Pep, 2016-17 Ticket Prices etc.

They should increase prices in line with inflation.

At the same time they should offer all Citizens members a £500 bonus for everyone over a specific loyalty bonus points threshold of say 100 points. Each seasoncard purchase should come with a 100 point credit, naturally.

I'm sure this would help maintain a sense of healthy revenue generation whilst rewarding loyal fans for their support (elsewhere in the accounts).
Doubt they will reduce season tickets it will only go up and if it's true we was one of the few clubs who rejected the cap on away tickets, they need to have a rethink. Pure greed.
always amazes me that people accept that the price has to go up, despite going up every year. At what point does the person earning 20k a year decide i am fed up of giving more to someone who already earns in a year what i wont see in 5 lifetimes. The new tv deals are astronomical, what exactly do we need to pay more for. Has Ya Ya really justified his 8-10 million pound salary this season, does he and his ilk really need anymore, where does it end. 10 quid to park your car, burger and chips that will be 8 quid, bottle of pop in a wobbly cup 3 quid, like the new shirt, thats 60 quid plus. Want to prove your loyalty, thats 50 quid extra, but forget about actually getting any perks because we sell the tickets on elsewhere anyhow, join the cup scheme guarentees you tickets for wembley, but sorry you cannot have one for your kid, despite it being impossible for him to do school nights football, all this done under the banner of #together, you couldnt make it up
wow ,i agree prices are to high and lots of things could improve but moaning about car parking and burgers ,dont fucking buy ,also what kind of shitty childhood do children have today when they are not even allowed out during the week ,poor fuckers
It's certainly a dilemma for the club.

They can afford to take the hit, but they are businessmen at the end of the day. We are seemingly still making very little in matchday income, in comparison to some of our main rivals?

The problem becomes when you cheapen a product, as it eventually becomes less desirable?

If the club made tickets a fiver or tenner, across the board, the meltdown would come because we wouldn't all be able to get in, or it would be empty for some games because fans would decide it's only a small hit not to attend.

My boy is coming up for nine this year and I take him on a game-by-game basis. It literally costs me anywhere between £5 and £30 to take him in the same block as my season ticket, and I would love to get him a season ticket, but I already pay out for three and there is only so much goodwill you can play on, until fans decide money is needed for actual life priorities.

What they need to do is set a price cap at £30 for an adult ticket £20 under 21's and seniors and £10 under 16's for ever team in the country.
It would effect all the other big teams a lot more than us as we aren't far away from this On average at the minute (my seat is £650 a season, just under £35 a game) offset that against the more expensive ones and the value season tickets.
Pretty tough decision, but the time has finally come for me personally where I would rather spend the £1000 per year on something other than football. Irrespective of whether I pay £1000 per year on football, football still happens. I can still enjoy it. We still have Pep. We still have Sergio. But if I don't spend money on things like travel, then... travel ain't going to happen is it? That grand can get me pretty much anywhere in the world. It's just more appealing, but everyone has their interests and prioritises those interests how they see fit.
While we are at it, why do we have to pay £30 to be a cityzen, its a joke! That means your first ticket costs you nearly £100 including the membership.

I remember when being a blue member costed £5.

I know the standard of football has changed dramatically but £30, come one!
The problem for City fans is this. With Pep's arrival the people running City will know there will be massive demand for season tickets and matchday tickets. They know if anyone gives their season ticket up, there will be a taker. Liewise, those who decide not to buy a matchday ticket due to another price rise, will also be replaced by a City fan who will because Pep is coming.

So Sheikhv Mansour, Khaldoon, and Soriano have 2 choices.

Either introduce a stadium wide price freeze, or even better, reduce ticket prices.The alternative is another season ticket/ticket price rise for the 6th season running.

With bigger PL and CL prize and TV money starting next season, and bigger sponsorship deals, there are no excuses. Price freezes should be the minimum. Ideally season ticket and matchday ticket price reductions is what the club should looking at and implementing next season.

The best hope for ticket price restraint is an expanded Etihad.

If the North Stand is extended then supply and demand will impose a reality check on the Club!
Anyone see the dortmund protest where the whole wall threw tennis balls on the pitch and the players had to move them. Delayed the game by 20 minutes...
They were only paying something like 20 quid as well imagine their reaction when they have to pay 45 quid against Swansea

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