Pellegrini is the new manager (Malaga Newspaper reports)

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Dubai Blue said:
The perfect fumble said:
Well. they have got a manager who spent 11 years at his previous club, so he comes with a reputation for not hop, skipping and jumping, still that doesn't preclude a push.
Of course that helps, and it seems to be the main quality they have recruited him for. But so many different variables went into him staying there for 11 years, just as they did for Taggart, that you can't possibly treat it as an exact science, which is what united appear to be trying to do. The most glaring variable is that united stuck by Ferguson for 5 years while he figured out what to do, and Moyes won't be afforded anything like that level of leniency.

If Everton had any money they would of got rid of Moyes years ago. He was the best they could get for the money they could spend. No half decent manager wants a job with no transfer budget.
adrianr said:
Pigeonho said:
Kiam - number one City fan and now ITK.
despite salfordpaul telling us about Pep

Any1aBlue was trying to take credit for that little nugget as well. Seems all the rage.

We should all take credit for it now. It's the holistic approach. Get with the programme.
Tricky_Trev said:
mammutly said:
He may bring RSC back with him.
RSC is in the suitcase

HAHA, coworkers are looking at me wondering why I just almost spit out my drink.

ManuelPellegrini said:
Fuerza Pellegrini!

Haha, it was inevitable really, welcome to the club, although I figured the name would have been taken days ago.
strongbowholic said:
Apologies if already pointed out elsewhere in the thread but...

...he'd complained about not getting players for the positions he wanted and his questioning of the board meant that he only got one season...

Sound familiar?

Slightly different circumstances.

He was hired and the board sold Robben and Sneijder, two players he wanted to keep. He was quoted as saying something along the lines of

"I didn't have a voice or a vote at Madrid. They sign the best players, but not the best players needed in a certain position. It’s no good having an orchestra with the 10 best guitarists if I don’t have a pianist. Real Madrid have the best guitarists, but if I ask them to play the piano they won’t be able to do it so well. He [Pérez] sold players that I considered important. We didn't win the Champions League because we didn't have a squad properly structured to be able to win it."

My opinion is that he doesn't expect full control of transfers, but wants to be involved. At Madrid he wasn't, he was told, here are your players, work with them. At City, he's part of the creation of the new system and so will be very much involved, along with Txiki, at identifying players that fit the system.
strongbowholic said:
Apologies if already pointed out elsewhere in the thread but...

...he'd complained about not getting players for the positions he wanted and his questioning of the board meant that he only got one season...

Sound familiar?

It's all about the context. Your post has none.
tactics, results apart at least Pellegrini is a man who know how to talk to the medias, the players ect
so no more stupid childish answers with the press (who use them to dig at city)
no more fight with other managers

and for the manager situation only some ignorant and deluded city fans would think that mancini was going to stay more (maybe in my opinion he could have got one more year) now city has a foot director like leonardo in PSG, Bayern, Barça ... so it was obious that they will be a clear out ( from mancini to lombardo...)
Re: Pellegrini the new manager

PjMSweden said:
inchy14 said:
PjMSweden said:
According to the original article nothing will be announced until Malaga has secured an europa league spot and that he would start on the first of July.

Seeing as though they are banned from Europe for at least 1 season, i'm calling bollocks............

I read the Spanish FA overturned that yesterday and the decision is now up to CAS.
I heard Malaga have to qualify for Europe to enable them to serve the 1 year ban
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