Paul Pogba

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They let him go for free so it's ridiculous money to then go and spend. Particularly when he's nothing more than a prospect still. Haven't seen anything from him to suggest he's world class - he's not consistent enough. Was redundant in the French side, Sissokho looked miles better. He's still going to be a good signing for them, not worth the money and it will cause the rags problems with future signings which is nothing but a good thing from our point of view. All of these big money signings will be the ones wanting more cash if the rags win things and will be refusing to pay when Mourinho starts to berate them publicly/when he inevitably leaves in a couple of seasons.

The fact is the rags have the money to pay the fee though so people shouldn't get too happy about the fact they're paying it. They can afford it. But what will damage them is that this will lead to open season with Rooney first in the queue now looking for even higher wages.
Having made a colossal mistake though, they have nevertheless signed a player who strengthens them significantly. The problem for them is that he is one player and the rest of their midfield is rubbish. Awful.

I disagree with your comment about Sissoko. He looked good, but that was because of the very deep role which Pogba played. that's Sissoko's game. Pogba has versatility. Anyway we have to move om. He will soon become a Utd player and we have to think about how we are going to get better and keep them behind us
In 2014 Utd entered into an agreement with Addidas which would see them receive a minimum of £750 million over 10 years from the 2015-16 season. That's roughly double the reported value of the much more widely ranging Etihad deal. That gives them massive financial power and the ability to recover from poor seasons. Obviously renewal of such contracts depends on their status as a football club, so they have to have a team capable of winning trophies. That's the background.

When City considered our transfer strategy we will have known Pogba was on the market and that Guardiola was incoming. We'd have been faced with a choice of Pogba and no other significant signings, or 4-5 significant signings. We've argued over many months about which is the best strategy. It all depends on the quality of those 4 or 5 signings. In previous seasons the 4-5 signings we've made have for the most part been no better than what we have already got, but that needn't be the case going forward.

Two pre-season games in, it's obvious that the playing style which we are going to see under Guardiola is very high energy pressing that is going to very demanding on the squad. Some players will revel in it. Others will struggle. So I think we have done the right thing in going for 4-5 players instead of the one.

I argued that if we let Man Utd have Pogba they would be a force for the next decade. I think that will be true, but what are we to do whenever a Pogba, or Neymar or bale becomes available? We can beat them to that signing once, but we can't do it again and again as Tolmie said, let's be grateful that they were forced to spend £110m on Pogba plus wages when that could have gone on a Neymar. The Addidas deal (and others) meant that they were always going to be able to pull off a deal like this. It was a matter of time.

Now we have to rise to the challenge. Hopefully they will struggle again. more likely they will be back in contention for the top 4 and we have to get used again to having Man Utd as rivals, but it makes life more exciting, and on the plus side someone like Liverpool or Arsenal are going to lose out. It wont be us.

For one the scum will aways be around competing for trophies!
2 pogba be gone within 3 years! 3 they are now a club that react to what we do which is small time tail chasing, we scared of being out done by our neighbours so lets show em.

4 they are Scum
For all the reasons I got called bitter growing up is pretty much all summed up in this thread. "We didn't want him anyway"
I've never said i dont want him. Pretty much most people in this thread have said they would have him. Hes a good player, but hes 100 million miles away from a Ronaldo and messi type status. Which most rags are justifying the fee for. I just want one rag to say the truth and admit the fee is ludicrous for a player that is good but not world class.
Hoping he plays in a 2 for them as it will leave there midfield woefully short on legs and with rooney,mikatarian and martial and zlatan in front they will be pleasing on the eye going forward but will strugle when faced with winning the ball back IF he signs
Pogba will definitely want to leave in 3-4 years time for Madrid

One of many reasons why this deal is all about vanity/marketing rather than football. Pogba's the icing on the midfield cake. United's current midfield cake is a tesco value sponge. Icing is pointless.

Of course he improves their midfield options but if this is their business done personally Im delighted. They've spent a fortune just in the wrong position.

They should've spent heavy in defence and attack.
I've never said i dont want him. Pretty much most people in this thread have said they would have him. Hes a good player, but hes 100 million miles away from a Ronaldo and messi type status. Which most rags are justifying the fee for. I just want one rag to say the truth and admit the fee is ludicrous for a player that is good but not world class.

Then I don't know who you have spoken to but pretty much throughout every rag I have seen talk about Pogba everyone has said the fee is a joke however it isn't them paying it. It is the hypocrisy with our spending which could be an arguing point but at the end of the day they are getting a player deemed to be world class or very close to, yeah not in the messi Ronaldo bracket but a very good player at that. We all look like bitches crying about the fee or them buying him back, value in the market. The list is endless and we look pathetic moaning about it. If he steers them on to success who will care what was paid the same way we never did when we overpaid on fees and wages to get to where we need to be.

I'm gutted not for not getting him but the fact our rivals and a team I hate passionately will secure his signature.
Oh come on – this is just part of the Rag PR campaign to make it out that Pogba only ever wanted to play for the Rags... so transparent it's laughable. Their deluded fans will lap shit like this up though!
It's Marca who released that news.
Having made a colossal mistake though, they have nevertheless signed a player who strengthens them significantly. The problem for them is that he is one player and the rest of their midfield is rubbish. Awful.

I disagree with your comment about Sissoko. He looked good, but that was because of the very deep role which Pogba played. that's Sissoko's game. Pogba has versatility. Anyway we have to move om. He will soon become a Utd player and we have to think about how we are going to get better and keep them behind us

Depends on your definition of versatile. For me a versatile player can perform well in a variety of positions. Pogba didn't perform well. In the final he just played the ball sideways. He can't run the game from a deep position the way Kroos, Modric, Alonso can (I'd add Gundogan to that). He might be better in a more attacking role, the role Sissoko performed so well in the Euro's but again, he doesn't score very many. Look at how good Yaya has been for us previously with a more attacking central midfield role. For the price they're paying he doesn't do enough of that and so I'd expect to see more from him. They've essentially paid all that money for Pogba to do what Lampard did for him at Chelsea. He's definitely capable of it, without a doubt but at the same level and with so much consistency? That remains to be seen.

He improves them but most players would, their midfield has been lacking for a number of years now.
One of many reasons why this deal is all about vanity/marketing rather than football. Pogba's the icing on the midfield cake. United's current midfield cake is a tesco value sponge. Icing is pointless.

Of course he improves their midfield options but if this is their business done personally Im delighted. They've spent a fortune just in the wrong position.

They should've spent heavy in defence and attack.

Couldnt agree more! buying pogs and Ibra is all about the marketing and PR and selling more shirts to their 659 million fans.

DeGay has been their best player for the last 2 seasons, so it shows where their weaknesses are, and buying pogs and ibra doesnt solve those issues. They will have games where they will win big but they will still be gettable at the back in my opinion.
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