Pellegrini is the new manager (Malaga Newspaper reports)

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FjordoftheRings said:
kenzie115 said:
Balti said:
OK I'm starting to buy into this whole systemic ethos effort now. One thing I'm not sure of......if the blueprint includes playing style across the entire club then who sets the this coming from the barca boys upstairs/ elsewhere or has Pellegrini been identified not only as our new manager but also as the guy who sets the blueprint for many years to come......? If the latter then I'm still struggling to see why given his history to date he is apparently the man to do this? Has he implemented such a blueprint at another club for others to follow?

My opinion, although it is only that, is that the Barca Boys' primary task when they were hired was to create the system. This of course then involves highlighting current members of staff, both playing and non-playing, who don't fit the system and moving them on, and recruiting for the now vacant positions. It obviously follows therefore, that they believe Pellegrini is the best man for the manager's job. This ties in with their previously reported admiration for him from his time at Villarreal/Madrid. Both Txiki and Pep commented on the fantastic jobs he did at both clubs whilst at Barca.

It would also seem they've identified Pelligrini as the best man to steward the transition on account of his formational and tactical flexibility (as set out in this Michael Cox article from The Guardian, which I'm certain has been posted here but is worth linking again I think: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ester-city</a>).
He should be able to cooperate with Txiki in order to begin installing the overall football ethos the Barca Boys would prefer, while also getting the most out of the current squad, which, for next season at least, may not feature the personnel most ideally suited for the ultimate vision of the club's playing style.

This is an excellent point. It's widely recognised that one of Pellegrini's main strengths is unifying a squad and getting the best out of that squad as he did at Villarreal and Malaga. You're right that even if we do make significant changes to the squad in the summer, it's still not going to be perfect, and in this transitional period, it'll be extremely helpful to have a manager capable of getting the best out of what he's got.

Then once he's done all the hard work Pep can come and take all the glory ;)
Only a 2 year contract? Perhaps the manager will be merely a temporary figure who implements Txiki's ideas on the field.

Or maybe salfordpaul is right about City wanting Pep.
FantasyIreland said:
OB1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Got to be Vieira

I do hope so.

Or Uwe! please let it be so!
Let him finish his job at Brentford this weekend then bring him in as assistant!

The club are having a bit of a PR nightmare with fans at the moment, Dickov and Uwe in as assistants to Pellegrini. Sorted.
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