Pellegrini's post-Barca comments. Update P12. 2 game ban

Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

cookster said:
Marvin said:
cookster said:
Not when he questions the integrity of the ref. Basically called him a cheat which was wrong.

Not the best ref but complete over reaction from some blues and especially MP.
He said he was biased. He was. Wouldn't allow any physical contact.

Like I said complete over reaction by some mard arses. The same mard arses who cry when Maureen acts like a dick.

The ref was a cheat..and he runs like my sister..
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

oakiecokie said:
Stoned Rose said:
Clever from MP.

He said what fucking needed saying. He said it so it had less chance of happening again in future.

He'll get a slap on the wrist.

So what?

Well done for standing our ground Manuel.

Spot on SR.Had he said nowt people would also have criticised him for not speaking up.I did a thread on this same arse-wipe of a ref.when I got back home.
Worse than that one eyed fooker,Dowd and he was constantly blowing up when the game could have continued.I really do hate European refs who like no contact made between players.

Totally agree with this. He said what needed to be said.

The powers that be don't want Barca out of the competition. When the Barca plays fell over because Yaya breathed on them, there was a free kick. If Vinny gave a Barca player an evil stare, there was a free kick.

It really is totally unacceptable. It ruins the game as a spectacle.

Good on you Pellers for saying what needed to be said. And besides we might get the added bonus of Reuben running the team at Nou Camp!
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

chesterguy said:
neel said:
Shoulnt have bought nationality into the picture

I think he should. On a weekly basis what matches does this ref have to control. To ref in the CL IMHO you should have to be reffing in the top leagues in Europe

The average attendance in the Swedish league is 7,200 the same as our Division 1 now the pressures of regularly reffing world class players in large stadiums is different to those that he faces in Sweden

I think it is right that Pellegrini is right to point it out. I think if there are top refs in "smaller" leagues (no disrespect to Sweden) out there they should be reffing in the top domestic leagues throughout Europe to ensure that they can cope with CL football
Exactly, if they chose a league of Ireland ref for the match there would have been uproar and rightly so (and they would probably have done as good a job) so why not bring it up?
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Dodgemeister said:
Okay shoot me down, say I'm biased (I am) but I felt this sort of thing was going to happen before the game of any EPL team vs europes best. The epl in my opinion is the strongest/best league in the world. It showed as up until a couple of years ago, for the last 10 years EPL teams have dominated the Champions League, can't remember how many years ago but 3 out of the last 4 teams in the semi were EPL. I think this would and did make the EPL even stronger with better players wanting to play in it as they would get a better run in the champions league etc, be tested by playing the best week in and out. Instead of looking at Spain, Italy, France where there are only 2 or so teams in each of their top leagues likely to win the league and domestic cups each year, lets penalise the EPL sides

So FIFA can't really have this happening, so lets be a little prejudiced against EPL teams, few sendings off or penalties given, border line decisions against the EPL. If I'm crazy so be it, but City and Arsenal this year, players sent off, penalties awarded against them, fowls ignored against them, not way over the top against us, but only needs one player sent off and you are on your back foot, especially against the likes of Barcelona or Bayern. Chelsea had a player sent off against Barca couple of years ago and on and on the same. I'm crap at remembering instances from other games etc and no good at stats, but this is my feeling.

As I said maybe I'm paranoid, maybe crazy, but I do think the refs may have an agenda given to them against EPL sides at the bequest of FIFA?. Keep the winners of THE European Cup spread around Europe not dominated by EPL sides?

I am not one for conspiracies, but I read recently that Barca have never had to face an 11 man team in a last 16 CL match. If true, that would be a staggering coincidence at the very least.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Good for speaking his mind sure he will get a ban and think b4 he speaks in the future
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Chippy_boy said:
Dodgemeister said:
Okay shoot me down, say I'm biased (I am) but I felt this sort of thing was going to happen before the game of any EPL team vs europes best. The epl in my opinion is the strongest/best league in the world. It showed as up until a couple of years ago, for the last 10 years EPL teams have dominated the Champions League, can't remember how many years ago but 3 out of the last 4 teams in the semi were EPL. I think this would and did make the EPL even stronger with better players wanting to play in it as they would get a better run in the champions league etc, be tested by playing the best week in and out. Instead of looking at Spain, Italy, France where there are only 2 or so teams in each of their top leagues likely to win the league and domestic cups each year, lets penalise the EPL sides

So FIFA can't really have this happening, so lets be a little prejudiced against EPL teams, few sendings off or penalties given, border line decisions against the EPL. If I'm crazy so be it, but City and Arsenal this year, players sent off, penalties awarded against them, fowls ignored against them, not way over the top against us, but only needs one player sent off and you are on your back foot, especially against the likes of Barcelona or Bayern. Chelsea had a player sent off against Barca couple of years ago and on and on the same. I'm crap at remembering instances from other games etc and no good at stats, but this is my feeling.

As I said maybe I'm paranoid, maybe crazy, but I do think the refs may have an agenda given to them against EPL sides at the bequest of FIFA?. Keep the winners of THE European Cup spread around Europe not dominated by EPL sides?

I am not one for conspiracies, but I read recently that Barca have never had to face an 11 man team in a last 16 CL match. If true, that would be a staggering coincidence at the very least.

Nothing in this game surprises me anymore
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

BBC website saying he has apologised for his remarks:

"Manchester City boss Manuel Pellegrini has apologised for his comments after his team's Champions League defeat by Barcelona.

The Chilean claimed Swedish referee Jonas Eriksson favoured the Spanish side during their 2-0 victory at Etihad Stadium on Tuesday.

"We lost the game against Barcelona," said Pellegrini. "You are frustrated and angry.

"Maybe I said something but I don't think that way. I want to apologise."

Probably to reduce his 'sentence'!!! :-)
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Won't make much difference but an apology is the right thing to do.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Unesessary,embarrassing and rather surprising. Shows a sort of weakness under pressure that isn't normally associated with Pelle. You can bet it will be highlighted time after time by opponents & the meeja!! Bet Maureen had a smile.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

moomba said:
Won't make much difference but an apology is the right thing to do.
Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in to make a difference in this world. Pellegrini has, and as a result at UEFA's next meeting the situation of the double penalty of a sending off and a penalty for a contravention in the area is to be discussed under AOB.

If anything happens it'll be too late for us, but it could change the course of the game in general for the better.

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