving me?... : /

Have a nice evening and dont worry your little cotton socks about what i believe in : )
Ouch. Maybe you should have taken your own advice, "Fuck sake, perhaps i should haavve stayed awaay permanently: /"?

And how the fuck can I tell you etc? Er, because it's the truth. Sorry about that old fella. You're right I know nowt about the unknown, because there is no "unknown" so fuck all to know "nowt" about. Are you receiving me?
I'm fairly open minded but never personally experienced anything that could be described as supernatural or paranormal.
A hotel I had was known as being haunted around the local area and over the years many guests mentioned strange goings on in their rooms or corridors at night. We had 'Ghosthunts' every 6 months or so and every single time those participating claimed to see or feel something in certain parts of the hotel.
In all the time I had it though I never seen, heard or experienced anything out of the ordinary and I used to regularly lock up late at night alone.
The only unexplained incident I encountered was when one of the wedding party's we had sent us a photo they had taken on the day and in the background, very clearly was a young girl of about 7/8 years old standing alone. It was strange because there were no children invited to the daytime ceremony and nobody had a clue who she was or remember her being there on the day.

Sounds like double exposure. Inadvertent or intentional. Can be done on a digital camera too.

Ah, a Wotsit sticking his/her two penneth of cheesy-know knowt-ness in.

Perhaps ya shud o' bin a bag o' Monster Munch, Bones Quavers, Fangs, Space Raiders, then ya may have a Scooby snack of a clue about something you clearly know nothing about and have not experienced anything yourself.

You're probably just a plain bag of boring near sell-by date Squares instead, pal. Nevermind.

And the paranormal has fuck all to do with religion btw @Chippy_boy ; )
Didn’t understand any of that except the last line.
Tell me this, why is it always a priest that’s called for an exorcism then?
its said visions of people you see may be chemicals in the brain,i dont think there is anything in the form of ghosts although i said i had seen someone in my page 5 post,i certainly did see a man and i can clearly see his clothing and face now as if it was this morning and not nearly 40 years ago,maybe its parts of the brain we simply cant explain either chemical or electric pulses but i did see that man for some 5 seconds or more, put him in a identification parade id pick him out 100%,very strange indeed and as for chucking pots well im stumped
The true "reality" mate is that everything you perceive is in your brain. That's all there is to it really. So when BlueMoonRisin gets all offended like, it's because he genuinely believes he's seen things, and actually he really has. In that his brain showed him these things and they were to him as real as anything. His reality is what his brain tells him. Doesn't mean these thing actually really exist though, just like what you see in dreams doesn't actually exist. He may get it one day if he opens his mind. But I am not holding my breath.

As an aside, did you know that certain types of magic mushroom have a very peculiar and specific effect on the brain? In that they make people and animals appear smaller to you. They distort your reality so that you see small people and small animals. It's thought this is the origin of why people were said to see fairies at the bottom of the garden - something that occurred to people after eating magic mushrooms. Or so I've heard anyway.
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