PED Use in the EPL

Shouldn't be in their hands, I personally feel an externally agency outside of Fifa should run the testing procedures.

It's WADA and their UK affiliate UKad but if you look at the link about Russia I posted you will get a view of the dodgy stuff going on behind the scenes. They go on to say the government and the security service were involved with the cover up. the most interesting parts start after the first pull out quote. I don't think WADA/UKad are too bad but it's easy to fiddle the tests.

I remember being told a story of one player, always doing recreational drugs etc, he had to write off his car but didn't go to hospital even though he'd got a very bad injury from it. He signed for a new team about two weeks after the incident. How he passed that medical, I don't know! I'm cynical, I think football is as dodgy as hell but we won't find out because of the stakes involved for the people in the know.
There is only one acronym in the thread title. EPL is an initialism. PED can be either an initialism as each letter can be pronounced separately, or an acronym as it can be pronounced as a word.

Now, a while back in a thread that I can't find the will to remember, I spotted your describing something as a tautology when clearly it was a pleonasm. I stood back from that one because it can be a controversial differentiation , but I'm not having a la-dee-dah wordsmith like you go all Dolly Fuckwit on the humble acronym without being hauled up in front of your peers.

Education of the lower orders is a duty.
I remember being told a story of one player, always doing recreational drugs etc, he had to write off his car but didn't go to hospital even though he'd got a very bad injury from it. He signed for a new team about two weeks after the incident. How he passed that medical, I don't know!

I'm more worried about how RSC and Rodwell passed ours tbf.
There is only one acronym in the thread title. EPL is an initialism. PED can be either an initialism as each letter can be pronounced separately, or an acronym as it can be pronounced as a word.

Now, a while back in a thread that I can't find the will to remember, I spotted your describing something as a tautology when clearly it was a pleonasm. I stood back from that one because it can be a controversial differentiation , but I'm not having a la-dee-dah wordsmith like you go all Dolly Fuckwit on the humble acronym without being hauled up in front of your peers.

Do you mind if I call you Stu?
Fair enough. It was an off the cuff quip, but if you use a word it's correct that you should take the time to ensure it is being used properly, although I must take some issue with your 'tautology'/ 'pleonasm' distinction. Not quite sure how anything could 'clearly' fall into either description when it is, as you describe, "a controversial differentiation", however I've learnt a new word, so I shan't be overly churlish.

Always happy to have my mistakes pointed out to me and to continue to learn. I'm never afraid to publicly make a mistake either, unless it's a life changing one, of course. I would say that a fear of making mistakes, and being seen to do so, must be hugely suffocating for those who are subject to it. It must greatly hamper their decision making too.

Not quite sure I could be properly be described as 'la-dee-dah' mind. Certainly for anyone observing me after a few drinks, especially whilst I'm eating, it would be the furthest description from their lips!

You should change your name to 'La-de-dah Duncan'

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