Paranormal Experiences

Ok Marco fair enough but animals ARE in tune with the paranormal, (ghosts), cats and dogs definitely are.

I saw a ghost in my mate's house many years ago and his dog was going absolutely mental barking and scratching the door because it sensed what i saw. I was asleep downstairs inthe front room and his dog was in the hall, i was between18-25, not sure as i was mate's with my friend almost 10 years till he moved away.

I told him i saw a ghost when i saw him in the morning. He asked me to elaborate further so i djd. He felt relieved his brain wasn't deceiving him because he had seen the same ghost several times but didn't want to say anything to me for fear of ridicule. A few months later we saw the same ghost together. It came from across the street into the wall, the dog again whimpering and nervously barking.

I don't care if others try and mock my beliefs, but I'm certainly not having any clever **** talking to me as though I'm fuckin' stupid.
i wouldnt knock what your saying, there is another level to this which is beyond our capacity to work out, as i said i did see that man, he walked past the bed and made no eye contact, it was as if it was his old stomping ground and he was doing what he did when alive. Now thats what i thought and have thought that for years the only other explaiable option was there was not a man and it was my mind telling me there was, ive heard so many stories from the elderly that a recently deceased husband /wife has apeared but yet there is never any proof no hard facts 'nothing' just like the doc's on freeview everynight you never get to see the ghost, unexplainable IMO and it certainly does no harm to think things like this do exist while it cant be proved otherwise
Point being i ain't religious full stop. Doesn't mean i dont have faith though. And you mentioning a priest is not the subject matter. Not read BM or contriuted for a while so I haven't read back on this thread or others, been too busy and needed a break .

Religion causes hate division and ultimately war. And for those reasons plus hypocrisy and child abuse within the church i will never conform to man-made religion in order to control and frighten mankind into believing. Faith however is not the same and no one will ever convince me what I've experienced throughout my life is utter bullshit.
I was brought up Catholic but have no time for any of that anymore.

I don’t have any really strong views about spirituality. Whatever gets you through the night, as far as I’m concerned.
What’s good for one man may not be good for the next.
But I don’t believe in ghosts. I’m sure everyone’s experiences described in here are done so in good faith, but unlike Chippy I do believe in the unknown.
The fact it’s unknown doesn’t make it paranormal though.
Go back a hundred or two hundred years and science hadn’t explained half of what we accept as fact now. In fact the more we discover the more we realise there’s so much we don’t know.

I do have one third party story myself which I am reluctant to share as when it was told to me it really upset me. I don’t really know why it affected me so emotionally, but I was inconsolable. It concerns my father and I think Ive kind of blocked the details out of my mind.

We probably all have experiences we can’t explain but it doesn’t make them paranormal. That’s my point.
Used to have an app on my phone, think it was ‘ghost listener’ or something. I got it for a laugh coz we’d be in stitches at work watching Most Haunted on YouTube and I’d set this thing going and it’d be spouting random words, nothing ever paranormal.

Anyway, back in the day my Mum & Dad used to have police lodgers. Think they did it coz it meant a bit of extra money in the bank and wotnot but I was just a toddler and I never asked about the details. Fast forward to 2010 and my Dad passed away. It was about a week after the funeral, a Saturday, and me, my sister and her fella were round with Mum just chatting about the good times and there’s a knock at the door. I answered it and there were a couple of coppers, one oldish and a younger bloke. The older one asked for my Mum so I went and got her. Next to no time she comes back in with them, really happy and she says to me, “Don’t you recognise him?” The older copper just starts laughing, “I’ll let him off, he was only a toddler!” So, yeh, he was one of the first lodgers and he had come to pay his respects. We had a good chat about the old days and off they went.

We continued to talk about Dad and the conversation wandered to the supernatural and Mum said something like “He’ll probably come back to haunt me!” So, just for a giggle I get my phone out and switch on this ‘ghost listener’ and said “See if he’s got a message for us…”

The first two words out of it were “Policemen” and “been”.

Used to have an app on my phone, think it was ‘ghost listener’ or something. I got it for a laugh coz we’d be in stitches at work watching Most Haunted on YouTube and I’d set this thing going and it’d be spouting random words, nothing ever paranormal.

Anyway, back in the day my Mum & Dad used to have police lodgers. Think they did it coz it meant a bit of extra money in the bank and wotnot but I was just a toddler and I never asked about the details. Fast forward to 2010 and my Dad passed away. It was about a week after the funeral, a Saturday, and me, my sister and her fella were round with Mum just chatting about the good times and there’s a knock at the door. I answered it and there were a couple of coppers, one oldish and a younger bloke. The older one asked for my Mum so I went and got her. Next to no time she comes back in with them, really happy and she says to me, “Don’t you recognise him?” The older copper just starts laughing, “I’ll let him off, he was only a toddler!” So, yeh, he was one of the first lodgers and he had come to pay his respects. We had a good chat about the old days and off they went.

We continued to talk about Dad and the conversation wandered to the supernatural and Mum said something like “He’ll probably come back to haunt me!” So, just for a giggle I get my phone out and switch on this ‘ghost listener’ and said “See if he’s got a message for us…”

The first two words out of it were “Policemen” and “been”.


Relies on you expecting to hear something, and the words present in your mind at the time.

There was a viral clip circulating a few months back with a similar phenomenon.

You hear the word you read in your mind.

Used to have an app on my phone, think it was ‘ghost listener’ or something. I got it for a laugh coz we’d be in stitches at work watching Most Haunted on YouTube and I’d set this thing going and it’d be spouting random words, nothing ever paranormal.

Anyway, back in the day my Mum & Dad used to have police lodgers. Think they did it coz it meant a bit of extra money in the bank and wotnot but I was just a toddler and I never asked about the details. Fast forward to 2010 and my Dad passed away. It was about a week after the funeral, a Saturday, and me, my sister and her fella were round with Mum just chatting about the good times and there’s a knock at the door. I answered it and there were a couple of coppers, one oldish and a younger bloke. The older one asked for my Mum so I went and got her. Next to no time she comes back in with them, really happy and she says to me, “Don’t you recognise him?” The older copper just starts laughing, “I’ll let him off, he was only a toddler!” So, yeh, he was one of the first lodgers and he had come to pay his respects. We had a good chat about the old days and off they went.

We continued to talk about Dad and the conversation wandered to the supernatural and Mum said something like “He’ll probably come back to haunt me!” So, just for a giggle I get my phone out and switch on this ‘ghost listener’ and said “See if he’s got a message for us…”

The first two words out of it were “Policemen” and “been”.

No coincidence. Phones and other devices are listening, Alexa and Cortana certainly are. The 'app' you mention is most probably listening too, hence mentioning "policeman" and "been". I cant see how else it will 'work' tbh.
I'm fairly sceptical about these sorts of things but not completely dismissive of it. One incident from years ago when I was a teenager is a bit freaky though.

My friend had been talking to me about astral projection and how he had a book about it from the library. We weren't really taking it seriously, we were just kids talking about how cool it would be if you could actually leave your body and basically fly about wherever you wanted then return back whenever.

So, he got the book and gave me a loan of it the day after he'd tried it (without success, obviously). So after getting home from school I lay down on my bed, followed the method described in the book and to be honest nothing unusual happened and nothing felt out of the ordinary. I did remember feeling pretty relaxed, light and felt close to falling asleep (had my eyes closed throughout). I thought nothing of it and didn't really seriously think about trying it again save for a couple of half-hearted attempts.

It was only about 25 years later during a family holiday with my missus and both our mums that my mum suddenly mentioned how one time she'd opened the door to my bedroom one day to check on me because I was really quiet and saw me basically floating two or three inches above my bed. She just quietly closed the door and said nothing at all about it for the next quarter of a century!

Now my dear old mum had a sense of humour but she would never say stuff like that unless she absolutely meant it and was 100% telling the truth. The more I think about I can't help laughing imagining what my mum must have been thinking if that's really what she saw. And the fact that she didn't spend the rest of her life looking at me out of the corner of her eyes, waiting for me to burst into flames or some shit like that. I love how she just seemed to treat it like it was a teenage phase that I would just grow out of and ignored it. Fucking brilliant.

I still don't know what to think about it.

Relies on you expecting to hear something, and the words present in your mind at the time.

There was a viral clip circulating a few months back with a similar phenomenon.

You hear the word you read in your mind.

If I understand what you're saying, there was no interpretation necessary; the words were spoken clearly and also appeared on the screen. I wasn't expecting to hear anything relevant.

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