PED Use in the EPL

The top, as in FIFA/UEFA/FA are in my opinion rigging it due to money. Pop a guy for something minor (like a fat burner, probably EC stack: ephedrine is regulated on the amount in the system) every now and then it looks like you're testing and he only gets a short ban.

@MCFC1993 I don't think they want to up the testing, that's why.

Shouldn't be in their hands, I personally feel an externally agency outside of Fifa should run the testing procedures.
I don't think it would need to be that complicated. At a player level there would be an unspoken rule that to properly succeed you need to take PEDs. It's still your choice, but you know without them you're not getting to the top. At a managerial level you know all your players are probably doping, but you ask no questions and hear no lies. You'll naturally pick the best performing players which are those taking PEDs. Higher than management understand that these are the risks of competing for the league/champions league/whatever, punishment is directed at the player rather than the club, and you accept the risk of loosing that asset should they get caught out, as it likely pales in comparison to falling out of the competition.

Everyone is benefiting from this gravy train and it seems even whenever someone comes out, like the recent doctor, its swept under the rug quicker than you can say EPO. In many ways the more rife it is the easier it would be to cover up, given you'll be under pressure from everyone, your team mates, your manager, your club, to keep it going or risk chucking away your 100k+ a week career. Probably not a hard choice for most tbh.

Another thing to remember is football is largely one massive old boys club. The players then go on to become managers and directors of football. They go into powerful positions at UEFA and Fifa. They're replaced by other footballers or long time football people. They are subject to practically no (or any?) external oversight. They can do whatever the fuck they want.
I'm sure there something in the CoC about thread titles only containing a maximum of one acronym.
There is only one acronym in the thread title. EPL is an initialism. PED can be either an initialism as each letter can be pronounced separately, or an acronym as it can be pronounced as a word.

Now, a while back in a thread that I can't find the will to remember, I spotted your describing something as a tautology when clearly it was a pleonasm. I stood back from that one because it can be a controversial differentiation , but I'm not having a la-dee-dah wordsmith like you go all Dolly Fuckwit on the humble acronym without being hauled up in front of your peers.
One question needs answering by us all is - do you (as a football supporter) accept/condone the use of PED's with the knowledge that it improves the quality of the product that we consume in terms of its spectacle?

I look at PED's in sport like I look at drugs in the entertainment industry... Imagine what Music would be like without LSD and Coke.... Pretty boring I reckon.

Yes we can still enjoy sport without the competitor's taking PED's but if it means faster, more explosive action and the fact that if the English Premier League weren't prepared to allow it then some other country would and thus attract the big TV deals... And we wouldn't have the star players, then maybe it's just something we have to put up with.

I only ask for more transparency.
I'd embrace it more if the FA/Prem and Clubs openly admitted collectively to the use of PED's.
Rather than it being kept a known secret.

I don't think we can accept the use of PED's in football. If it's taken as the norm then all the kids in the new academy know that the only way they're going to make it is if they're willing to dope. That's not right is it?

If you knew that the main thing separating the champions and runners up wasn't ability or tactics, but the best doctor would it take anything away from your enjoyment of the victory?

It wouldn't take long before parents and kids were doping on their own to give themselves the best way of making it.

On a slightly different note, does it not raise questions when players jet off to Spain, Germany etc to see a trusted doctor for treatment? Are the ones over here so poor or will they not give them the medication they need?
There is only one acronym in the thread title. EPL is an initialism. PED can be either an initialism as each letter can be pronounced separately, or an acronym as it can be pronounced as a word.

Now, a while back in a thread that I can't find the will to remember, I spotted your describing something as a tautology when clearly it was a pleonasm. I stood back from that one because it can be a controversial differentiation , but I'm not having a la-dee-dah wordsmith like you go all Dolly Fuckwit on the humble acronym without being hauled up in front of your peers.
Fair enough. It was an off the cuff quip, but if you use a word it's correct that you should take the time to ensure it is being used properly, although I must take some issue with your 'tautology'/ 'pleonasm' distinction. Not quite sure how anything could 'clearly' fall into either description when it is, as you describe, "a controversial differentiation", however I've learnt a new word, so I shan't be overly churlish.

Always happy to have my mistakes pointed out to me and to continue to learn. I'm never afraid to publicly make a mistake either, unless it's a life changing one, of course. I would say that a fear of making mistakes, and being seen to do so, must be hugely suffocating for those who are subject to it. It must greatly hamper their decision making too.

Not quite sure I could be properly be described as 'la-dee-dah' mind. Certainly for anyone observing me after a few drinks, especially whilst I'm eating, it would be the furthest description from their lips!

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