Pellegrini's post-Barca comments. Update P12. 2 game ban

Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

BlueSiam said:
He has a right to be pissed off. It wasn't just the penalty double whammy though was it? (Actually that wasn't the least bit surprising). Barca got so many soft fouls it was a joke!
Exactly. The media focussed has been on the Demichelis foul, but it was the continual free kicks that Barca got every time we challenged them. Looked like the ref was protecting them, and not from fouls

I thought the game was very even until that incident and we looked more likely to score than they did even if they had more possession.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

mike channon´s windmill said:
ilovefotball said:
First of all, I came here to something else but seing the reaction from most of the posters here, I will write something else instead.

I don't get this referee talk at all. If anything, he was consistent on his job and Barca should be actually condemning the referee for disallowing the perfectly legit goal.

First goal incident, there is no doubt whatsoever that it is a red card. About the penalty, it looked stone wall penalty to almost everyone when it happened. Of course, after seeing it several times in slow motion, the decision was wrong. But anyway, to blame the referee for giving penalty there is small time.

Then there is the Barcelona goal which was disallowed. It kind off was a call that should settle the wrongly given penalty.

I don't remember any other major incidents from the game, which in itself shows that the referee did a good job.

Now, I understand Chelsea fans going crazy for that infamous loss to Barca in 2009/10 season, I even understand Arsenal fans complaining for that Van Persie red card and I do understand Inter Milan complaining for Motta's red card. But I don't get why City fans and their manager want to blame the loss to the ref.

The red card was the right decision and even if the penalty was not given, Barca scored 2 perfectly legit goal and thus the scoreline should have been 0-2 anyway.

If anyone wants to blame for the soft calls gone to Barca players ( which I honestly don't remember), it's better for your team to understand as soon as possible that you are not playing at the EPL, but UEFA CL. You can't be as physical as in EPL because there are teams from all over the continents which have differently perspective on how hard you can go on a tackle.

If anything you guys should be blaming, it should be your captain who played Messi on. Seriously, I think Pellegrini had his tactics spot on for this game, but that red card (correct one) ruined his tactics.
In which case why wasn´t the tackle on Navas called? This incident was solely responsible for ruining what should have been a great specatacle with everything hanging in the balance going into the second leg.
Less physical maybe but let´s have consistency on all fouls when it comes to officiating
^^ This is the only thing we can complain about, so lets move on
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Pellers today according to BBC...

"I felt from the beginning his criteria was not the same for both teams, I think he had a bad day - everyone can have a bad day - but I didn't say that intentionally he didn't give fouls for us or did give fouls for Barcelona."

So if the ref is applying one criteria or set of rules to Barca and a different criteria or set of rules to us then the ref is showing bias (or not being impartial) and is intentionally giving free kicks to Barca that he would not give to us which is basically Peller's argument on the Navas foul leading up to the penalty and red card.

And to cap it all the ref is still Swedish.

Ah well we'll see what comes out in the wash.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

ilovefotball said:
First of all, I came here to something else but seing the reaction from most of the posters here, I will write something else instead.

I don't get this referee talk at all. If anything, he was consistent on his job and Barca should be actually condemning the referee for disallowing the perfectly legit goal.

First goal incident, there is no doubt whatsoever that it is a red card. About the penalty, it looked stone wall penalty to almost everyone when it happened. Of course, after seeing it several times in slow motion, the decision was wrong. But anyway, to blame the referee for giving penalty there is small time.

Then there is the Barcelona goal which was disallowed. It kind off was a call that should settle the wrongly given penalty.

I don't remember any other major incidents from the game, which in itself shows that the referee did a good job.

Now, I understand Chelsea fans going crazy for that infamous loss to Barca in 2009/10 season, I even understand Arsenal fans complaining for that Van Persie red card and I do understand Inter Milan complaining for Motta's red card. But I don't get why City fans and their manager want to blame the loss to the ref.

The red card was the right decision and even if the penalty was not given, Barca scored 2 perfectly legit goal and thus the scoreline should have been 0-2 anyway.

If anyone wants to blame for the soft calls gone to Barca players ( which I honestly don't remember), it's better for your team to understand as soon as possible that you are not playing at the EPL, but UEFA CL. You can't be as physical as in EPL because there are teams from all over the continents which have differently perspective on how hard you can go on a tackle.

If anything you guys should be blaming, it should be your captain who played Messi on. Seriously, I think Pellegrini had his tactics spot on for this game, but that red card (correct one) ruined his tactics.
City weren't tackling heavily. I've seen a lot more physical games in La Liga, and last night in the Europa League for example. In the past I've been impressed with the refs we have had for European games.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

mike channon´s windmill said:
ilovefotball said:
First of all, I came here to something else but seing the reaction from most of the posters here, I will write something else instead.

I don't get this referee talk at all. If anything, he was consistent on his job and Barca should be actually condemning the referee for disallowing the perfectly legit goal.

First goal incident, there is no doubt whatsoever that it is a red card. About the penalty, it looked stone wall penalty to almost everyone when it happened. Of course, after seeing it several times in slow motion, the decision was wrong. But anyway, to blame the referee for giving penalty there is small time.

Then there is the Barcelona goal which was disallowed. It kind off was a call that should settle the wrongly given penalty.

I don't remember any other major incidents from the game, which in itself shows that the referee did a good job.

Now, I understand Chelsea fans going crazy for that infamous loss to Barca in 2009/10 season, I even understand Arsenal fans complaining for that Van Persie red card and I do understand Inter Milan complaining for Motta's red card. But I don't get why City fans and their manager want to blame the loss to the ref.

The red card was the right decision and even if the penalty was not given, Barca scored 2 perfectly legit goal and thus the scoreline should have been 0-2 anyway.

If anyone wants to blame for the soft calls gone to Barca players ( which I honestly don't remember), it's better for your team to understand as soon as possible that you are not playing at the EPL, but UEFA CL. You can't be as physical as in EPL because there are teams from all over the continents which have differently perspective on how hard you can go on a tackle.

If anything you guys should be blaming, it should be your captain who played Messi on. Seriously, I think Pellegrini had his tactics spot on for this game, but that red card (correct one) ruined his tactics.
In which case why wasn´t the tackle on Navas called? This incident was solely responsible for ruining what should have been a great specatacle with everything hanging in the balance going into the second leg.
Less physical maybe but let´s have consistency on all fouls when it comes to officiating

Maybe the refree should have called a foul, but you are naming that situation because it resulted in a goal and a red card. It would not have been an issue if Messi's first touch was shit or he just blasted over Hart.

What Pellegrini implied was that the refree was pro Barca, which he was not at all. If he was pro Barca then Barca would have gone to the 2nd leg 3-0 up.

Anyway, it's same when Barca plays with an English team or Mourinho coached team. Epl team think that If Barca didn't have refree on their side then they would be a equal match to Barca.

Bullshit!!!!!!!!! Everyone remebers Chelsea not been awarded penalty in 2009 but noone except Barca fans remeber that in the same game Abidal was wrongly shown the red card which resulted in Chelsea getting more room to counter attack.

Everyone remember Thiago Motta getting red card in the second leg for Inter Milan, but noone remembers the 1st leg where the offside goal to Milito was given which eventually resulted in Inter Milan winning the CL. Even in the 2nd leg, Bojan scored a winning goal but it was wrongly disallowed for handball to Toure. If that goal was given, Barca would be in final to defend the crown And would have got a chance to write history as the first club ever to win back to back CL.

Everyone remembers the penalty given to Barca against City, but there is little talk about that perfectly legit goal being disallowed And Clichy's handball which could have been easily given as a penalty kick.

Hell even noone remember in 2006 Carvallho basically dragged Valdes down in order to give Terry chance to score in an empty net which gave a goal win to Chelsea.

It's just that everything that goes for Barca is highlighted and discussed in every forum and media whereas any decision that goes against Barca is quitely forgotten.

It just smells bitterness from the opposing teams and in this case I was utterly disappointed by Pellegrini as it was very unlike him to blame the refree when his team last season lost a place in CL semi final due to even worse referring And he didn't say a word.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

I think if we'd have got away with 0-1 then Pellegrini wouldn't have said those things.
Small margins. Maybe Pellers isn't as cool as we were led to believe, maybe he's human after all.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

ilovefotball said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
ilovefotball said:
First of all, I came here to something else but seing the reaction from most of the posters here, I will write something else instead.

I don't get this referee talk at all. If anything, he was consistent on his job and Barca should be actually condemning the referee for disallowing the perfectly legit goal.

First goal incident, there is no doubt whatsoever that it is a red card. About the penalty, it looked stone wall penalty to almost everyone when it happened. Of course, after seeing it several times in slow motion, the decision was wrong. But anyway, to blame the referee for giving penalty there is small time.

Then there is the Barcelona goal which was disallowed. It kind off was a call that should settle the wrongly given penalty.

I don't remember any other major incidents from the game, which in itself shows that the referee did a good job.

Now, I understand Chelsea fans going crazy for that infamous loss to Barca in 2009/10 season, I even understand Arsenal fans complaining for that Van Persie red card and I do understand Inter Milan complaining for Motta's red card. But I don't get why City fans and their manager want to blame the loss to the ref.

The red card was the right decision and even if the penalty was not given, Barca scored 2 perfectly legit goal and thus the scoreline should have been 0-2 anyway.

If anyone wants to blame for the soft calls gone to Barca players ( which I honestly don't remember), it's better for your team to understand as soon as possible that you are not playing at the EPL, but UEFA CL. You can't be as physical as in EPL because there are teams from all over the continents which have differently perspective on how hard you can go on a tackle.

If anything you guys should be blaming, it should be your captain who played Messi on. Seriously, I think Pellegrini had his tactics spot on for this game, but that red card (correct one) ruined his tactics.
In which case why wasn´t the tackle on Navas called? This incident was solely responsible for ruining what should have been a great specatacle with everything hanging in the balance going into the second leg.
Less physical maybe but let´s have consistency on all fouls when it comes to officiating

Maybe the refree should have called a foul, but you are naming that situation because it resulted in a goal and a red card. It would not have been an issue if Messi's first touch was shit or he just blasted over Hart.

What Pellegrini implied was that the refree was pro Barca, which he was not at all. If he was pro Barca then Barca would have gone to the 2nd leg 3-0 up.

Anyway, it's same when Barca plays with an English team or Mourinho coached team. Epl team think that If Barca didn't have refree on their side then they would be a equal match to Barca.

Bullshit!!!!!!!!! Everyone remebers Chelsea not been awarded penalty in 2009 but noone except Barca fans remeber that in the same game Abidal was wrongly shown the red card which resulted in Chelsea getting more room to counter attack.

Everyone remember Thiago Motta getting red card in the second leg for Inter Milan, but noone remembers the 1st leg where the offside goal to Milito was given which eventually resulted in Inter Milan winning the CL. Even in the 2nd leg, Bojan scored a winning goal but it was wrongly disallowed for handball to Toure. If that goal was given, Barca would be in final to defend the crown And would have got a chance to write history as the first club ever to win back to back CL.

Everyone remembers the penalty given to Barca against City, but there is little talk about that perfectly legit goal being disallowed And Clichy's handball which could have been easily given as a penalty kick.

Hell even noone remember in 2006 Carvallho basically dragged Valdes down in order to give Terry chance to score in an empty net which gave a goal win to Chelsea.

It's just that everything that goes for Barca is highlighted and discussed in every forum and media whereas any decision that goes against Barca is quitely forgotten.

It just smells bitterness from the opposing teams and in this case I was utterly disappointed by Pellegrini as it was very unlike him to blame the refree when his team last season lost a place in CL semi final due to even worse referring And he didn't say a word.

Oh really mate? You reckon?
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Times Sport ‏@TimesSport 4m
Manuel Pellegrini COULD be handed a 5-match ban by Uefa today after criticising the referee against Barcelona. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 019048.ece</a> … #MCFC

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