Pellegrini's post-Barca comments. Update P12. 2 game ban

Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

toffee balls said:
He is a fuckin shite ref....end of.

All about him right from the first minute.

A twat of the highest order and equally as bad for both teams.

I'd agree. His whistle- happy performance did no favours to the team that dominated possession, either. It's just they got the rub of the green, regarding his incompetence (on the night, at least), rather than his " being in awe" of them - in my humble etc.

Worth pointing out that Pelligrini's words - regardless of any forthcoming (& deserved) punishment probably ought to be a positive (from our point of view) influence on the ref for the 2nd leg. (Presumably, it'll be a different chap - and not another Swede).
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

What he said is true.

We get it worse than other teams because in the group stage we have other top sides, so we can't have ref's from England or one of Italy/Germany/spain.

The ref's from countries with lower standards of football are not as good.

Uefa are being inconsistent. They said it was the biggest game of the tournament excluding the final. Surely they should have then put a ref who's done a final before in charge?
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

samharris said:
Heard say that the ref is a muti millionare in Sweden.. why have a ref who is doing the job for fun rather than for a living?? surely he must have a dont give a shit attitude..Most people do a good job cos they know that if they dont they could lose it and their financial security.. This guy has nowt to lose at all except a bit of pride!!

Apart from Collina Ive yet to see a good UEFA ref!!

The fact referees are poorly paid considering the money involved in football I think it's good to see a millionaire referee who is less likely to be tempted to match fix.

Why must he have a don't give a shit attitude? One teacher does their job for cash, the other because it's what they want to do. Who's going to be the better, more-motivated teacher? Same should apply here.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

What is the best way for UEFA to get the results they want??

Put 'yes sir' refs in games they decide need them and bring everyone to heel who questions the decisions...
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Stoned Rose said:
Clever from MP.

He said what fucking needed saying. He said it so it had less chance of happening again in future.

He'll get a slap on the wrist.

So what?

Well done for standing our ground Manuel.

Spot on SR.Had he said nowt people would also have criticised him for not speaking up.I did a thread on this same arse-wipe of a ref.when I got back home.
Worse than that one eyed fooker,Dowd and he was constantly blowing up when the game could have continued.I really do hate European refs who like no contact made between players.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

ForzaMancini said:
samharris said:
Heard say that the ref is a muti millionare in Sweden.. why have a ref who is doing the job for fun rather than for a living?? surely he must have a dont give a shit attitude..Most people do a good job cos they know that if they dont they could lose it and their financial security.. This guy has nowt to lose at all except a bit of pride!!

Apart from Collina Ive yet to see a good UEFA ref!!

The fact referees are poorly paid considering the money involved in football I think it's good to see a millionaire referee who is less likely to be tempted to match fix.

Why must he have a don't give a shit attitude? One teacher does their job for cash, the other because it's what they want to do. Who's going to be the better, more-motivated teacher? Same should apply here.

Are you for fuckn real?? Answer me this..Is UEFA a bent organization??

comparing teaching to reffing a football game is quite frankly well off fella..
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

I don't understand how anyone can think it's clever. I can understand how someone can like he's got up UEFA's noses but landing yourself a touchline ban, as is probable, when we've got Barcelona away isn't what I'd call clever, unless of course you think we've got absolutely no chance of pulling it back I suppose. Do UEFA touchline bans carry over into the following season does anyone know because he could be looking at three to five games which could mean he's missing from as many as four group stage games next season?
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

samharris said:
ForzaMancini said:
samharris said:
Heard say that the ref is a muti millionare in Sweden.. why have a ref who is doing the job for fun rather than for a living?? surely he must have a dont give a shit attitude..Most people do a good job cos they know that if they dont they could lose it and their financial security.. This guy has nowt to lose at all except a bit of pride!!

Apart from Collina Ive yet to see a good UEFA ref!!

The fact referees are poorly paid considering the money involved in football I think it's good to see a millionaire referee who is less likely to be tempted to match fix.

Why must he have a don't give a shit attitude? One teacher does their job for cash, the other because it's what they want to do. Who's going to be the better, more-motivated teacher? Same should apply here.

Are you for fuckn real?? Answer me this..Is UEFA a bent organization??

comparing teaching to reffing a football game is quite frankly well off fella..

It applies to any profession, the person doing it solely for money will be less motivated than the person doing it because they want to do it - it's simple to be honest.

And UEFA may very well be a corrupt organisation but none of us posting on here actually have any proof and the referee in our game would not substantiate any such theory.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

aguero93:20 said:
douglas1977 said:
You can accuse them the trouble is you could never prove it, heat of the moment comments but the ref and linesmen were bent, when alves was booked the ref pointed at about 5 intstances as if they all counted towards that 1 booking ours come from single challenges, the pen wasn't even in the box, if he can't be sure then he can't give it, the foul on navas in the lead up to the penalty decision although weak but inline with all the free kicks given to them and the foul at the end given against dzeko , it's about time that these cheating bastards are outed
Big feeling of deja vu reading this post, did you post something very similar somewhere else?

I think I mentioned something about the bent ref which is still me belief I said it at the time and I'm saying it again one of the biggest games we have ever had and the ref decided he would dictate the flow of the game and ultimately the result, bent or just shit?
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

samharris said:
Heard say that the ref is a muti millionare in Sweden.. why have a ref who is doing the job for fun rather than for a living?? surely he must have a dont give a shit attitude..Most people do a good job cos they know that if they dont they could lose it and their financial security.. This guy has nowt to lose at all except a bit of pride!!

Apart from Collina Ive yet to see a good UEFA ref!!

In England I always thought that refs were better when they weren't professional. I couldn't see someone like Clive Thomas giving a flying fuck what Ferguson or Mourinho thought about his decisions. Nowadays they seem intent not to upset the "big teams" too much in case it's a bad career move.

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